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The youngest bastard smiled and approached Xia Chenling. They were very close and could smell the fragrance of her.

While talking, the third child raised his hand, trying to pull Xia Chenling, raised it in the air, but was firmly held by a large hand!

With a "click", the bone's crisp voice sounded, and the youngest's facial expression became distorted, followed by a hysterical scream!

"Ah! Hands! Ah..."

Gu Qingyuan didn't have any sympathy, and pulled down forcefully, and the third child knelt on the ground, crying and roaring.

Still puzzled, Gu Qingyuan lifted his foot and stepped hard, stepping on the back of the third child, and there was a muffled noise!


After yelling in pain, the third child lay motionless on the ground.

When Gu Qingyuan was about to raise his foot again, Xia Chenling plunged into his arms.

"Okay, okay, don't fight anymore, obedient!"

Xia Chenling raised her head to look, and said softly.


Gu Qingyuan smiled and touched her hair fondly.

Gu Qingyuan's quick skill made the group of gangsters unresponsive, with a dull expression, looking at the youngest who was lying on the ground incredulously.

The gangsters looked at the short-haired man again, and saw his brows furrowed, looking at Gu Qingyuan with a grim expression.

The short-haired man was a Chinese soldier who had returned from the army, and he could clearly tell that what Gu Qingyuan had just used was the fighting technique in the army!

Did he also serve as a Chinese soldier!

Moreover, the tall man in front of him didn't look at himself from beginning to end. Could it be that he didn't put us in his eyes at all?

"Let's go."

Gu Qingyuan said softly again, and walked into the cinema with Xia Chenling's little hand. Upon seeing this, Hao Jianyun took Niu Nuannuan and followed them.

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

The short-haired man yelled and let them go like this. Where did he put his face, he could only bite the bullet and call Gu Qingyuan.

"What do you tell your father to do!"

The short-haired Gu Qingyuan's anger in his heart hadn't been vented yet, when the short-haired man called so, the anger in his heart was strung together.

Release Xia Chenling's hand, and walked forward in a big step.

The moment his eyes were facing each other, the short-haired man regretted, his sharp eyes were like staring at his prey, making himself feel the danger.

"I... my brother..."

The short-haired man pointed his finger at the painful third child on the ground. Before he could finish his words, he felt dizzy. He stepped back and sat down on the ground.

Gu Qingyuan slammed a punch on the nose of the short-haired man, and the blood flow unceasingly, dripping on the man's white clothes, it was even more obvious first.

Gu Qingyuan squatted next to the short-haired man, grabbed him again, looked at him viciously, and asked coldly, "I have asked you something, what do you want your father to do?"


The short-haired man was panting and couldn't say a word.Unexpectedly, Gu Qingyuan's strength was so great that his head was still dizzy.


The subject of the short-haired man called out suddenly and rushed towards Gu Qingyuan with teeth and claws.

It is the biggest mistake to think that Gu Qingyuan will pity and cherish jade.

Gu Qingyuan kicked it directly, and the woman flew out directly.

The other gangsters stepped back a few steps away from Gu Qingyuan. No one even dared to help the woman who fell on the ground, let alone fight with Gu Qingyuan.

"Well, Qingyuan, really enough!"

Xia Chenling walked quickly to Gu Qingyuan's, and grabbed the hand holding the collar of the man with short hair.

"Not much difference, let's go quickly."

Xia Chenling frowned and said.Hot search novel


When Gu Qingyuan looked at Xia Chenling, his eyes became very gentle again.After letting go of the short-haired man, he walked into the theater with Xia Chenling's hand.

No one dared to suffocate the standing bullshit.

In the theater was a gunfight from Hong Kong and Taiwan, starring the girl's favorite brother, Gu Qingyuan held Xia Chenling's hand tightly, and the two ate, chatted, and watched.

Hao Jianyun was sitting in the back row of Gu Qingyuan and the others. He had no intention of watching a movie at this time. He kept his eyes on Xia Chenling and Gu Qingyuan, gritting his teeth with anger.

Hao Jianyun had an unrealistic idea, thinking that if he had chased Xia Chenling directly, he would surely be able to catch it.

"I found that you are too violent and must be changed."

Xia Chenling leaned in to Gu Qingyuan's ear and whispered, the voice was very small and would not disturb other people watching the movie.

Gu Qingyuan squeezed Xia Chenling's nose and said softly: "Sometimes, when you reason with some people, the other party thinks you are good for bullying. In the absence of quality education, fists are the best education. "

"Okay, but you also have to promise me that you must not be too impulsive in the future and stop everything in moderation."

Xia Chenling said seriously.

"You let me kiss and I promise you."

Gu Qingyuan said humblely, pretending to be close to Xia Chenling's mouth again, scared the girl to cover her mouth with her hand.

"You! You are a rascal, a rascal!"

Xia Chenling glared at Gu Qingyuan, turned his body, and watched the movie seriously.

I fucking kissed...this Xia Chenling is also a good thing, so casual!Hao Jianyun gritted his teeth and scolded in his heart!

Jealousy can change a person, Hao Jianyun is!

After watching the movie, the sky was completely dark. Gu Qingyuan and Hao Jianyun walked out of the mall together.

In the past, Xia Chenling and Hao Jianyun were squad leader and deputy squad leader, and finally caught such an opportunity. They stood at the gate of the mall and chatted with a smile.

Gu Qingyuan stood quietly and looked at Xia Chenling with a smile.

"Why don't you go for a snack together? It's not very far from here, it's in the alley opposite!"

Hao Jianyun suggested.


Xia Chenling hesitated a little, took out his cell phone and checked the time.

"Okay... OK."

Xia Chenling nodded and agreed, not very good at rejecting her old classmates.

Niu Nuannuan glanced at the small mobile phone in Xia Chenling's hand, became envious, and asked, "Chenling, how much is your mobile phone? I'm going to buy a mobile phone in a while."

In fact, Niu Nuannuan has no plans to buy a mobile phone at all, it's just vanity.

"More than four thousand."

Xia Chenling replied with a smile, and installed the phone again.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

At this time, Gu Qingyuan's cell phone rang, and he took out the revised small brother from his pocket.

Hao Jianyun looked at Gu Qingyuan incredulously. How could he also have a mobile phone, can he afford it?Did Xia Chenling send him to him?

Hao Jianyun's heart became unbalanced.

It was Fatty He who called. Gu Qingyuan made a gesture, walked aside and answered the phone.

"Just let it go!"

Gu Qingyuan said coldly.

"Hey, why are you so tempered, come over to the Inspur Hotel for a drink?"

He Chaoran asked bashfully.

"No time to!"

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan hung up and walked to Xia Chenling again.

After that, the four walked to the snack alley opposite.

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