You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the afternoon, Shengzheng University!

After Xia Chenling packed up his textbooks, he simply took a few clothes with him, and hurried to the train station to make an appointment to return to Linzhou with Ding Shanshan.

Su Rong planned to stay in Shengzheng during the holidays, planning to find a job for a work-study program. After discussing with Gao Qianqian, she decided to go to work in a western restaurant with her.

So early in the morning, Su Rong and Gao Qianqian went to the western restaurant.

Zhou Zhe had been informed by Gao Qianqian, and stayed at the dormitory's landline in the morning. After receiving a call from Gao Qianqian, he went straight to the east gate of the school.

"Yeah, Su Rong, Gao Qianqian!"

Seeing the two coming, Zhou Zhe walked over quickly, still holding two glasses of milk in his hand.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Zhou Zhe smiled and passed the milk.

"Eat... I have eaten, thank you."

Su Rong hurriedly waved her hand to refuse, but Gao Qianqian smiled and took the two bottles of milk. After unscrewing and drinking, she smiled and said, "Zhou Zhe, I can't see it. I didn't expect you to be so careful."

"Ah ha ha!"

Zhou Zhe touched his head and smiled, looking very simple and honest.

"Just take it and drink it. They are all classmates. What are you doing like this?"

Gao Qianqian stuffed the milk into Su Rong's arms, then took her to the bus stop, and Zhou Zhe had been by their side.

"Huh? Zhou Zhe, where are you going?"

Su Rong raised her head, looked at Zhou Zhe, who was 1.9 meters tall, and asked with a smile.

"I, hehe, I also go to work in Gao Qianqian's western restaurant."


Su Rong curled her lips and looked at Gao Qianqian again. Seeing that she had been smirking, she pulled herself to speed up.


Xia Chenling took a taxi and hurried to the station. At the agreed place, she saw Ding Shanshan beckoning to herself with a smile.

The journey back from Beijing to Linzhou has to pass a group of green mountains. Xia Chenling sat by the window, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way.

"Lingling, Su Rong won't she go home?"

Ding Shanshan leaned on the seat, shaking her feet back and forth, and asked with a smile.

"Well, no answer, it to go to work."

With that, Xia Chenling's forehead wrinkled slightly. Because of Xia Youyou, the relationship between herself and Gao Qianqian was already

It dropped to freezing point, and the atmosphere in the dormitory became weird. Except for Su Rong and Liu Shina, everyone seemed to avoid themselves deliberately.

"Yeah." Ding Shanshan nodded, and then said: "I heard about her family later. I said it was caused by Gu Qingyuan to go bankrupt?"

After speaking, Ding Shanshan looked at Xia Chenling with a gossiping expression. Of course, all these news were heard from Zhang Shuai.The Normal College and the Physical Education College are very close, so the two often meet.

"Ah? Who did you listen to? Is it... Gu Qingyuan killed him?"

Xia Chenling looked at Ding Shanshan suspiciously. Few people knew about this.

"Zhang Shuai said that it was Gu Qingyuan who deceived others to trade stocks for a little bit of his own personal gain, and in the end caused them to lose their fortune, and he was promoted himself.

Ding Shanshan spoke very fast and finished a big tweet in one breath.

"Zhang Shuai?"

Xia Chenling frowned slightly, then asked back, seeing Ding Shanshan nodding vigorously.

"The Su Rong family's incident was caused by Gu Qingyuan, but it has nothing to do with Gu Qingyuan. At that time, he compensated their family with 10,000 yuan. Later, it seemed that Su Zhengguo's heart was too dark and he lost money..."

Xia Chenling carefully told Ding Shanshan what she had learned, and when she saw her sitting upright, she listened very carefully.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, then Gu Qingyuan still hears enough about him."

Ding Shanshan nodded and said.

Xia Chenling looked out the window, her eyes gradually blurred, Gu Qingyuan, what kind of person is he?In short, it's weird!

"By the way, do you have Gu Qingyuan's contact information?"

Ding Shanshan asked again suddenly, her cheeks turned flush.


After thinking for a while, Xia Chenling slowly said, "One of our classmates was the one who helped us fight with Gu Qingyuan in that alley at the time. They seem to have a good relationship?"

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Ding Shanshan opened her mouth wide, her face looked incredible.

