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Bai Qingrou sat on the stone bench for a long time, and the people on the street gradually became scarce. The girl wrapped her clothes tightly and said something very disappointed.

"Ok... for a long time, I just don't know how you feel to him, gentle... yes... sorry."

Gao Qianqian whispered, moving to Bai Qingrou's side, and the two of them leaned closely together.

"Is he chasing and the girl sitting next to him?"

Bai Qingrou asked again.


Gao Qianqian nodded gently.

"Do you have Gu Qingyuan's contact information? I'm not convinced!"

Bai Qingrou seemed to cheer up another moment, straightened her waist, looked at Gao Qianqian and said seriously.

"no no."

Gao Qianqian waved her hand, and when she saw Bai Qingrou's lost expression, she hurriedly said, "But I can get you up."

"En! Qianqian, it's up to you. After you have to go, tell me as soon as possible!"

Bai gently patted Gao Qianqian on the shoulder, and said solemnly.

"Okay... OK."

Gao Qianqian nodded, her heart became very contradictory.

Help your high school friends dig the corner of college dormitory students?


On the campus of Shengzheng University.

Gu Qingyuan and Xia Chenling strolled in the playground. They walked quietly, enjoying the beauty at this time.

Slowly, Gu Qingyuan gently held Xia Chenling's little white hand. At that moment, Gu Qingyuan felt the air he breathed was sweet.

Xia Chenling pulled hard a few times and found that it was of no avail, so he was not breaking free, enjoying the warmth on the back of his hand.

Fortunately, the lights in the playground were dim, and the blush on his cheeks was not noticed.

The two held hands and walked slowly for a long time, reveling in the beauty of this time.

Xia Chenling always couldn't help but look at Gu Qingyuan's side face, and found that the corners of his mouth were raised, which was also very beautiful.

"That... Qingyuan, let me tell you something."

Xia Chenling started talking, and his name was also very close.

"Hmm, what's up?"

Gu Qingyuan turned to look at her, and said softly.

"I really can't accept that gift. It's too expensive. You should return it to Brother He soon."

With that, Xia Chenling took out the white box again.

"You call him Big Brother He, why do I hear so awkwardly? You can just call him He Fatty."

Gu Qingyuan said with a hippie smile, thinking that He Chaoran's trivial stuff is really not worthy of the three words of Brother He.

"Oh, you and I are serious. This gift costs 100,000 yuan. Anyway, I will not accept anything."

Xia Chenling said seriously.

"Actually, it's okay. Recently, I helped the fat man make a lot of money in stocks, so please don't worry, it's okay."

"That can't be accepted!" Xia Chenling immediately retorted, and then went down again, saying something like a mosquito: "The relationship between the two of us has not reached that stage, anyway, I definitely don't want it."

"Then you can keep it for me, if you give it to me, I will lose it if I can't guarantee it."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile again, knowing that Nizi is very principled, so she can only accept it in another way.

"Okay... OK."

After hesitating for a while, Xia Chenling nodded and agreed.

"Lingling, you said, how will your parents react when they know that we are getting better together!"

Gu Qingyuan asked again with a smile, showing her white teeth, Xia Chenling found it very charming.

"I...I don't know, that slapstick doesn't look good, so I will definitely not agree."

Xia Chenling lowered his head and said in a low voice, his cheeks became hot.

"And your sister, Xia Youyou, your family, how could you spoil her like that? It's too shameful." Qiankun Listening Book Network

Gu Qingyuan shook his head and said with a smile, with a relaxed expression and no anger at all.

"You... are you not angry?"

Xia Chenling asked again, always looking at Gu Qingyuan's profile and being led by him, she felt very safe, even if she didn't look at the road, it didn't matter.

"As an outsider, you must be angry, arrogant and domineering, without a bit of brain, and even want to slap her twice. But ah, it's different now..."

With that, Gu Qingyuan stopped and looked at Xia Chenling softly while holding her other hand.

Slowly said: "Because I am her brother-in-law now, I should protect her and guide her to change her bad habits."


The words of Gu Qingyuan's love touched Xia Chenling, and she started crying, and fell into Gu Qingyuan's arms, choked with sobs.

"Yes... I'm sorry, my dad and my sister used to be so to you, I still misunderstand you, I'm really sorry!"

"It's ok!"

Gu Qingyuan stayed close to Xia Chenling, the feeling at this moment, even Gu Qingyuan, who was a human for two generations, was the first time he had experienced Tao.

In the last life, what Gu Qingyuan didn't understand was the little boy who was trapped by love, what kind of crying and crying, isn't it just a woman?

It turned out to be just wishful thinking that I have never had love before!

"Well, if you really feel sorry, let me kiss you?"

Gu Qingyuan asked suddenly again.


Xia Chenling broke away from his embrace and looked at him incredulously. Is he daydreaming?This is too fast.


After shaking Gu Qingyuan's shoulder vigorously, Xia Chenling turned and strode towards the dormitory building.

"Sorry, I was kidding."

Gu Qingyuan hurriedly followed, hippie said with a smile.

Xia Chenling gave him a blank look, but still ignored it, and strode forward.

How to comfort a girl?Gu Qingyuan followed, thinking hard!Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he thought of a strange trick, is there any girl who can resist the earthly love, let alone 99 years now.

"Lingling, I actually have super powers, I haven't told you?"

"Super power?" Xia Chenling slowed down and looked at Gu Qingyuan suspiciously. Could he have super power in stocks?The thoughts of young girls are always wild.

"What superpower?"

"I like you so much!"

Xia Chenling was stunned for a few seconds, "No one is right!" After speaking shyly, she continued to walk forward, not daring to visit Gu Qingyuan, apparently being stunned.

"Do you talk about guitar?"

"Ah? No, why do you suddenly ask this."

"Then how did you stir my heartstrings."

"It's annoying, glib tongue."

Xia Chenling's mouth was dry, pretending to be very angry, at this time in her heart, it was almost melted.

"Do you know what my biggest flaw is?"

"The biggest? I don't know!"

"Flaws for you!"

"Oh! Do you hate it?"

Xia Chenling spoiled herself rarely, stomped her feet, and held Gu Qingyuan's hands again.

"In fact, the two of us are not suitable for dating." Gu Qingyuan said again.

"Huh? Then...what is it for?"

Xia Chenling asked, there was a hint of panic in her heart, although she could guess that Gu Qingyuan was joking.

"Suitable for marriage!"

"Ignore you!"


Under the moonlight, the two strolled forward, just one of many lovers in the playground.

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