You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Why didn't you go to the restaurant to wash the dishes today? You are not qualified as a waiter."

Xia Youyou said in a weird voice, making her voice so loud, for fear that the students on the side would not be able to hear it.

"Xia Youyou, what are you thinking about."

Xia Chenling hurriedly stood up, frowned, and walked to Xia Youyou and shouted.

"Sister, what's wrong with you today? Why do you always help outsiders to speak, you don't know if she robs someone else's boyfriend."

Xia Chenling's words seemed to add fuel to the fire, making Xia Youyou even more angry, and she stretched out her finger to point at Gao Qianqian and cursed.

"I've been deceiving Shi Hao. What kind of lady is she, she turns out to be a waiter in a restaurant, what a shameless Sao!"

"Yeah, all the famous brands you wear are fake."

Xia Youyou yelled and cursed, causing the students to look over, but Shi Hao slowly stood in the crowd, as if he was okay.

"It's enough!"

Xia Chenling took Xia Youyou's arm and roared.

Xia Youyou still clenched her gums and looked at Gao Qianqian, her eyes full of provocation.

The surrounding classmates started talking, and pointed to Gao Qianqian.

"Isn't that Gao Qianqian?"

"Yes, I seem to have participated in the student union interview before."

"I heard people say that her family is quite rich, why did she just call her a waiter?"

"Who knows? There are too many hypocritical girls, and then watch the show!"

Gao Qianqian stood up straight, clenched her gums, and stared at Xia Youyou.

"I ask you to apologize to Shi Hao, why are you deceiving his feelings."

Xia Youyou shouted again, but Xia Chenling had been pushed aside by her.

In the crowd, Gao Qianqian looked at Shi Hao and saw that he still had a calm smile, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

When his eyes met, Shi Hao sighed, shook his head again, turned and walked to Xia Youyou's side.

Shi Hao took her hand and said in a gentle voice: "Let's go, leisurely, there is no need to be angry with that kind of person."

"But I'm so angry, I love you!"

Xia Youyou pouted and said coquettishly, while shaking Shi Hao's arm.

"Okay, let's go, listen to me."

Shi Hao smiled slightly, the sun shone on his handsome cheeks, which looked very sunny.


Xia Youyou nodded obediently, Shi Hao in her eyes.

After that, Shi Hao took Xia Youyou and swaggered away as the students watched.

This sudden farce has also come to an end, and the most embarrassing one is Gao Qianqian.

After being scolded, his teeth were clenched and his eyes became red.

When Song Qingqing wanted to go to comfort her, Gao Qianqian just turned around and walked away quickly. When she wanted to chase after her, Qin Puppy caught her.

"Qingqing, don't worry, let her be alone."

Qin Puppy whispered, and pulled her to sit next to the tree.

"Qingqing, your current comfort won't work, but will embarrass her. It's better to let her be alone for a while!"

"Okay... OK."

Song Qingqing nodded and looked worriedly at Gao Qianqian's back.

When Gao Qianqian returned to the dormitory, tears had already covered her entire face, and after a simple wash, she hurriedly left the campus.

Xia Youyou was right and had to go to the hot pot restaurant on duty.There is also a younger brother in the family who is about to take the high school entrance examination, and he will need a lot of money then.


At 11 o'clock in the evening, in a high-end western restaurant.

After the last table of guests left, Gao Qianqian changed her work clothes and dragged her tired body downstairs.

As soon as I walked to the bottom of the building, I saw a familiar figure standing under the street lamp in the street, showing her a smile.

"Qianqian, it turns out you work here."

Shi Hao asked softly.

Gao Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and she was stunned. She didn't expect Shi Hao to come back here.

A few seconds later, Gao Qianqian opened her mouth slightly and said coldly: "Yes, did you disappoint me?"

After speaking, Gao Qianqian strode forward, thinking that Shi Hao would also curse back, but he quickly followed Gao Qianqian's side and looked down at her with a smile.

"What are you doing with me? Find your Miss Xia family!"

