Thanks for the invitation! The college entrance examination failed, has become the richest man

Chapter 167: A business of hundreds of millions in a few seconds

You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Qingyuan, this is the first time I met, this is a gift from my brother."

When Gu Qingyuan had a drink, Shen Shiyao took out a beautiful card and placed it beside Gu Qingyuan. Before he could speak, he continued to introduce the hotel:

"Wu Ji Western Restaurant is a membership system, and non-members can't come in to eat, so it's not something you can eat with money."

"Membership levels are also divided into three types, ordinary members, VIP members, and honorable members, Qingyuan. You are an honorable member with this card. For example, only honorable members can order this plate of beef that we are eating now. And, with this card for your brother, you only need to show the card to eat here without payment."

This gift is very valuable.

Gu Qingyuan tapped on the card twice, and his thoughts were turning rapidly.

This handwriting must be Zhang Yushu's intention. The reason for doing this is obviously to buy the land in Yuliu Lane.

Before, Gu Qingyuan had told He Chaoran to release the news in his circle that he wanted to sell the land in Yu Liuxiang.

And with the construction of schools and the like, that fast land will naturally become a new treasure with unlimited potential!Therefore, after the news of the land sale spread, it attracted the attention of many real estate companies.

Among them is He Chaoqun. Of course, Gu Qingyuan has clearly rejected him.

To acquire the QICQ of Xiao Ma, and the subsequent development, a large amount of capital investment is required in the early stage, so why not accept Zhang Yushu's favor.What's more, the influence of the Zhang family in Shengzheng is much greater than some of the families he has contacted!

Moreover, even if Zhang Yushu does not invest, Gu Qingyuan still needs to find other investors. If he wastes more time, the acquisition of OICQ will increase some risks.

Dropping the bag for security is the most suitable way!

"Then I will accept the kindness of Brother Shen." When Gu Qingyuan took the card, he looked at Zhang Yushu and smiled.

Zhang Yushu was also in a good mood. He raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "Come on, this glass will be dried together."

Several people raised their glasses at the same time, and after lightly clinking the glasses, they all took another sip. Then, it was time to talk about Yu Liuxiang.

"Brother Gu, that piece of Yu Liu Lane, I heard that you are going to shoot?"

After putting down the wine glass, Zhang Yushu asked faintly, with a relaxed expression as if to mention casually.

"Yes, Brother Zhang is interested?"

Gu Qingyuan faintly asked, straightforwardly.

"Yes." Zhang Yushu nodded with a smile.

"Two hundred fifty million!"

Gu Qingyuan directly offered the price. The price is not too high. The Yuliu Lane site has estimated that if the development community is on sale, the total price can reach 500 million.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan's asking price has already given Zhang Yushu a lot of face. Calculating the cost, it is not a big problem to control the profit at 100 million.

"it is good!"

Zhang Yushu nodded.

"The deal!"

Gu Qingyuan stretched out his hand!


Zhang Yushu stretched out his hand and held it together.

The three people beside him stared at the two people like copper bells. A project of several hundred million yuan, just like this, just a few words about it?

Are these two too childish?No... It's too free and easy.

"Then we sign the contract tomorrow morning?"

Gu Qingyuan asked again.

"No problem, that's right, I will make money this afternoon, and I will pay you tomorrow."

"Good! Cheers!"

"Come on, do it!"

As He Chaoran, Lin Nan, and Shen Shiyao stared in amazement, the two talked about cooperation, in just a few words, less than a minute!


Half an hour later, a black Mercedes Benz drove towards the Inspur Hotel.

"I really don't know what to say about you. I knew you were selling so cheaply, so I might as well sell it to me." Unlimited Novel Network

He Chaoran sat in the co-pilot and said angrily.

"Can you buy it?" Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, "It's not cheaper yet, He Chaoqun."

"Then you are too hasty, you let me operate this matter, it shouldn't be a big problem to earn tens of millions more."

"If you buy the matter, you don't need to mention it again."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, in his opinion, time is much more important than money, what era is now, but 99 years!

The Internet has not yet taken off!

At this time, China’s understanding of the Internet is still a black hole, and they can only groping forward. They don’t know how much wealth it contains!


He Chaoran stretched his voice and sighed: "I really don't know what to say about you, anyway, you didn't do this beautifully."

"Don't talk nonsense, you can just wait to collect the money tomorrow, and you will be paid back at that time."

He Chaoran couldn't help but grinned when he heard 50 million. This money is too simple.

Twenty minutes later, when I arrived at the Inspur Hotel, it was another feasting life.

Gu Qingyuan sat boredly at a deck, drinking the foreign wine He Fatty specially prepared for him. The days of this kind of alcohol company seemed like a lifetime.

For a moment, Gu Qingyuan felt a little bored again, lying on the soft sofa, eyes gradually blurred.

In his mind, there was Zhang Qingchun's beautiful face, and his smiles attracted Gu Qingyuan.




Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound behind Gu Qingyuan, interrupting his thoughts.

Turning his head and looking over, he saw several young figures lying on the ground, being stepped on by a group of gangsters.


"It's fighting!"

"Ah, where did my phone go?"

In an instant, the night became messy, and the security guards rushed over and surrounded the fighting. No matter who was right or wrong, the loss of the hotel needed these people to compensate.

"Stop it to Lao Tzu!"

He Chaoran strode over angrily, and saw a man still stepping on a young man, picking up a wine bottle, and smashing it directly on the head of the bully.

This made these gangsters stop.

He Chaoran's face was pale, and he still held a broken half wine bottle in his hand, his appearance was terrifying.

"Fuck, hahaha." Gu Qingyuan laughed in a low voice. He didn't expect this fat man to have such a tough side.

"He Shao, my own!"

One of them took a cigarette, smiled and walked towards He Chaoran, holding the cigarette in both hands, and handing it to He Chaoran.

He Chaoran just glanced at the bully, and then stopped looking at him, someone he didn't know at all.

"Take everyone who fights to the office on the second floor."

He Chaoran said with a black face, and the surrounding security guards immediately went forward, pinched the stamina of these people, and walked behind the nightclub.

"You let him go, we are right, they are all beating people!"

A female voice shouted in horror. Gu Qingyuan couldn't see her face because the lights in the nightclub were too dim.

"Go away!"

He Chaoran didn't have the idea of ​​pitying Xiangxiyu, and pushed the girl forward.

"Take them all to the back office."

He Chaoran yelled again, and along with crying, these people were crushed behind the nightclub.

Occasionally, Gu Qingyuan heard a female voice crying out a familiar name, Shi Yong!

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