You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Du Yuchuan's shop.

Li Huzheng moved the stool and sat next to Du Yuchuan. He had been paralyzed on the recliner all day, and he didn't even bother to greet him for business.

"Lao Du, you have to eat, you have not eaten all day, this man is iron rice or steel, he is hungry if he doesn't eat! No matter what, you have to eat, right?"

Li Huzheng tried his best to persuade him. After seeing Du Yuchuan not even looking at himself, he sighed and "reluctantly" ate Du Yuchuan's noodles.

After all, the noodles were too much to eat, and Kang Xiaoyong kindly sent it over.

Li Hu was hissing the noodles, which made Du Yuchuan's heart even more irritable. Now his wife and girl are still with Yang Daming. Seeing the repayment deadline is approaching, what should I do!

"Old Du, get me a pack of cigarettes!"

At this time, Lao Zhang from the next-door grocery store came over and took out two dollars and put them on the smoke cabinet.

"Old Zhang, wait a minute."

Li Hu was putting the bowl of noodles on the table, stood up and began to greet him. He had gotten used to it these past two days.

Putting the two yuan of Huaxia coins into his ass pocket, Li Huzheng turned and walked into the inner room, took a pack of red plums and handed it to Lao Zhang.

"Come here often."

Li Huzheng smiled, waved, and ate the noodle bowl again.


Suddenly, Du Yuchuan let out a long sigh, rolled over on the recliner, and lay on his side, tears from the corners of his eyes dripping down his cheeks.

In the past few days, his emotions have reached the border of collapse, and even the slightest change will make him completely collapse.

This small shop can sell for 100,000 yuan, and relatives and friends can borrow up to 100,000 yuan, which is far from enough for repayment.


Li Huzheng hissed again, and he heard clearly in the quiet environment.

Du Yuchuan jumped up from the rocking chair, grabbed the noodles in Li Huzheng's hands, and smashed his teeth to the ground. The noodles in the soup fell everywhere!

"Eat! You give it to Lao Tzu!"

Du Yuchuan yelled hysterically, his face flushed with suffocation, the blue veins on his neck violently, clenched his fists!

"Come on! Let me continue to eat!"

Du Yuchuan's spit star sprayed Li Huzheng's face, but he did not dare to wipe it. This was the first time Li Huzheng saw Du Yuchuan's crazy appearance.

"Du... Brother Du, sit down and calm down!"

Li Hu was swallowing and spitting, and whispered softly.

"My mother-in-law and daughter don't have enough food every day, so you sizzle here, sizzle!"

Du Yuchuan's eyes widened with anger, and his anger was like a flood of rushing gates, out of control.


Li Huzheng couldn't help taking two steps back, and the idea of ​​running away came up.

"If you don't ask for anything every day, you will know how to eat, eat you B's food!"

Du Yuchuan continued to growl, and the pedestrians on the street stopped and looked at them.

The old Zhang next door leaned out on his counter, with an expression that was not too big to see the excitement, and laughed constantly.

He heard about Du Yuchuan's family affairs. If he wanted to sell his own small shop, he would find a way to take over.


Du Yuchuan took a bottle of wine and slammed it to the ground, and glass shards splashed all over the floor.


Suddenly, Du Yuchuan clenched his fists and shouted.

"Uncle Du!"

Li Hu was panicking and stepped forward and hugged Du Yuchuan tightly, worried that he was doing something extraordinary.

People in the streets and alleys are dressed casually and cheaply. When Gu Qingyuan wore a straight suit and used his elder brother Jetta on the phone, he attracted the attention of passers-by.

A long way away, I heard Du Yuchuan's roar, and for the sake of a group of people watching the show, Gu Qingyuan quickened his pace and walked over quickly.

"Old man Du? What happened?"

Gu Qingyuan was smoking a cigarette and frowning, looking at Du Yuchuan scornfully!

Du Yuchuan didn't react at once. He calculated in his heart that Gu Qingyuan would have escaped a long time ago. After all, the friendship was not too deep, and he would never have thought that he would appear in front of him so swagger.