Gao Qianqian's eyes became ruddy, and as soon as her voice fell, Shi Hao rushed her into his arms tightly.

"What are you doing holding me? Didn't you break up with me? Go and find your Miss Xia family. Have you already established a relationship with her? It's a seamless connection!" Chinese

Gao Qianqian struggled a few times, her eyes immediately became ruddy again, and her voice choked out.

"Qianqian stop making trouble, I love you the most, you know that, as for Xia Youyou, I was just angry that you cheated on me, so I pretended to be nice to her."

Shi Hao patted Gao Qianqian's trembling back, softly comforting.


Hearing comfort, Gao Qianqian burst into tears and slowly hugged Shi Hao.

"I... I didn't mean to lie to you... It's just... I was too afraid of losing you, so I lied."

Gao Qianqian trembled, choked to explain.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore, I blame me for not knowing you well!"

Shi Hao comforted him softly, and after kissing Gao Qianqian's cheek, he buried her head in his arms.

At this time, the corners of Shi Hao's mouth rose, revealing a strange smile.

After a while, Gao Qianqian gradually stopped crying. After Shi Hao gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, he walked down the street holding hands.

"Shi Hao, you are so kind."

Gao Qianqian clasped Shi Hao's arm with both hands, and then leaned her head on his arm.

Shi Hao smiled faintly and didn't say much. He listened quietly to Gao Qianqian's words. When they walked to a night snack street, they stopped.

"Qianqian, let's go to the ignition pot, I haven't eaten yet tonight."

Shi Hao said with a smile.

"Okay... OK."

Gao Qianqian hesitated a little, and quickly agreed.

Shi Hao told her that he himself did not have the habit of bringing money, so Gao Qianqian would pay for each checkout.

The money for a hot pot meal is enough for one month's living expenses.

This time, Shi Hao still ordered a lot of meals, but Gao Qianqian carefully calculated, for fear that he would not have enough money for the hot pot meal.

When it was time to eat, Gao Qianqian only ate a little bit. After worrying about the lack of food, Shi Hao continued to add food.

Fortunately, Shi Hao did not continue to add meals until he left.

At the checkout, Shi Hao walked ahead, Gao Qianqian's heart warmed up, did he bring money today?I knew I would have eaten too, but now I am starving to death.

In the fantasy, Shi Hao handed the menu to Gao Qianqian, showing a smile: "Qianqian, you can check out the bill, I have no money."

"Okay... OK."

Gao Qianqian took the menu, smiled at Shi Hao, and walked to the dining table to settle the bill.

After checking out, I only had less than 10 yuan left.

After returning to campus, Shi Hao sent Gao Qianqian back to the bottom of the dormitory, and when parting, he took her into his arms.

"Qianqian, there is something I need you to help me."

Shi Hao reached Gao Qianqian's ear and said softly.

"Well, what's the matter."

Gao Qianqian nestled in Shi Hao's arms and raised her head to look at him.

"How much money do you have now, I want to buy a mobile phone, but unfortunately the money is not enough."

" much money do you need? My country will be paid after the celebration. It should be possible to pay me about 1,000 yuan."

"Well, enough."

Shi Hao nodded and watched Gao Qianqian walk into the dormitory, then turned and walked away quickly.

Soon after, the phone in Shi Hao's pocket rang. This was the flip phone Xia Youyou had just given him.

"Hello? Yoyo, what's the matter?"

Shi Hao answered the phone and asked gently.

"Nothing, just... miss you."

On the other end of the phone, Xia Youyou lay on a big bed and said coquettishly.

"Me too, miss you especially!"


Xia Youyou sat up from the bed, her palm touching her hot cheeks.

"Of course it's true, idiot! I just regret it a bit."

"Regret? What do you regret?"

Xia You You hurriedly asked, a heart raised in her throat.

"I regret that I have confirmed my relationship with you so late, and almost lost my baby."

After speaking, the phone fell silent, Xia Youyou held the phone tightly and jumped out of the bed.

After a while, Xia Youyou endured the excitement and said, "Oh, why are you so annoying!"

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