You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The next day, Gu Qingyuan came to the Internet cafe early and stayed by the computer.

Today is the stock trading day. After Gu Qingyuan downloaded the software related to stock trading in advance, he checked the news about the acquisition of Dashan.

But there was still no substantive news. Until noon, Dashan shares still deposited like stagnant water, and no news popped up.

Gu Qingyuan frowned and began to calculate the P/E ratio based on its earnings ratio.

Flocking his brows, writing and drawing on a piece of white paper, Gu Qingyuan's temperament at this time looks very different.

After a while, Li Hu was walking in with two bowls of noodles, and after putting them on the table in a hurry, he couldn't wait to watch the TV series.

Li Hu was sizzling the noodles. After he finished eating, Gu Qingyuan was still writing and drawing on the paper, and the whole bowl of noodles was full.

"If you don't eat it, you can't eat it."

Li Huzheng pushed Gu Qingyuan's arm, and when he saw that he was still ignoring himself, he picked up his bowl and ate it, still muttering: "I have invited you to dinner. Stay away from now on. Scold me for picking up the search."

In the afternoon, Kang Xiaoyong and Mao Doudou also came to the Internet cafe, and together with Li Huzheng, the three of them roared and played.

At this time, the number of people in the Internet cafes gradually increased, and all of them were playing CS, and one yelling louder than one.

Gu Qingyuan was still staring at the screen in a daze, and at this time, he could not hear the noise in the Internet cafe.

With a ding-dong, Dashan shares in the New Third Board finally jumped, which is a new piece of news.

Gu Qingyuan hurriedly clicked on it, and carefully checked the above news.

In just a few seconds, his body trembled slightly, and the hand holding the mouse kept shaking.

Announcement on the delisting of Dashan shares on the NEEQ!

From now on, Dashan shares formally announced its delisting on the New Third Board, and relevant materials have been prepared, submitted to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and approved, and will be relisted on the Shangzheng Index. The listing time, October 15, Monday!

It happened to be a week's time to go public with the next batch of new shares.

The information also details the changes in the company and what investments it has received. This disappears, like a bell to the door of wealth, with extraordinary significance!

Gu Qingyuan moved his trembling hand to read this news a dozen times.

After a while, Gu Qingyuan stopped, took a deep breath, turned off the computer, clenched his fists, buried his head very low, and tried to calm down as much as possible.

In the yelling of Edamame and Li Huzheng, Gu Qingyuan stood up calmly and hurriedly left the Internet cafe.

Not surprisingly, in a week, he will be a multi-millionaire in this street alley!

Dashan shares re-listed in Shangzheng, and the stock price naturally has to be repriced. After the issuance price is set, there will be successive daily limit of new shares.

Gu Qingyuan holds one million yuan in stakes, and how much he can make this time, conservatively estimated, it is also above 10 million yuan!

While walking, a magnificent business blueprint has been presented in his mind.

After a few hours, it was dark outside.

When Kang Xiaoyong and Mao Xiaodou were about to return to school, they discovered that Gu Qingyuan had long since disappeared.

"Strange, why did Qingyuan leave without acting up?"

Kang Xiaoyong frowned and asked, in the past, he was always someone who could leave an Internet cafe by being pulled.

"Yeah, I left without stealing it, and I didn't take the cigarette."

After Li Huzheng said something suspiciously, he naturally touched the Huazi in Gu Qingyuan's seat into his pocket.

"Well, leave him alone, maybe he went to the bathroom, let's go to school, we will be late for evening class."

After urging, Edamame walked outside the Internet cafe.

Upon seeing this, Kang Xiaoyong also hurriedly followed out, and when he walked out of the Internet cafe, he turned his head and glanced at Gu Qingyuan's empty position.

He had a hunch, Gu Qingyuan seemed to have encountered something!

...... Zero One Reading Network

For the next week, Gu Qingyuan did not appear in the streets and alleys. This person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Du Yuchuan was most worried about!

Every day, I was afraid of eating and sleeping well. I went back and forth to find Gu Qingyuan more than a dozen times a day in the Internet cafe where Gu Qingyuan lived.

At noon, Du Yuchuan found Gu Qingyuan, and as soon as he returned to the store, he heard Mrs. Du covering her face and crying.

"Uuuuu... That person must have ran away, what should I do!"

Sister Du whispered while crying, her body convulsing more and more severe.After a while, he sat on the ground and started crying.

"You Du Yuchuan, who has suffered a thousand swordsmanship, you are always treacherous and cunning, and you haven't suffered any losses. Why do you stumble on that brat boy? How can you let our mothers live!"

Sister Du hit the ground and cried.

"My daughter has such excellent grades, you bastard, but you ruined your daughter's future!"

The howling sound quickly attracted the neighbors, as well as the people who came and went.

"Okay, stop howling!"

Du Yuchuan groaned and sat down on the stool, clenching his gums. He still has nothing to do now. If the bastard Gu Qingyuan really ran away, he would be over this time.

Can only...

While thinking about it, Du Yuchuan squatted down next to Mrs. Du and whispered: "Otherwise, you can take your daughter and run away tonight. Just go back to your hometown and bring all the money from the family!"

"But... what do you do?"

Sister Du suddenly grabbed Du Yuchuan's arm and her face was sad. Then she naturally knew who Yang Daming was. This time, her old man might be more fortunate!

"At this juncture, don't dare you. Gu Qingyuan is probably running away. That little turtle grandson, I will never let him go as a ghost!"

Du Yuchuan cursed in a low voice with a fierce look in his eyes.Clenching his fists, wishing to tear Gu Qingyuan into pieces!

"You go into the house and pack your things."

Du Yuchuan pushed Sister Du up from the ground, Sister Du also calmed down, and got in through the curtain of the door.

"Old Du, a pack of cigarettes!"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded outside.

Du Yuchuan looked over and found that Li Hu was looking at himself with a smile.He picked up a packet of red plum and smashed it towards him.


Li Hu was catching the cigarette, screaming with a smile, and leaning on the smoke cabinet again, and asked: "Isn't there any news about Old Gu? Where did the kid go?"

"Fuck me, don't mention that bastard dog stuff to me!"

Du Yuchuan yelled, spitting stars on Li Huzheng's face.

"Old Du, you fucking..."

"Get out of here, I'm not in the mood to answer you!"

Du Yuchuan interrupted Li Huzheng, frowning and cursing.

Li Huzheng curled his lips and turned away without speaking.I only have 5 yuan left in my pocket, how should I live!

At this time, in a driving school in Shengzheng, Gu Qingyuan walked out with his new driver's license.

In 1999, I paid a little for this stuff, and I could do it very quickly, not to mention my own car skills.

After applying for his driver's license, Gu Qingyuan took a taxi to the largest shopping mall in Shengzheng, and went straight to a mobile phone shop.

I bought a phone from Big Brother arrogantly. Although the clerk enthusiastically recommended a lot of popular mobile phones to him, they were all rejected by Gu Qingyuan. Nothing else, just feelings!

After that, it was a point of high-end luxury clothing brands. Gu Qingyuan bought a lot of bags!

At dusk, Gu Qingyuan took a taxi and returned to a high-end hotel.

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