"Yeah, I wonder, how could it be such a coincidence!" Xia Chenling smiled lightly.

"Then... Then, can you do me a favor?" Book Six

Ding Shanshan said like a mosquito.

"Huh? Why are you busy?"

"I... I seem to... kind of like Gu Qingyuan, can you help me."


It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to Linzhou. Originally, Xia Chenling and Xia Luo had agreed. After arriving at the station, Xia Luo came to the train station to pick her up.

Unexpectedly, I received a text message from Xia Luo with the single word "busy". Xia Chenling pouted and could only take a taxi back. The train station was still some distance from her home.

"Uncle Xia won't come to pick you up?"

Seeing Xia Chenling pouting, Ding Shanshan asked with a smile.


Xia Chenling nodded, feeling uneasy in her heart. Recently, Xia Luo has become particularly irritable. Originally, the father and daughter had an appointment and would make a family call every night. Recently, Xia Luo has been forgotten by Xia Chenling. Every time Xia Chenling If you call, you will hung up in a hurry.

Stopped a taxi, and the two drove to their long-lost home.

As soon as Ding Shanshan arrived home, Ding Chuan greeted him with a smile, took the backpack in his daughter's hand, and said with a smile: "Welcome the future people's teacher home!"


Ding Shanshan smiled embarrassedly and said: "It's still early, the school still has a lot of qualifications to take the exam."

"Hey, my daughter, I'm not at ease. I will study in the school steadily and be a teacher at Yemen Linzhou No. 1 Middle School in the future!" Ding Chuan put the backpack on the event, poured Ding Shanshan a cup of cool white open and handed it to her Hands.


Ding Shanshan nodded, took Liang Baikai, and drank gulps.In fact, deep in her heart, she has long been fascinated by the city of Shengzheng, and she wants to stay in Shengzheng, but Ding Shanshan, who never seems to refuse her father's request of her, is a girl who has no opinion.

"Alright, come to the kitchen to serve food, my baby girl is hungry and thin."

Sun Ping walked out of the kitchen, and after unwrapping her scarf, she held Ding Shanshan in her arms with a big smile, "Let her mother take a look, it seems to be tanned."

"Yeah!" Ding Shanshan nodded aggrievedly, "I was sunburnt during military training."

"Oh, poor my daughter. Huh? I said Lao Ding, what are you doing here, don't hurry in and get some food."

Sun Ping still had a smile on her face one second before, and the next second she frowned and yelled at Ding Chuan.

Ding Shanshan's mouth pursed, just because he heard the word "Old Ding"!

When Xia Chenling came home, Liu Yun was the only one at home.

"Mom, I'm back."

As soon as he opened the door, Xia Chenling couldn't wait to scream and threw herself into Liu Yun's arms.

"Well, mom made you your favorite dishes, come over and eat them."

Liu Yun said with a smile, but her voice was feeble, her face was haggard, and she looked as though she was not resting.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, have you cried?"

Xia Chenling looked at Liu Yun's red and swollen eyes and asked worriedly.

", but...maybe you haven't had a good rest recently."

Liu Yun glanced upwards, unnaturally, lying clearly.

"Where is my dad? Are you busy at work?"

"Um... well, he hasn't been busy recently!"

Liu Yun took Xia Chenling's schoolbag, put it on the counter, and said, "Sit down first, and Mom will bring you food." After that, she walked quickly to the kitchen.

There were only two people eating, Liu Yun simply prepared two dishes that Xia Chenling liked to eat, put them on the table, and ate the rice together.

"eat more."

Liu Yun kept adding vegetables to Xia Chenling, but she only ate a few mouthfuls of rice symbolically, and she didn't seem to have any appetite.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Chenling looked at Liu Yun and asked worriedly.

Liu Yun lowered her head, using chopsticks to pick up a little rice and send it to her mouth.

"Mom?" Xia Chenling frowned and called out again.


Liu Yun just recovered, squeezed a smile, and asked, "Lingling, what's wrong?"

"Mom, are you feeling sick?"

"Oh,'s kind of, I didn't rest well last night, don't worry."

Liu Yun touched Xia Chenling's hair, and put some spare ribs into her rice bowl.

After that, Liu Yun didn't greet him, but in Noda's room, it was quiet and depressing!

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