You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the hospital!

Tie Jun, Kang Xiaoyong, Xia Chenling, and Gao Qianqian walked in from the hospital, Mao Anfu got up from the chair, and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Tie teacher, how much has your school donated?"

Mao Anfu asked in a daze. The man's tears were bloodshot and his face was haggard. It was obvious that he had not slept all night.

"That..." Tie Jun helped his glasses and looked embarrassed: "The current donation from teachers and students is 50,000... million yuan."

"fifty thousand?"

When Mao Anfu heard this number, he almost cried again, backed up several steps, and Kang Xiaoyong stepped forward to reluctantly hold him.

"Tie teacher, I kneel down for you."

Suddenly, the frowning man knelt down with a puff, spread his hands, and bowed to Tiejun.

"Oh, don't worry, what are you doing."

The Iron Army hurried forward and knelt down, holding the Iron Army in both hands, so that he could no longer kowtow.

"I...I didn't do it!"

As he said, Mao Anfuwa burst into tears, his body convulsed violently, and he cried choked up:

"I... when I came up, I took... took all the savings at home, it was only five thousand yuan, I... ahem..."

"I think Doudou is alive, please help me!"

When a man collapses, there is often nowhere to go, so it is even more distressing!


in the afternoon!Streets alleys, in Kang Xiaoyong's small restaurant!

Du Yuchuan, who has recently made a fortune, is exceptionally arrogant. He took Li Huzheng to eat and knew that he would add a meat dish.

They ordered three or four dishes at noon, and took a bottle of wine from the store. After a delicious meal, they were just about to leave, and they saw Kang Xiaoyong, who had been meeting for a long time, frowning and worried. He walked back with a heavy look.

"Xiaoyong, I'm back alone, where's Doudou?"

Li Huzheng asked with a smile, Kang Xiaoyong just nodded and plunged into the restaurant.

"what's going on?"

Li Hu was turning his head and looking into the hotel.

"Fool, do you still have to ask? It must be an awkward relationship between lovers."

Du Yuchuan touched his beard and said, quite a little bit of a small citizen who wants to see the excitement.

"Then shall we go now?" Li Huzheng asked again.

"Where to go, stay and see what's going on, I've never seen that kid look like that."

"Okay!" Li Huzheng smiled and nodded, touching a pack of cigarettes from Du Yuchuan and smoking.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Are you crazy!"

After Kang Ma's roar, an iron basin flew out of the hotel, almost hitting Li Huzheng's round head first.


Li Hu was shrinking and exclaimed.

"Get out of here. I don't have you, a prodigal son, who has worked so hard to raise you so much. The whole family is not as important as a female classmate who has just known each other for a while!

Kang Ma roared, her voice was even better than the soprano.Pulling Kang Xiaoyong to the door of the restaurant, he pushed hard and pushed him a few steps away.

"Yeah, what's wrong."

Du Yuchuan hurriedly stood up, walked to Kang Ma, and wanted to play the image of a good person.

"Oh, brother Du, my life is hard!"

Seeing the complaining object, Kang Ma burst into tears and burst into tears, holding on to Du Yuchuan's shoulder, slowly narrating the whole thing.

"I need so much money."

Du Yuchuan exclaimed. He glanced at Kang Xiaoyong with a strange look, and said to his heart that this kid is so mindless that he is going to sell the restaurant to see a doctor for edamame, not to mention whether you two will be successful in the future. This bastard makes your parents drink Northwest Wind in the future!The latest novel

Du Yuchuan patted Kang's mother on the back and waist, no wonder she was so angry that she was her own son, so she couldn't kill him.

As I thought about it, Du Yuchuan's eyes were blurred. He was of the same age. Gu Qingyuan's kid was really good. He was a multimillionaire at a young age. Will he still have it in the future?

It seems that my daughter has to work hard, and it may become a good story in the streets and alleys in the future.

"Ten thousand! Up to ten thousand!"

Kang Ma also slowly stopped crying, and stretched out a finger.

"Now there is only so much cash at home. If you want it, you can take your bank card and get it yourself. I also feel sorry for that girl, how well she can't survive."

Kang Ma started crying again, the point is that all her nose was wiped on Du Yuchuan's fake name tag.

"Xiaoyong, you have something wrong with this. You have to consider it for your parents."

Li Huzheng also said that it is not the same thing to stand still without speaking.

Neighbors in the street all looked at Kang Xiaoyong. After seeing him swallowing hard, he turned and ran forward in strides, disappearing from people's sight.

"This little bastard."

Kang Ma wailed, and finally was helped by Du Yuchuan and walked back to the small restaurant.


Shengzheng University, Xia Chenling's dormitory.

Because of Edamame, the dormitory was lifeless all day, and everyone worried about her.

After lunch, Xia Chenling walked to the corner of the stairs with her mobile phone and dialed Xia Luo's number.

"Hello? Dad."

"Hmm. What's wrong?"

Xia Luo asked, it was not difficult to hear that the man's voice was full of exhaustion, as if a weak patient was moaning.

"Dad, are you all right."

Xia Chenling asked again, holding hands tightly. Since the National Day, Xia Luo's mental condition has been getting worse and worse. It must be a difficult task at work.

So during this period of time, Xia Chenling didn't bother Xia Luo, even if he really missed him, after calling, he was cautious.

"It's okay, what's the matter with you."

Xia Luo said, with a hint of irritability in her voice.

"Yes... it's like this..."

Xia Chenling couldn't help becoming nervous, and anxiously told Xia Luo what had happened to Doudou.

"So?" Xia Luo asked rhetorically.

"So I want to help her. She slept on my upper bunk. The relationship between the two of us is also very good. Her current situation is very dangerous. I think..."

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, Xia Luo roared loudly, interrupting Xia Chenling.

"Why are you like your mother! You are a foolish guy, help this, help that, treat me as almighty!"


Xia Luo was lost, holding the phone in both hands, and continued to growl:

"Either arrange for Zhang Shuai's school, or fuck her cousin's work, or a drag oil bottle!"

"And you! Just go to your school, what can you do? Ask you? What can you do!"

"I tell you, it doesn't matter!"

After ranting this sentence, Xia Luo pressed the key hard and hung up the phone.


There was a beeping sound on the phone, and Xia Chenling held the phone and did not let it go, tears already wet his face.

What's wrong with Dad? This is the first time I saw him like this.

Xia Chenling knelt down, holding her head like a child, and burst into tears.

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