The two looked at each other, and Du Yuchuan was shocked for several seconds before reacting.

"Wang Ba Lao Zi!" Huaheng Academy

Du Yuchuan roared, stepped on a chair and jumped out of the smoke cabinet, fell from the sky and appeared beside Gu Qingyuan.

"I fought with you!"

Du Yuchuan fell into Gu Qingyuan's arms and hugged him tightly for fear that he would run away.

"Why are you so excited?"

Gu Qingyuan took a look at the store and found that the curtain was dark. According to the past, Du Honghong should be doing homework inside.

Frowning his brows, Gu Qingyuan noticed some clues.

"Where are my sister-in-law and Honghong?" Gu Qingyuan asked again.

"You still have the face to ask Lao Tzu!"

Du Yuchuan grabbed Gu Qingyuan by the neckline and roared, completely releasing the depressed emotions in his heart, completely ignoring the neighborhood and neighbors watching the excitement.


Du Yuchuan yelled: "You ran, Yang Daming asked me for money, my wife and daughter were arrested in Zhaojiacun, you say! What should I do now!"

"Get caught?"

Gu Qingyuan's plain cheeks finally showed a trace of panic, looked at Du Yuchuan apologetically, and said with a guilty conscience: "Isn't the time for the repayment of the loan, the surname Yang is here to ask for it?"

"Do you still have a B-face to ask? You suddenly ran away, and they didn't come to arrest me. You are a fool."

"I blamed my negligence on this matter."

Gu Qingyuan frowned, and then urged in a low voice: "Close the door, let's go!"

Gu Qingyuan didn't dare to waste time. Dusao and others stayed in Yangjiacun for a second, and there was a momentary risk. The main reason was that Yang Daming's gang were all mindless things, in case they did something impulsive. so what should I do now?

"What is going on inside, get out!"

Seeing Li Huzheng standing there stupidly, Gu Qingyuan cursed angrily, and at this time he also became anxious.


Li Hu nodded, and got out of the small door. He was quite helpless. Who did I provoke?

Gu Qingyuan leaped high, grabbed the iron gate, pulled it hard, and then hurriedly locked the door lock, not even the light in the house was turned off.

"Let's go, go to Yangjiacun!"

Gu Qingyuan urged and strode forward, while Du Yuchuan hurried forward behind him, clutching his arm tightly.

Li Huzheng didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly followed behind them. He had long thought about what Yang Daming would be, and what kind of green onion he would bully Du old stuff like this!

After a while, the three people walked out of the street alley and stopped at a Mercedes-Benz G.

"Quickly go, what's your time?"

Du Yuchuan frowned and urged, looking at Gu Qingyuan dissatisfiedly, while still clutching him tightly, for fear of this kid playing tricks again.

As long as he is sent to Yang Daming, he will definitely be exchanged for his wife and children!

"Where is my key?"

Gu Qingyuan was dangling his cigarette, looking for pockets with both hands.

"What key? You bastard, don't think of any crooked ideas!"

Du Yuchuan roared.

"Old Gu!"

Li Hu was yelling, and looked at Gu Qingyuan hesitantly. He wanted to speak for Du Yuchuan. Du Yuchuan was really pitiful during this period of time.

"found it!"

Gu Qingyuan sighed, took out the car key from the inner pocket of his suit, and lightly pressed it, and the Mercedes-Benz G lights up and flickered.

Pulling the door, Gu Qingyuan took a step into the driver's seat!

Du Yuchuan: "?"

Li Huzheng: "?"

The two stood there stupidly, did Gu Qingyuan drive a tank?

"Stop the ink, get in the car soon!"

Gu Qingyuan leaned out and urged at the two!


Du Yuchuan pulled the car door and sat down in the passenger seat. At this time, he finally settled down. Could it be that Gu Qingyuan really made money?

After Li Hu got into the car with his hands and feet awkwardly, Gu Qingyuan stepped on the accelerator, and the car disappeared into the night like an electric shock.

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