You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The restaurant of Shengzheng University has a total of four floors. Compared with some restaurants of other colleges and universities in Shengzheng City, the restaurants here can be described as luxurious.

There are four floors in the restaurant. The first and second floors are some common stalls. It is also the place where most students choose to eat. The quantity is cheaper.

The third floor is similar to those specialty restaurants in the mall. There are a total of five specialty restaurants. Sichuan cuisine is the most popular among students. This floor is also a place where faculty and staff or classmates often come to eat on their birthdays.

The fourth floor is a large buffet and a western restaurant. Needless to say, the price of a western restaurant is more expensive, but it seems that couples who are upright will eat here once.

The buffet is relatively more expensive than the buffet outside the school, but there is absolutely no problem with the dishes.

When Gu Qingyuan and the others came to the restaurant, the first and second floors were already full of students. The dining table in the middle was only scattered with a few places. There was no big empty table at all for a few of them. Sit together.

"You go to occupy the table, I'll go buy food."

Xia Chenling turned around, looked at Gu Qingyuan and said.

This kind of crowded eating scene was the first time that Gu Qingyuan saw him. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Is there only a place to eat on the first and second floors? I saw some classmates walking upstairs."

"That...upstairs is a bit expensive."

Kang Xiaoyong leaned over and said in a low voice.

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, saying that this Nizi was too stingy. Her family is so rich, so please ask for these.

After hesitating for a while, Xia Chenling pursed her mouth and said in a low voice, "Gu Qingyuan, you should go to occupy the table, and Su Rong and I will go shopping."

After speaking, she took Su Rong to the stall.

Liu Shina shouted: "I want a bowl of rice noodles!"

The table in front of Gu Qingyuan was a six-person table. After leaving three of the students, only one girl was left eating there.Gu Qingyuan sat down without even thinking about it.

Liu Shina looked at him, smiled faintly, and actually sat opposite Gu Qingyuan. In her opinion, Gu Qingyuan was more mature and stable than boys of this age, and also had a sense of mystery.

Xia Chenling stood next to a stall, holding a meal card in a pink leather suit tightly in his hand, inside... there were only more than fifty dollars left.

At home, I haven’t paid Xia Chenling for living expenses for a month, and she didn’t ask for it. Xia Chenling knew that Xia Luo must have encountered a lot of resistance at work, so she didn’t want to add to him. trouble.

If nothing else, the phone will be down tomorrow, and she also has the idea of ​​going to a western restaurant to work with Su Rong.

As for Xia Youyou, the situation is even worse than Xia Chenling's. She, who lives a lavish life on weekdays, actually costs less than a cent with her father Xia Zheng, and often loses her temper at her.

It's a coincidence!

When Gu Qingyuan raised his head, he unexpectedly found that Xia Youyou was sitting on the opposite table. Shi Hao was not there, sitting with a few female classmates in her acting department.

At this time, Xia Youyou also raised her head, and the two of them stared at each other like this.

"You... why are you here?"

Xia Youyou asked unexpectedly.

Gu Qingyuan glanced at her and didn't bother to talk nonsense with her. He was tired of this woman to the extreme.

If it wasn't for Lao Tzu's obsession with beauty and your sister, would you dare to look at me like that now?Just slap you twice to let you feel the warmth of the world, Gu Qingyuan said with this heart.

Xia You You also leaned her body, not looking at him, and ate with her head down.

"You know him."

After taking a look at Gu Qingyuan, the girl on the side asked with a smile.

"Why do I know him?" Xishi Literature

Xia Youyou said with a smug face, the noodles in the bowl of noodles became a ball and couldn't swallow it.

After coming here for a while, Xia Chenling and Su Rong walked over with a turntable, with several dishes on it.

Upon seeing this, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly got up and helped Xia Chenling get the meal tray in his hand.

"It's okay, I just hold it myself."

Xia Chenling smiled, and let Gu Qingyuan take it over, and gently squeezed her fist. Liu Shina's bowl of rice noodles was just hot to her thumb.

I have been holding it hot before bringing it over.

In addition to Liu Shina's rice noodles, I ordered four bowls of rice and four dishes, which is also rich.

Several people sat down to eat, but Xia Chenling did not sit by Gu Qingyuan's side, but instead sat by Liu Shina's side.

Gu Qingyuan turned his head and looked over. Kang Xiaoyong was sitting next to him looking at him with a bright smile, and for the first time he had the idea of ​​hitting this stuff.

While eating, a boring voice sounded.

"Lingling, why are you eating here, and you are still with this person."

Xia Youyou shouted, her finger still pointing to Gu Qingyuan.


Xia Chenling screamed in surprise. She didn't expect that she was here. In the impression, she had never been to a restaurant for dinner.

"Can you be quiet."

Xia Chenling frowned and said something, and didn't want to pay attention to the younger sister. After saying a word of dissatisfaction, she lowered her head and continued to eat.

"Lingling, no, why did you eat with him? You forgot to be on the train. What did he do to us?"

Xia Youyou yelled again, completely ignoring what environment she was in, because of her loud noise, all the classmates who were eating came over.

Xia Chenling frowned, walked quickly to Xia Youyou's side, and took her arm.

In this way, the two sisters are quite similar.

"Can you grow up, you forgot to be in the alley, who saved us?"

Xia Chenling frowned and said in a low voice, but Gu Qingyuan heard these words clearly.

"Xia Youyou! I don't care why you are so emotional. I hope you can grow up and pay more attention to the influence. Do you now know how your classmates talk about you?"

"I..." Xia Youyou wanted to refute, but didn't know what to say to refute. She was arrogant, and the name of bullying the female student in the dormitory had been hung on her head.

"Well, you can eat quietly. Gu Qingyuan is my classmate. It's normal for me to eat with him, and I suspect that the previous thing was your fault!"

"Lingling, do you say that for an outsider?"

Xia Youyou retorted loudly.

"You look like you, I really can't communicate with you. I just hope you can be quiet and don't disturb me and classmates eating."

After speaking, Xia Chenling walked back to her seat, lowered her head and ate, her cheeks flushed, and she was very angry at this time.

With a "pop", after Xia Youyou patted the table vigorously, he glared at Gu Qingyuan and strode out of the restaurant.

Gu Qingyuan lighted a cigarette, took a big mouthful, and said to his heart...This is really a mindless thing.

In the quarrel just now, a girl recognized Gu Qingyuan and walked towards him slowly.

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