You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this time, the game was very fierce. After Gu Qingyuan's game character died in the battle, he immediately shouted: "I've hit a lot of blood, and I'll die with one touch."

There was only one person left on both sides. Li Hu was guarding point A, holding a block, and hiding under the box.

"Huzi, why don't you change into the AK, you will die after a swipe on the other side."

Gu Qingyuan reminded.

"Why? Don't you worry about my hindrance?"

As soon as his voice fell, Li Huzheng was instantly killed when he heard the footsteps.

"Grass! There is a problem with this headset, why the enemy can only hear the footsteps when they are so close!"

Li Huzheng glanced at Gu Qingyuan unconvincedly, and after seeing the greetings to him on the public screen, he immediately took out the keyboard and struck a gorgeous movement.


Gu Qingyuan sighed. Why do some people keep playing games and their level always remains so stable, and will not change a little bit over time?

It's really a chicken dish.

After Gu Qingyuan cursed inwardly, he threw an unopened package of Huazi to Li Huzheng and walked out of the Internet cafe.

In the impression, I still want to win with this B and never win.

The time agreed with Xia Chenling was 6 o'clock in the afternoon. She won't have classes until that time, and it's only half past three now.

After Gu Qingyuan got in the car, he first went to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce and made an appointment to start the company. The eyes are green.

Let alone there are forty or fifty people. The key is that only one window is open, and the notice board next to it clearly says, leaving get off work on time at five!

If you line up as usual, you will definitely not have your turn when you get off work.It seems that it can only be the ability to use money!

"Dude, let me cut in the line?"

"What jump in the queue? Which green onion are you?"

Gu Qingyuan didn't talk nonsense, took out a hundred yuan bill and handed it to him.

"Good brother, stand in front of me."

"Uncle, join the team!"

"Mother, jump in the team!"

"Uncle, join the team!"

"Miss, insert..."

When it was his turn, but it was only a quarter past four, Gu Qingyuan took out a thick pile of materials and handed it in through the window.

"What kind of company should I set up?" the aunt in the window frowned and asked, her tone sounding particularly irritable.

"Internet technology research and development." Gu Qingyuan replied.

"Have you thought about your name?"

"Name?" Gu Qingyuan was taken aback for a moment, and after a moment of indulgence, he said, "Xiawei Technology Co., Ltd."

After that, there was another registered capital and a certificate from the bank. After everything was done, Gu Qingyuan sorted things out and walked out sweating profusely.

"Boy, it's done."

A middle-aged woman who was bought by 100 bills before looked at Gu Qingyuan with a smile.

"Well, it's done."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and nodded.

"What's the company name?"

"Xiawei Technology Co., Ltd.."

"Xia Wei? This name sounds... so awkward, not so nice."

The woman curled her lips and frowned.

Gu Qingyuan smiled, didn't explain much, nodded and then strode away.

Xia Wei is because of China's promising!27KK Novel

After that, Gu Qingyuan drove directly to Shengzheng University. As soon as he got a good car, He Chaoran called again.

Gu Qingyuan still hung up mercilessly, and edited an article for Xia Chenling: I arrived, only after the message was sent back to He Chaoran.

"Brother Gu, what have you been up to all afternoon, why didn't you answer the phone?"

As soon as he answered the phone, He Chaoran's humble voice came.

"Fatty, just let it go!"

Gu Qingyuan said angrily.

"Hey, why are you so angry? I want to invite you to dinner at night. See if you have time?"

He Chaoran didn't care about Gu Qingyuan's abuse at all, and still asked with a grin.

In the afternoon, his 50 million account made a total profit of 10 million. Even if Gu Qingyuan slapped him now, he would not be angry.

"No time at night!"

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan hung up the computer directly, saw an SMS message, and couldn't wait to open it.

Xia Chenling: Why did you come so early? Didn't you tell you six o'clock?

Gu Qingyuan: I came when I missed you.

Xia Chenling: Huh?If you are talking nonsense, I won't go out.

Gu Qingyuan: OK, OK, stop talking nonsense, then I will wait for you at the bottom of your classroom.

As soon as the text message was sent, the phone's ringtone rang again, and it was from Zhang Yushu.

"Hey, Qingyuan, I called you all afternoon and finally came in."

Zhang Yushu's voice sounded very pleasant.

"Oh, Brother Zhang, you are asking about stocks."

"Stocks? Don't ask that, I don't worry about letting you do it with my brother. I set up a dinner to see if you have time to come."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, the way of speaking sounds very familiar with Gu Qingyuan, like a good friend for many years.

"Next time, Brother Zhang, there are other things tonight."

"Alright, then we will make an appointment next time. I have time to take your little girlfriend to our honorable restaurant for dinner. I have all arranged."

Zhang Yushu said again, feeling a trace of regret in his heart.

"Okay, then trouble Brother Zhang."


After hanging up, Zhang Yushu called He Chaoran again, and the two agreed to meet at Zhangji Western Restaurant.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran were sitting in a corner on the second floor of the Zhangji Western Restaurant, leaning their heads together and talking in a low voice.

"Brother Zhang, how about it? I'll just say Gu Qingyuan, the kid god, you didn't see his operation with your own eyes. You can remember many numbers once you read them. With unforgettable memories, you are simply a genius."

He Chaoran snorted and bragged.

Zhang Yushu wiped the saliva star on his arm, and gave He Chaoran a helpless look.

"I didn't expect Gu Qingyuan to be so talented in stocks. He made 20% in just one day. It's incredible."

Zhang Yushu frowned and said seriously.

He Chaoran glanced at Zhang Yushu and saw that he was thinking, not saying anything, for fear of interrupting his thoughts.

After a while, Zhang Yushu spoke with a solemn expression:

"We have to find a way to have a good relationship with Gu Qingyuan. This person is definitely not easy. I called him this afternoon, and there was not a trace of bragging or cheating in his tone."

"It feels to me that he seems to have become accustomed to such profits. In other words, he has not paid attention to these profits at all."

"This boy, the city is terrifying!"

"Fatty! You have also come into contact with financial analysts and the like. Anyone who makes a little profit can blow the cows to the sky. You can compare it to Gu Qingyuan, this person is simply terrible."

After speaking, both of them fell into deep contemplation.

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