You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the afternoon, when Dashan shares opened for trading, Gu Qingyuan was still watching the trading volume attentively. He didn't realize it was the opening until the above figures changed.

And the bowl of noodles on the table has never been eaten.

In just five minutes, the number of transactions in Dashan shares reached one page, and most of them were small purchases. Undoubtedly, they were retail purchases.

Gu Qingyuan cooperated with the technical curve drawn by MADD, Dashan shares has opened up the upward channel. If a professional trader is allowed to make arrangements, now is the best time to buy!

But for Gu Qingyuan, the profit point of this check has already reached expectations, and there is no need to continue taking risks.

Within half an hour, Dashan shares rose to eight points from a new point, Gu Qingyuan directly placed the order, and the 2 million shares were directly listed.

After the stock price fell two points, the 2 million shares were all sold.At this time, there are only 3 million shares left in the securities account.

Divide him into two groups of shipments, each with 1.5 million. After all the equal batches were sold out, Dashan has been trading sideways at five points. These two shipments did not cause the stock price of Dashan to fall.

At the moment, there are 11 million in Gu Qingyuan's securities account!

Afterwards, Gu Qingyuan chose to withdraw the money, but with the T+1 model, it will not be fully credited until tomorrow. Similarly, it will not be possible until tomorrow to upgrade to the advanced level of the proficient level.

Gu Qingyuan didn't rush to leave, and continued to watch the handicap. When there were five minutes left before the trading suspension, Dashan shares actually reached the daily limit very strongly.

"It seems that some villagers are also waiting for me to sell."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly. According to his calculations, Dashan shares will continue to rise sharply, but they have nothing to do with him!

After turning off the computer, Gu Qingyuan turned and left. Tomorrow, it's time to buy a car!


Time to go back to this morning, in an upscale community with elevators.

Bai Qiuling also stayed by the computer early. The unexpected listing of Dashan shares reminded her of what Gu Qingyuan had said at the time.

"You go buy it, you will buy it when Dashan shares are listed again!"

At that time, I thought that Gu Qingyuan was playing tricks on himself, but he did not expect that Dashan shares would actually be listed again.

The day before, Dashan shares did not give a chance to buy, and a large number of buy orders were pressed at the limit.

This morning, at a quarter past nine, Bai Qiuling placed an order with the daily limit price.

Bai Qiuling absorbed a large part of the shares that Gu Qingyuan sold as soon as the market opened.

Bai Qiuling bought a full 500,000 yuan.

In the following day, Bai Qiuling's mood was like a roller coaster, watching Dashan shares go from daily limit to decline, and then from decline to daily limit!

In the end, after seeing the price at the daily limit pressing more and more buying orders, he showed an extremely bright smile!

"This Gu Qingyuan is really a god!"

Bai Qiuling murmured!

at night!

Gu Qingyuan was leaning against the bed in a high-end hotel, tapping the head of the bed lightly with his fingers, his eyes gradually blurred.

He was planning, a business plan, presented in his mind.

In Shengzheng University, in Kang Xiaoyong's male dormitory, several people gathered together with excitement.

Because Jinxin bought a computer!

"Let me play, let me play!"

After Jin Xin pulled the net, Qin Puppy and the others struggled to play, but Kang Xiaoyong, who had been focusing on reading the book, was not affected at all.

"Puppy, what are you doing, let you punch, what kick are you!" Zhou Zhe leaned into Qin Puppy's ear and said in a loud voice.

"Zhou Zhe, your voice is low, my ears are almost deaf."

Qin Puppy looked at Zhou Zhe helplessly, and within three seconds, the character he was playing was already lying on the ground, and the words "KO" appeared on the screen.

"Don't play anymore, I'll show you something interesting." Zhou Zhe should have been turned to play, Jin Xin sat down on the chair and turned off the game.

"Fuck, Jin Xin, let me play, what are you doing!"

"Don't worry, I don't play games, I will show you something interesting." With that said, Jinxin expertly opened the forum of Shengzheng University and clicked to search for a message.

"Promoted to the ranking of school flowers!"

Qin Puppy got a new interest, and he leaned over to the computer, "There is also this stuff, this is good."

Jin Xin clicked to open the "Huaqing School Flower Ranking" a picture of a beautiful woman came into view, with her detailed introduction below.

"Hey, this is pretty detailed."

The top of the ranking of the school flowers, the third year of computer science, Shen Xiaoduo!

The girl in the picture wears black eye frames. The tall nose and small cherry mouth look great together. The palm-sized cheeks appear to be extraordinarily large with black frame glasses.

There is also a line of comment at the bottom. If you are lucky enough to see Shen Xiaoduo's face after taking off his glasses, you will know what a great country is, you will also understand the state of mind of ancient kings who wanted beauties and don’t want Jiangshan, and you will also understand Zhou Youwang’s behavior Amused praise Si smiled and beacon of the princes.

