You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Why don't we eat something nearby, your car can't hold so many people."

Xia Chenling frowned lightly and whispered.

"It's okay, don't worry about that. I will send a message to Fatty He, and he will come over in a while."

Gu Qingyuan said softly, looking at Xia Chenling softly.

"Then... I... I'll please this meal."

Xia Chenling bit her scalp and said, now that she has less than 200 yuan all over her body, she has already chatted with Su Rong about part-time work, and if the fastest, she can work there next week.

What worries Xia Chenling most is the situation at home. He knows that Xia Luo has sold his car, and his uncle Xia Zheng has already sold several properties.

Worried about causing trouble to the family, Xia Chenling hasn't asked for money from her family for a long time, and the family has never asked herself how her life is going, and she lacks money now.


Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, knelt down, raised his head to look at her, and after taking a puff of cigarette, he slowly said, "When you saw that boy chasing a girl, did you invite her to eat in the dormitory, or did you let the girl entertain?"

Hearing this, Xia Chenling's heart was warm, even she herself didn't notice, she had accepted Gu Qingyuan unconsciously in her heart.

The girl lowered her head and didn't speak anymore, and a blush rose on her white cheeks.

After a while, Liu Shina, Gao Qianqian, and Su Rong walked out of the campus. Seeing them, Xia Chenling hurried over with a smile.

Gu Qingyuan stood up, followed him, and nodded to the three of them with a smile as a greeting.

Su Rong glanced at Empress Gu Qingyuan, then pulled Xia Chenling's arm, and when Gu Qingyuan turned around, she showed Xia Chenling an expression of surprise in disbelief.

Seeing Xia Chenling pursing her mouth and nodding, Su Rong made a dizzy exaggeration.

"Old Gu, where are we going to eat?"

Edamame jumped out of the car, clapped his hands and asked.

"Go to the food court for hot pot."

"Food Street, then you can drive Xia Chenling and the others, and Xiaoyong and I can get a taxi."

Mao Doudou also suggested that with Kang Xiaoyong and Qin Puppy here, it must be impossible to sit in the same car.

"It's okay, someone will come to pick it up soon."

With that said, Gu Qingyuan took out his mobile phone and was about to call He Chaoran when a white BMW 7-series sedan parked on the side of the road. The slender model looked very elegant.

"Brother Gu!"

He Chaoran got out of the car at once, with a black leather bag between his arms, and ran over with a big belly.

"Dead fat man, such ink?"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and said, his tone unhappy.Of course, his unhappy mood at this time was because He Chaoran told Zhang Yushu about his stock trading.

"Hey!" He Chaoran chuckled, not at all angry, and said with a smile: "I just rushed over without stopping, and there was no delay."

Liu Shina's expression in the crowd became shocked, staring at He Chaoran, her legs trembling slightly with tension.

The man who nodded and bowed to Gu Qingyuan in front of him was not the second youngest of the He family, the owner of Inspur Nightclub, He Chaoran, Liu Shina naturally knew him.Of course, the second master of the He family did not know her.

Their He family is the object of his father's desire to please him, but it is a pity that even the opportunity to eat is difficult to win.

Liu Shina bit her lip and gave Gu Qingyuan a dignified look. Gu Qingyuan's mystery in her heart became more intense.

What kind of person is he, and why is he so respectful to him?

"Chen Ling, it's been a long time since I saw you."

He Chaoran walked to Xia Chenling's side and waved hello.

"Well, hello, long time no see."

Xia Chenling smiled and waved, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, inevitably a little embarrassed. He didn't expect He Chaoran to be so enthusiastic suddenly.31 Novel

The last time I ate together, I didn't introduce each other. I didn't know He Chaoran's name. I only heard Gu Qingyuan calling him Fatty. I can't call him Fatty too.

But how could he know his name, did Gu Qingyuan tell him?

"Chen Ling, wait a minute."

He Chaoran said, and ran to the side of the car quickly, and after pulling the car door, he took out a beautiful white box.

"Chen Ling, the last time I met was too rush, I didn't bring you a gift, this time my brother will make it up for you."

He Chaoran said as he walked, and handed the white box to Xia Chenling.

This kind of courtesy, even a fool could see that he was pleasing Xia Chenling.

Liu Shina stood beside Xia Chenling and witnessed all this with her own eyes, clenching her fists tightly. This was the first time she was so jealous of a girl.

She has always been the envy and jealous object of others since she was a child, and there are countless suitors. As long as she is the one who hooks her finger, doesn't that man appear in front of her right away?

Unexpectedly, the last time he took the initiative to invite Gu Qingyuan to be rejected by him!

What made Liu Shina even more uncomfortable was that her father tried his best to please the second youngest of the He family, and he would even be courteous to Xia Chenling.


Xia Chenling frowned slightly and looked at the white gift box with a look of embarrassment. The two were not familiar with each other. Why did they suddenly give gifts?

Moreover, the price of this gift is definitely not cheap.

Xia Chenling looked at Gu Qingyuan for help.Seeing that he smiled and nodded, motioned to take the gift.

After hesitating again, Xia Chenling reached out and accepted the gift, and put on a smile: "Thank you."

"Hey, why are you thanking me? What's the relationship between me and Brother Gu, you little Nizi are too polite."

He Chaoran said with a smile, Xia Chenling is still very happy to be able to give gifts.

In this way, you can slowly get closer to Gu Qingyuan, even if you don't receive gifts or ask yourself to do things.

"Old Gu, let's go then."

He Chaoran shouted to Gu Qingyuan.

"Well, let's go."

Gu Qingyuan walked to the front of the car and opened the back door. After Xia Chenling and the others got in the car, the two cars drove side by side and drove forward.


Half an hour later, Gu Qingyuan and the others drove to the food court.

At this time, there are people coming and going in the street, and people wearing Santa Claus costumes are giving out small gifts to pedestrians, which looks very lively.

He Chaoran smiled and walked in front of Gu Qingyuan, leading everyone to the hottest hot pot restaurant at the moment.

At this time, the crowd in this hot pot restaurant was almost squeezing into the street.It shows how hot it is!

"There are too many people, or we change the family to a smaller family, otherwise we don't know what time it is when it is our turn to eat."

Xia Chenling suggested.

"It's okay, this fat guy should book a table in advance."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, He Chaoran smiled and turned to look at Xia Chenling, giving her a reassuring look.

When I came to the second floor, the whole lobby was full of seats, and there was constant noise and noise, and there were some children running in the aisle. This scene felt very warm.

There are no private rooms in this hot pot restaurant. Everyone eats in the lobby. The different design is very popular.

Seeing He Chaoran, a man in uniform trot over to meet him, leading them to an empty dining table.

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