You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt at all, really...thank you, Gu Qingyuan."

Mao Doudou held the clothes on Gu Qingyuan's chest and said in a choked voice. Originally, she still wanted to control her emotions, but after hearing such gentle greetings from Gu Qingyuan, she could no longer control her emotions. .

"Without you... Without you, it's over, really...really..."

"That, Dandan, don't you say that."

Gu Qingyuan patted Mao Doudou on the shoulder and interrupted her. This scene of crying and weeping is really unbearable.

"The person who should be most grateful is Xiaoyong. He even turned his face against his family for you, and humbled himself in front of his friends. He paid much more than you can see."

Listening to Gu Qingyuan's comforting words, Edamame couldn't help but look at the young boy bathing in the sun. Yes, that thin face is his biggest backer.

"Okay, don't think too much about it now. Taking good care of it is what you should do the most. We can eat together when we have time. The money is also a matter for me and Xiaoyong. Don't put pressure on yourself."

Gu Qingyuan continued to comfort him, but at the same time he got goose bumps. There were more classmates onlookers at this time, and so much gaze made him very uncomfortable.


Edamame nodded obediently, and his twitching body was much smaller.

"That one..."

Gu Qingyuan lowered his voice and leaned to Mao Doudou's ear:

"Mao Dandan, can you and your friends in the dormitory go back first, Xia Chenling and I have something to say, we must take Kang Xiaoyong's goods away."


Edamame finally stopped crying, looking at him suspiciously, with a dry mouth and a trace of resentment.

"What dandan, my name is Doudou."

With that said, Edamame rolled his eyes.

"Huh? Haha, don't care about these little details."

Gu Qingyuan laughed dryly and winked at Mao Doudou again, which meant that she should go quickly and not be a light bulb.

Xia Chenling was very close to the two of them. Although the two of them spoke very lowly, they were still able to listen. The girl's delicate face slightly frowned.

After rolling his eyes, Mao Doudou took Song Qingqing and the others to the campus, leaving Xia Chenling in place.

A suspicious blush climbed on Xia Chenling's face. He bit his lower lip lightly, lowered his head and meditated for a few seconds, before deciding to pretend that he didn't hear the two of them, and walked forward.

Just taking a step forward, Xia Chenling's arm was tightly grasped, and he felt the man's temperature.

"Qing Yuan!"

Kang Xiaoyong walked forward with a grin. He didn't see him for too long and didn't want to let him go easily. He didn't expect to be dragged by the oncoming Edamame to the school.

"Doudou, what are you doing?" Kang Xiaoyong showed a dazed expression.

"Stop being a light bulb!"

Edamame murmured and strode forward.Next to him was Song Qingqing. He heard these words clearly, and his mouth opened into an "O" shape. After returning to the dormitory, he would start gossiping again.

Kang Xiaoyong is even more dazed. Although Gu Qingyuan and Xia Chenling are classmates, they have a normal relationship. When did they get together and hold their hands together?

And Liu Shina, who walked in the forefront, took a long step, and slowly separated some distance from these people, her face was gloomy, and she whispered in a harsh tone: "I don't know how to raise a dog man!"

" let go."

Xia Chenling whispered while shaking his hands.

"Oh, sorry."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, without feeling any apology from him.

"Why is your mobile phone owed, I can't contact you." Mengsheng Novel

"Anyway, I don't make many calls, I just don't use it, and I pay the monthly rent in vain. It's a waste."

Xia Chenling said lightly, keeping her head down, not daring to look at Gu Qingyuan's hot eyes.

"Is there something going on in your house?"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and asked, looking at her petite face greedily.

Hearing this, Xia Chenling's heart couldn't help but tighten, and she couldn't help but raised her head and glanced at Gu Qingyuan, there was a crack on the most vulnerable wall in her heart.

"Home... It's okay at home, why do you suddenly ask?"

Xia Chenling calmed down and asked pretentiously.

"Oh, I guessed randomly too, depending on your preoccupied look."

Gu Qingyuan said flatly.

"It's okay, just because I took care of Doudou and didn't get much rest, so I was more tired."

"Then go out together? Relax."


Xia Chenling raised his head and looked at Gu Qingyuan with embarrassment. He became nervous. Isn't this Gu Qingyuan trying to chase me?However, this is too sudden.

Moreover, he was only a classmate and friend relationship with him, and he didn't think about it at all.Besides, isn't he and Xia Luo still having a holiday?Does it have other intentions to approach yourself?

Xia Chenling was thinking wildly in her heart.With Gu Qingyuan's eyes facing each other, but the man's smile looked very warm.

"Let's go."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something again, and took Xia Chenling's arm and walked across the road.

Xia Chenling: "???"

I haven't promised him yet, wait... Why is he holding my arm again.

Only then did Xia Chenling remember to pull out his arm, and looked at the man with a bit of dissatisfaction, full of resentment.

He is still so annoying, how can he grab someone's arm casually.Xia Chen Lingxin said that he couldn't bear Gu Qingyuan's point very much, just like a local ruffian.

When he walked to the Mercedes-Benz, Gu Qingyuan helped Xia Chenling open the passenger seat, and the pedals on the car slowly descended automatically.

"Get in the car."

Gu Qingyuan let go of her slender arm this time and said softly.

After hesitating for a while, Xia Chenling still got in the car. If he really has ideas in that regard, it would be better to make it clear to him in advance.

When she got in the car, Gu Qingyuan gently helped her close the car door again, and hurriedly walked to the driver's seat, pulled the car door, and jumped up.

Gu Qingyuan stepped on the accelerator, and as the students watched, the car made a loud engine noise and departed like a dash.

And not far away, a man stood on the side, his face gloomy and terrible.


It was at dusk, the sky seemed to be drunk, with red cheeks.

Xia Chenling sat in the passenger seat, opened half of the window, and the breeze blew her blue silk, and her irritable mood was really relaxed.

Gu Qingyuan drove straight to the beach. After the car stopped, the two walked towards the beach.

Xia Chenling leaped forward, enjoying the warmth of the sunset and the cool sea breeze.

This is the first time she has come to the beach since she came to go to school.Originally, Uncle Xia Zheng had agreed to take her to the beach to play, but he and Xia Luo had become the same, very busy every day, and he was exhausted.

Gu Qingyuan walked behind, the corners of his mouth raised, his eyes gradually blurred as he looked at Xia Chenling's figure.

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