You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Until Gu Qingyuan's back disappeared into sight, the few people turned their heads and stared at each other in a daze.

With the exception of Guo Yueyue, all of them showed incredible expressions, especially Liu Shina, frowned, and gave Xia Chenling a thoughtful look.

No one would have imagined that at that time, Gu Qingyuan would donate 100,000 yuan at once. Where did he come from so much money, let alone that this boy with a scornful appearance would be so kind.

"Um... I'm sorry to disturb you, is that Gu Qingyuan also going to school here? Which department and class is he in?"

Guo Yueyue looked at a few people and asked with a polite smile.

"He doesn't go to school here."

Kang Xiaoyong replied with a smile.

"Not going to school here?" Guo Yueyue was a little disappointed, and then asked again: "Then do you have his contact information?"


Kang Xiaoyong nodded, and said Gu Qingyuan's phone number skillfully, and Liu Shina, who was on the side, also kept that number firmly in her heart.

"um. Thank you."

After Guo Yueyue remembered, she nodded to thank Kang Xiaoyong, "Then I won't bother you to eat, I'll go now."

After speaking, after Guo Yueyue left, the few people had no thoughts to go to dinner, and the three girls looked at Kang Xiaoyong in unison.

"Um...what are you looking at me?"

Kang Xiaoyong rubbed his hair and smiled awkwardly.

"How do you feel that Gu Qingyuan has so many secrets, Xiaoyong, when did you meet him? Do you know a lot about him?"

Xia Chenling also rarely gossiped, looked at Kang Xiaoyong, and asked curiously.

"Actually...I haven't known Qingyuan for too long...just a few months."

Kang Xiaoyong spoke slowly.

"What?" Liu Shina exclaimed, "In such a short time, he paid hundreds of thousands of medical expenses for Edamame?"


Kang Xiaoyong nodded affirmatively and continued:

"Qingyuan, this person, feels very special to me, and his way of thinking about things is also unique. I think he is particularly attractive. I was bullied at the time..."

Kang Xiaoyong started Gu Qingyuan's flattery model. If Gu Qingyuan heard it, he would definitely add a chicken leg to Kang Xiaoyong who was spitting wildly.

"Is he... such a person?"

Xia Chenling murmured, thinking of the boy's care for Hao Ji. That's the real classmate friendship.

And cousin Zhang Shuai and the others would only use Hao Ji to get rid of him. No matter where he is regarded as a real classmate, including myself, even though he is a classmate, I don’t want to get close to him. I think being with Hao Ji is very Shame.

"Do you know Hao Ji?"

Kang Xiaoyong continued. If you give him a few peanuts, Kang Xiaoyong can definitely talk about it all afternoon.

"I remember this thing very clearly. Qingyuan was very interesting and thoughtful for his friends. At that time, a few friends laughed at Hao Ji for being stupid, but Qingyuan was very angry and told us solemnly not to let anyone call him stupid. !"

Hearing these words, Xia Chenling deeply blamed himself. Although he was the monitor of the class, he had not really considered the disadvantaged students in the class. Even after Zhang Shuai beat Haoji, he did not blame himself at all.

Anyway, I didn't fight it myself.

Listening to Kang Xiaoyong talking, Liu Shina was even more interested in Gu Qingyuan. She took out her mobile phone and quickly wrote down his number so as not to forget it for a while.

"Then where did he... earn so much money?"

Su Rong asked curiously.

"It's stocks!"

Kang Xiaoyong immediately replied without thinking.


Su Rong lowered her head lightly and found that Xia Chenling was also looking at herself, and the two girls looked at each other and then lowered their heads at the same time.

Now think about asking for money with Gu Qingyuan, what he did is too unnatural.Why should people take risks and get their own benefits?Jin Yong Chinese

The most excessive thing is that, obviously the stocks have made a profit, they still hold other people's money and pretend to be nonchalant, not mentioning the money.

"Qingyuan is also very courageous. It seems that he had borrowed a lot of money before, and then went to operate some stocks, and then made a lot of money at once."

Kang Xiaoyong continued to say enthusiastically.

"How much did you earn?"

Liu Shina asked subconsciously, if Gu Qingyuan was here, she would definitely not ask this impolite sentence.

"This...I still don't say it."

Kang Xiaoyong smiled, feeling that this privacy cannot be said.

"Well, I'm sorry, I also asked casually, no other meaning."

Liu Shina smiled faintly, her expression relaxed, as if the sentence she asked before was a careless act by herself.


"Fatty? What's wrong?"

On campus, Gu Qingyuan asked as he walked.

"What's the matter? You grandson, don't treat me as your own!"

He Chaoran's hysterical shout came over the phone.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Gu Qingyuan hurriedly asked, frowning, her expression stern, and she was very different from herself who had eaten with Xia Chenling before!

"When are you fucking going to pretend?"

He Chaoran asked dissatisfiedly.

"what happened?"

"You haven't read the new news coming out of Shengzheng City? A public school will be built in the Yuliu Lane less than 500 meters away, and there are other constructions. It will become a school district building!

"So fast?"

Gu Qingyuan was also a little surprised, but said in a flat tone, as if he had known this matter in advance, and his emotions were not too much.

In this case, in the last life, Yu Liuxiang let Wu Qianhua pick up the leak after the second pass, so there was no news?Could it be that Wu Qianhua suppressed the news of the school district room in the previous life?

In this case, his energy is too great.At this time, the news was released because Yu Liuxiang had already belonged, and there was no need to suppress it.

Thinking of this, a drop of cold sweat came down from Gu Qingyuan's forehead.

"Hello? Old Gu, are you listening!"

He Chaoran yelled again, pulling back Gu Qingyuan's thoughts.


"How do you know that it will become a school district room, you kid, do you know if you make a profit?"

He Chaoran shouted loudly, with the tone of losing hundreds of millions.


Gu Qingyuan coughed softly, and spoke slowly and rhythmically.

"I admit that I have a gambling element to buy this piece of land in Yuliu Lane, but I want to take a gamble. I didn't expect that the bet was made. I was lucky.

"Good luck? Gamble? I don't believe me, do you know how much money you made this time?"

"How many?"

"A conservative estimate of two hundred million! I lost one hundred million in vain!"

"Two billion, two billion!" Gu Qingyuan sang with a smile.

"You! Your grandson! Come to me, Inspur Nightclub!"

He Chaoran hung up the phone after an angry curse.

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