You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Gu Qingyuan was also tapping the keyboard quickly at this time, switching between the three accounts back and forth, sweat dripping down his forehead into his eyes, and there was no time to wipe it.

Different from others, Gu Qingyuan is operating in the opposite direction. Some stock traders in Internet cafes are panic selling stocks, while he is buying in large quantities at the limit price.

Gu Qingyuan has been waiting for this chance of falling at this time, but he didn't expect it to come so impatiently. According to previous calculations, this frantic fall should be the day after tomorrow, the node on Wednesday.

In this case, the daily limit may be stretched at any time, and Gu Qingyuan dare not ask for it.

For these fifteen stocks, Gu Qingyuan had already calculated the number of purchases in advance according to the amount, all of which were crazy buying orders at the price limit. The crackling of the keyboard was like playing a gorgeous piece of music.


In Zhang's villa.

Zhang Yushu had just eaten lunch with the old man of the Zhang family, and then helped the old man sit on the wooden rocking chair, basking in the sun.

The sun shines on the old man's cheeks, looking very kind.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

At this time, the old man's phone rang.

"Who called?"

Old man Zhang closed his eyes and asked slowly.

"It's Manager Liu, the person in charge of Xico Securities."

Zhang Yushu bent down and said in a low voice, and saw the wound on the old man's neck again. It was the wound left by the old man when he fought for China in his youth.

"Yushu, can you pick it up?"

Elder Zhang still closed his eyes and said.

"it is good!"

Zhang Yushu nodded, quickly picked up the phone, and at the same time turned on the hands-free so that the old man could hear the conversation.

"What's the matter with Manager Liu?" Zhang Yushu asked in a deep voice.

"Oh, it's Yushu, it's a stock issue. I have to tell you quickly. It plummeted when the market opened in the afternoon, and it was already the limit of 1,000 shares. This will cause panic selling by retail investors. The situation is not clear in the later period!"

"Then Manager Liu, what do you mean..." Zhang Yushu frowned, and an expression of displeasure flashed past. Some time ago, he vowed to say that it was a bull market, but now he changed his mind?

"That's the case. I have already notified other customers that they are selling. I have sent people from our side to your Zhang's house. Once they are allowed to operate, we will also sell."

Manager Liu over there said eagerly.

"it is good."

Zhang Yushu said fiercely, paused, then gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Liu has earned no less handling fees in our account. For an investment of several hundred million yuan, if we don’t earn a cent, we will still lose money today. Not a lot."

After speaking, Zhang Yushu hung up without waiting for Manager Liu to say anything.

"You are still too young!"

At this time, the old man Zhang opened his eyes and said slowly:

"As for investment, there is no way for Xiao Liu to make a profit. Of course, his original intention is to hope that we can all make money. Everyone is happy. You are unhappy now, and will you find him to invest in the stock market? ?"

Zhang Yushu frowned, after thinking for a moment, he said, "I think it's better not to invest in the stock market. With so much money, now you can make a lot of money by buying any land."

"Don’t put this egg in a basket. You taught me how to become so impatient now. Although the stock market is unclear, we have to try the water. We can’t watch other big families doing it. But just sit and wait for death."

"Okay, I see, Grandpa is right."

Zhang Yushu nodded and said seriously.

"Okay, go and sell all the stocks with the trader in a while, I hope you grow up quickly, you are in business, your brother is from the army of China, and I hope you two can become mutual dependence."

"Okay, I know Grandpa!"

"go quickly!"

......txt novel

In less than 20 minutes, 750 million yuan of funds have been purchased, and they are all purchased at the lower limit price.

Gu Qingyuan slumped on his chair like a pile of mud, with a high concentration of mental power, which was often more tiring than hard labor.

When Gu Qingyuan bought all the stocks, the two traders finally rushed to the Zhang's Villa sweating profusely.

"Why are you here until now, the market has almost opened for an hour."

Zhang Yushu said with an unhappy expression.

"Hug... sorry, Zhang Shao, we didn't expect a panic plunge in the afternoon, so it's late, let's do it now."

A trader panted and said.

"come quickly."

Zhang Yushu frowned and said, took the two to the study, and sat behind them again, watching them quickly tap the keyboard.

Ten minutes later.

"Fortunately, there are so many orders at the lower limit price. I didn't expect to sell it right after it was listed. Now I really dare to buy without fear of death."

The trader Xiao Li said, after finishing speaking, he looked back at Zhang Yushu and wanted to take credit.

And this Xiao Li's words seemed to remind Zhang Yushu, his eyes brightened.

"Yes, Zhang's luck is very prosperous. If others can't sell it, we can sell it."

Trader Xiao Zhang also said something politely.

"All sold out?"

Zhang Yushu, who had been silent, suddenly asked.

"Yes, it's all sold out." Xiao Li replied first, "and looking at the situation today, tomorrow it will definitely be low and low."

"Hurry up and help me log in to another account."

Zhang Yushu stood up suddenly and said very eagerly.

"Are there other accounts to sell?"

Xiao Li asked, according to what Zhang Yushu said, he quickly logged in to another account.


Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang exclaimed at the same time, with their mouths open, looking at the account in amazement.

"Shao Zhang, whose account is this? The large sum of 500 million was bought today, and I still bought 15 stocks. It's crazy."

Xiao Li was surprised.

"Yeah, this is estimated to be a loss. The stocks are all T+0. They can only be sold tomorrow if they are bought today. It must not be said that the person operating this account must be a lunatic."

Xiao Zhang curled his lips and said.

Zhang Yushu frowned and thought quickly.

There is no doubt that these stocks were purchased by Gu Qingyuan, because the account password is only known to him and Gu Qingyuan, but the question is, in this case, why did Gu Qingyuan take the risk?

Can't he wait to buy when the situation becomes clear?

"and many more..."

Zhang Yushu had a bold thought in his mind, "Why don't I buy all these funds into the stocks that Gu Qingyuan allocated?"

No, I heard him say that the purchase amount of each share of these stocks must be proportionate. What if something goes wrong on my side?

And the most important thing is that if Grandpa knew that I took the risk and bought it categorically, he would definitely call me reckless.

"It seems, let's forget it."

Zhang Yushu shook his head, and denied the crazy plan in his heart.

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