You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Yeah, isn't it, then which stock are you buying?"

He Chaoran became interested and turned to chat with the middle-aged man.

"Beijing Chemical Industry!"

The middle-aged man said arrogantly, his expression very proud.

"Oh? What kind of plate, what price is it now, do you have a chance to get on the bus?"

With that, He Chaoran stood up and walked to the middle-aged man's seat, watching him operate the stock.

"That's it, look at it. This rising channel, the support of the lower lead, this ticket doubling in the later stage is a high probability event."

He Chaoran leaned forward, resting his chin with one hand, and after a long time pretending to look at it, he curled his lips and said, "It really is a good stock."

"Brother, this check, do I still have a chance to get on the bus?" He Chaoran asked again.

"I see, it's hanging out!" The middle-aged man was smug, knocked on the computer screen, and said: "You didn't see the great good news just now. The bull market is already here, so it's not easy to get in the car. ."

Hearing this, He Chaoran patted his thigh angrily, then turned his head and glared at Gu Qingyuan who was playing the game, and a grievance came up.

"You, you can buy at the limit price as soon as you look at the market, maybe you can get in the car." The middle-aged man said earnestly again.

"it is good!"

He Chaoran nodded heavily and returned to his machine. The market was about to open in less than ten minutes.

Aside from anything else, I opened Beiye Chemical and was about to log in to the account of the old man of the He family, when I heard Gu Qingyuan's scolding.

"If you want to buy, buy it with your own account, don't move this account!"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and said something, his tone was cold and could not be refuted!

He Chaoran was stunned, and after thinking for a while, he agreed with Gu Qingyuan's point of view and logged into his securities account on the computer.

After all, Old Man He’s account was handed over to Gu Qingyuan during this period. If he makes a random hype, whoever has a problem later, I’m talking about the contract spirit.


At the time of the opening, the market was so vigorous as expected, indicating the rapid growth of the red column buying volume, and the situation is very good.

Some leading stocks in popular sectors even have a strong daily limit as soon as the market opens, which undoubtedly gives retail investors great buying confidence.

At this time, Beiye Chemical has risen to eight points. According to the middle-aged uncle, He Chaoran bought it with a daily limit price. It took less than a few seconds to buy all the funds of 500,000.

He Chaoran sighed, and finally got on the bus. If the stock goes up, not according to Gu Qingyuan's words, it can also recover some losses.

He Chaoran turned his head to look at the middle-aged uncle, who happened to turn his head to look over, the two smiled at each other, and they had successfully boarded the car.

"Start online banking transfer, continue to transfer 10 million."

Gu Qingyuan whispered something and continued to play the game. This voice could only be heard by He Chaoran.


He Chaoran screamed, looked at Gu Qingyuan, did not open the online banking, and complained: "You just keep playing, don't look at the stocks."

"There's nothing to look at. If it's fast, it will plunge this morning."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, without looking back at He Chaoran. At this time, he was holding a sniper, guarding the bag point.

"Ha ha!"

Before He Chaoran could retort, the middle-aged man behind him sneered, stood up and walked over.

"This little brother, it's not good for you to talk like that. Where do you see that this stock will fall sharply?"


Gu Qingyuan sighed, only feeling that the person behind him was also annoying, and said casually: "I guessed it." 1234 novel


Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man got even more vigorous, helped his glasses, and continued talking:

"Hehe, it's such a nonsense, you can guess what is really gold and silver, this little chubby friend, thanks to me, you just bought it in a heavy warehouse, otherwise you will regret it now."

"Hey, really."

He Chaoran responded.

Of course, although Gu Qingyuan was wearing headphones, the middle-aged man could hear what he said, and this time he heard "guess" and showed a faint smile.

The saddest behavior of retail investors is that they rely on guessing when they buy stocks, and still refuse to admit that they are guessing.

You have to say that you only bought it after studying it, studying?Do you understand stocks?It's just my own wishful thinking!

After that, the middle-aged man sat on the edge of He Chaoran's chair, and the two talked about their experience in stock trading, but He Chaoran had not yet transferred the funds, which inevitably made Gu Qingyuan upset.

Another hour passed, the two people sat together and read the book "K-Line Teaching", bowed their heads, extremely seriously.

Gu Qingyuan glanced at the screen in front of He Chaoran. At the bottom right corner of the transaction volume, there was a neat sell order, very regular, one after another, and the amount was huge.

With a relaxed expression, Gu Qingyuan sighed and whispered: "It's good luck, but I can't wait to sell it this morning."

Gu Qingyuan tilted his head and looked at the increasing number of sold shares. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. This was in line with expectations. However, the dealer is not stupid, and what a bull market is still pretending at this time. what.

The downward pressure was huge, and the purchasing power of retail investors could not be resisted, so in less than half an hour, the market index staged a long inverted V.

From the market’s high-opening and high-traveling, to the time when it fell to greenishness, it was only one morning. When the market was closed in the morning, 50% of the stocks were close to the limit.

"Then what, fat man, how much did you buy Beiye Chemical?"

Gu Qingyuan unplugged the earphones, stretched out and asked.

"Hehe, why, you want to buy it, it's too late!"

The middle-aged man didn't lift his head, and said something sarcastically, still watching the stock market books intently.

"Five hundred thousand, what's wrong?"

He Chaoran looked at Gu Qingyuan and said something complaining.

"It's okay, it's the limit!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The middle-aged man raised his head: "Fuck!"

After yelling, the middle-aged man stood up all of a sudden, his eyes were bigger than copper bells, and he looked at the handicap of Beiye Chemical that had fallen to a limit in an incredible way.

"Is it really a limit?"

He Chaoran exclaimed unbelievably.

"Okay, take a bite to eat, you need to do it this afternoon."

Gu Qingyuan stood up and said something while lighting a cigarette.

"Huh? Fatty!"

Seeing Fatty He stared at the screen, Gu Qingyuan shouted again.


Only then did He Chaoran react. He packed up his things and stood up. The "K Line Teaching" on the table was not taken!

"Don't take the book?" Gu Qingyuan asked.

"It's useful."

He Chaoran smiled and said something, pushing Gu Qingyuan's shoulder and strode out of the Internet cafe, gently pinching his shoulder, his movements became ambiguous.

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