You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The next day, Monday, Gu Qingyuan had left the streets and alleys for a full week.

Early in the morning, Gu Qingyuan was in a luxury Internet cafe in the city. After downloading the software for stock trading in advance, he was preparing for the sale of new shares.

At the same time, Du Yuchuan did not close his eyes all night. Some entertainment venues in the streets and alleys, as well as the surrounding Internet cafes, ran all over, but did not find Gu Qingyuan.

When it was less than 8 o'clock in the morning, Du Yuchuan took a taxi to Shengzheng University and looked for Kang Xiaoyong to see. What if he knew the whereabouts of Gu Qingyuan?

With the last glimmer of hope, Du Yuchuan came to the campus of Shengzheng University, looking for Finance (1).

After running most of the campus, Du Yuchuan finally found the Finance (1) class under the guidance of his classmates, but the empty classroom made Du Yuchuan feel very irritable.

Rubbing his hair with both hands, Du Yuchuan squatted by the door of the classroom. Not long after, he made a very low cry.

Just like Su Zhengguo at the time, the beginning of a middle-aged man’s collapse is often because his family is affected.

This also attracted the attention of the classmates who came and went, thinking it was the parent of which classmate.

After another quarter of an hour, some students finally opened the classroom door of Finance Class (1), and the moment the classroom door opened, Du Yuchuan stood up like an electric shock.

"Is Kang Xiaoyong in this classroom?"

Du Yuchuan said loudly to the girl who opened the door, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very hideous.


Song Qingqing stepped back two steps, nodded lightly, glanced at Du Yuchuan secretly, turned and walked into the classroom.

Du Yuchuan stood up straight and looked towards the stairs. A few minutes later, he finally saw Kang Xiaoyong's figure.

Three steps in two steps, Du Yuchuan walked quickly, holding Kang Xiaoyong's arms tightly with both hands.


"Du...Uncle Du?"

Kang Xiaoyong's eyes widened and looked at Du Yuchuan in surprise, how he made this look, his face was covered with blood, and he looked very haggard.

"Fa...did something happen?"

Kang Xiaoyong asked with a trembling voice.

"Have you seen Gu Qingyuan these two days?"

Du Yuchuan roared, and Xia Chenling and Su Rong happened to pass through the corridor arm in arm. Gu Qingyuan could hear the three words clearly.

", Uncle Du, I haven't seen him since he left the Internet cafe a week ago."

Kang Xiaoyong shook his head and said.

"It's over."

Hearing these words, Du Yuchuan slumped down, and actually sat directly on the ground. After slapped his thighs, he cried, "It's all over!"

"What the hell happened."

Kang Xiaoyong also squatted down and tried to pull Du Yuchuan up, but found that he couldn't pull it up.

"He's a bastard, he lied to half a million and ran away, and now the person who wants the account has found my head!"

Du Yuchuan collapsed completely, patting the floor and crying very loudly, making the students all ran out to watch the excitement.

And Xia Chenling and Su Rong also showed incredible faces. Did Gu Qingyuan... tricked half a million away?

What is the concept of 500,000? For those students who have not yet entered the society and whose monthly living expenses are only 500, this is an astronomical figure.


Kang Xiaoyong looked at Du Yuchuan in disbelief, "Five hundred thousand?"


Mao Doudou pulled the corner of Kang Xiaoyong's clothes, leaned into his ear and whispered: "You can drag Uncle Du to a place where no one is there. The instructor will be here for a while, the influence is not good."

"it is good."

Kang Xiaoyong nodded, bent down, and put Du Yuchuan's arm on him, slowly raising him, while Mao Doudou helped his waist behind him.Bayi Chinese Website

The three of them walked down the stairs, and the classmates at the door of the classroom could clearly hear Du Yuchuan's cry.

In the classroom, Xia Chenling and Su Rong sat together, discussing this matter in a low voice.

"Five hundred thousand, this Gu Qingyuan is too courageous."

Su Rong whispered, looking at Xia Chenling with a surprised expression on her face.

"Yes, if what the person just said is true, then Gu Qingyuan would be too courageous. The consequences would be very serious."

Xia Chenling nodded thoughtfully and said quietly.

"Serious consequences?"

Su Rong asked.


Xia Chenling nodded lightly and whispered: "Fraud of 500,000 Hua Xia coins is a sentence of more than ten years, Gu Qingyuan, he is brainer!"

"So serious!"

Su Rong nodded, and the previous good impression of Gu Qingyuan disappeared instantly. For such a person, what else would he dare not do?It's too dangerous.

In the woods inside the school.

Kang Xiaoyong sweated profusely and put Du Yuchuan under the tree, holding on to the trunk again, wearing rough mouth, and wiping sweat with his sleeves.

"Uncle Du, Gu Qingyuan, what's the matter, please tell us in detail, let's find a way together."

Edamame crouched beside Du Yuchuan and handed over a handkerchief, but he did not reach out to pick it up, still wailing loudly.

After a while, Du Yuchuan finally calmed down, and then choked up to talk about the whole thing.



Edamame stood up suddenly, hands on hips, and said angrily: "What right do they have to arrest Du and Honghong? It's too lawless!"

"There is also Gu Qingyuan, it's really not a thing, no wonder the Internet cafe sneaked away that day, it turned out to be premeditated!"

Mao Doudou screamed, but Kang Xiaoyong leaned against the tree trunk without saying a word. He still didn't believe that Gu Qingyuan would do such a thing.

Edamame kept yelling and cursing Gu Qingyuan, and after a while, Du Yuchuan slowly stood up supporting the trunk.

And Edamame finally closed his mouth and looked worriedly at the weak Du Yuchuan.

"Since you don't know where Gu Qingyuan is, I'll look for it elsewhere!"

As he said, Du Yuchuan took his steps and left slowly. Kang Xiaoyong looked at his back, and for a moment, he felt that he was much older.


When the time came to 9:30, the new shares went online on time, but Gu Qingyuan was smoking a cigarette, not in a hurry to search for Dashan shares in the software.

As for the price at which it will relist, Gu Qingyuan also has a rough estimate based on the price-earnings ratio, the size of the domestic market and the investment ratio.

But he didn't want to rush to click on it. In the noisy internet cafes around him, he was out of tune with him. At this time, his heart was still in water!

This moment is of extraordinary significance to Gu Qingyuan, like an adventurer who has gone through all the hardships, holding the key of the treasure chest in his hand, and the treasure chest full of wealth is right in front of him.

Just like the ultimate treasure of One Piece, Luffy stood by its side, only a flick of a finger, the wealth was revealed before his eyes.

Gu Qingyuan wanted to feel this moment more!

"Let’s go to the A game, the enemy has already set up."

A young man sitting next to Gu Qingyuan yelled loudly, and several college textbooks were placed in front of the computer desk.

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, and a grand business blueprint came out in his mind.

After that, I did not hesitate anymore, clicked the mouse, searched for Dashan shares, and the issue price was 3 yuan, which was ten times higher than the price on the New Third Board!

Gu Qingyuan's securities account shows that the amount is as much as 10 million!

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