"Did this Shen Xiaoduo say so evil?" Zhou Zhe curled his lips. "Just looking at the photos, it is not as good as my Su Rong."

"Then scroll down." Qin Puppy pushed Jin Xin's shoulder and urged. At the same time, he glanced at Kang Xiaoyong, who had been reading, and said, "Xiaoyong, I'm still reading, come and look at this school ranking list."

"Oh, OK."

Kang Xiaoyong nodded, not too uncomfortable. After closing the textbook, he leaned in too.

"Look at who is second?"

Qin Puppy Monkey anxiously urged that if his partner Song Qingqing were here, he would definitely be like a gentleman, and said decently: "I am not interested in these. In my heart, my wife is the most beautiful."

Unfortunately, that quiet girl is not here.

Jin Xin clicked on the next page, and the picture of the girl in front of her was like a refined picture.

The school flower ranked second, Ye Peipei, a sophomore from the Department of Art.His mother is a dance teacher at Shengzheng University, and his father is a Chinese painting teacher at Shengzheng University.

The bottom text note: When you see Ye Peipei, you will know why water is used to describe a woman, especially when she dances, her graceful figure makes you want to stop.

"Fuck, why do I think this author is so sassy." Zhou Zhe stared at Ye Peipei's picture and said with a smile.

"No, well written, I like this author." Qin Xiaoxiao said with a smile, his eyes never leaving the picture of Ye Peipei.

Jin Xin stared at Ye Peipei's picture, swallowed, and then clicked the next page.

The third picture turned out to be a familiar picture!

Xia Youyou, a freshman, singing is a strong point, occasionally practicing yoga, is better at piano, it is said to be piano 8.

"I don't think Xia Chenling is as good-looking as her without her!" Qin Piao said with a curl of his lips. He hated the arrogant Xia You You very much.

None of them said anything, after all, Xia Youyou and Gao Qianqian had a holiday, and they were all on Gao Qianqian's side.

Jinxin clicked on the next page.

"Xia Chenling!" several people said in unison.

In the photo, Xia Chenling is reading a book in the library. The delicate facial features are like carved out. She doesn't lose to anyone just by talking about the facial features.

Pulling to the bottom, seeing Xia Chenling's background made several people stunned.

"Xia Chenling's father is a high-ranking official in Linzhou City, China? Really or not." Jin Xin stared at the bottom text, wiped his eyes in disbelief, wondering if he had read it wrong.

The corner of Qin Puppy's mouth raised, without uttering a word, he gave Kang Xiaoyong a meaningful look.


Jin Xin patted the table in annoyance, regretting it.Wouldn't it be better if she chased Xia Chenling directly? I didn't expect her family background to be so powerful. Now Liu Shina is cold and indifferent to herself, not knowing if there is any drama.

In annoyance, Jin Xin clicked on the next page.

"Liu Shina!" several people shouted in unison.

In the picture, a pair of white and slender legs made Jin Xin's halazi flow out, and I didn't regret it much. Having these legs is worth everything.

The bottom note is the 175 model body. If you see Liu Shina's shorts, the other legs are not called legs, like the perfect leg shape drawn by a cartoonist.

"Let me go, this author is really awesome, and he is quite accurate." Qin Puppy praised.

"It's really awesome."

Jin Xin stared at those legs with a smile, and couldn't bear to click the next page.

"Jin Xin, what are you and Liu Shina doing?" Zhou Zhe looked at Jin Xin with a smile and asked.

"Of course it's getting better!" Jin Xin said with a smile, his eyes fixed on those legs.

"Okay, okay, don't read it, let's go to the next page." Qin Puppy pushed Jin Xin's shoulder and urged.

Jinxin drags the mouse to the bottom and clicks the next page.

Shown as none, only the top five in the ranking!

"Oh, it's a pity, the ranking is only the top five, I think Zhou Zhe's Su Rong girl can also be on the list."

Qin Puppy pulled Jin Xin away and sat down on the chair, looking through the photos of the school flower rankings.

"Haha, I think so." Zhou Zhe also leaned at the computer, unwilling to leave.

Jin Xin curled his lips, took out the phone, and called Liu Shina.

"Hello?" Liu Shina's voice sounded like she was lazy.

"Sina, what are you doing?" Jin Xin asked gently.

"Ready to sleep, is there anything?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just want to call you."

"It's okay I'll hang up first, I'm a little sleepy."

Before Jin Xin could speak, there was a "beep beep..." voice over the phone.

Jin Xin sat down on the edge of the bed dejectedly, and suddenly felt exhausted physically and mentally, and felt tired chasing Liu Shina.

In the middle of the night, Qin Puppy and Zhou Zhe got up sneakily, and reviewed the ranking of school flowers again.

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