You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In less than fifteen minutes, Gu Qingyuan drove to Shengzheng University, but it was already 9:15.

Since Xia Chenling could not be contacted, Gu Qingyuan could only call Liu Shina, and the only two of them had mobile phones in their dormitory.

Liu Shina also happened to be watching the performance in the playground at this time, sitting with Xia Chenling and the others watching the party. Of course, the junior who was chasing her also followed.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, Liu Shina hesitated for a while, but did not call Xia Chenling, and took the phone to a quiet corner.


Liu Shina stretched her voice very long, very enchanting, and she couldn't help but make people dreamy.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan, who was like an ant on a hot pot, was not in the mood to feel this, and hurriedly asked: "Liu Shina, are you with Xia Chenling?"

Hearing it or asking Xia Chenling, Liu Shina clenched her fists tightly, showing an unhappy expression.

But still whispered softly: "She's with me? What's wrong?"

"Where are you?"

Gu Qingyuan asked again anxiously. At this moment, he was carrying a suitcase and standing on the bottom of their bedroom.

"The playground, there is a party today, we are all here."

"Okay, thanks, then I'll go over immediately."

After asking for the detailed address, Gu Qingyuan ran towards the playground at the same speed.

As soon as Liu Shina walked back, the junior elder could not wait to ask: "Sina, who did you call just now? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"a friend."

Liu Shina didn't explain much, and after speaking lightly, she leaned forward and reached Xia Chenling's ear.

"Chen Ling, Gu Qingyuan just called me. He is now rushing to the playground. He should be here soon."

Hearing this, Xia Chenling's eyes lit up, but then he pouted and said angrily: "What is he doing here! Who made him come?"

The edamame on the side showed a motherly smile.

She moved her ass to Xia Chenling's side, and hugged her arm again. Mao Doudou said with a smile: "Ah, don't be angry, let's see how he explains it later."

"How quibble it should be!"

Song Qingqing smiled and interjected, but after seeing Mao Doudou's cold eyes, he immediately retracted his neck.

In fact, at this time, Xia Chenling's heartbeat became more rapid, and she looked back from time to time, waiting for Gu Qingyuan's arrival.

Finally, five minutes later, Gu Qingyuan, sweating profusely, panting heavily, came to Xia Chenling's side.

At this time, the vinegar king Xia Chenling was also officially launched!


Gu Qingyuan cried out affectionately, and happily pulled Song Qingqing aside, and sat down beside Xia Chenling.

When she wanted to hold her hand, she slammed it away.

Xia Chenling glanced at Gu Qingyuan in vain, and then moved to Maodoudou.

"Lingling, I'm really sorry, listen to me to explain to you."

Gu Qingyuan wiped the bead of sweat from his forehead, panting heavily, looking very pitiful.

"There is nothing to explain, and there is no need to explain, we are just ordinary friends."

Xia Chenling said coldly, looking very unfeeling.

"What kind of angry words are you talking about? Or ordinary friends, I am your target."

Gu Qingyuan smiled flatteringly, and quickly took Xia Chenling's hand into his hand and held it tightly.

"You let go!"

Xia Chenling roared twice and beat him a few times, but still pulled it hippiely.

"Um, I remembered, we happened to have something wrong, so we left."

Mao Doudou said something very witty, pulling up to see the lively Song Qingqing, and at the same time winking at Liu Shina.

Kang Xiaoyong and the others also stood up, and when they were about to leave, Xia Chenling suddenly broke away from Gu Qingyuan very hard, and stood up all at once.

"Aren't the people in our dormitory going to have dinner together tonight? Su Rong and the others are coming back soon, let's go to Dongdaemun to find them." Feizhang Chinese

Xia Chenling looked at a few people and said, and then took the edamame next to him and walked forward.

Several people looked at Empress Gu Qing, who was sitting on the ground stupidly, and could only walk forward behind Xia Chenling.

Gu Qingyuan took the suitcase and walked forward quickly, following Xia Chenling's side.

"Where to eat? Add me."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile, looking at Xia Chenling, she didn't even look at herself when she saw her, and walked on her own.


Edamame said with a smile.

"Gu Qingyuan, if you go, I will go back to the dormitory."

Xia Chenling said as he walked, his tone was very cold.

Gu Qingyuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow, not daring to touch Xia Chenling. I'm afraid this Nizi will blow her hair as long as she touches her lightly.

A group of people walked towards the east gate.

The junior buddy was still following Liu Shina, smiling and asking: "Did you just answer his call? This buddy made his girlfriend so angry."

Seeing Liu Shina nodded lightly, the boy's previously doubtful heart was relieved.

Walking to the east gate, Xia Chenling stood under a street lamp, lowered his head, pulling his fingers at the corners of his clothes.

"Lingling, give me a chance to explain, I'm really sorry about this..."

Gu Qingyuan stood beside Xia Chenling and said softly, but was interrupted mercilessly by Xia Chenling.

"Don't talk, I don't want to listen. If you say it again, I will go back to the bedroom."

Xia Chenling lowered his head and said coldly.

I didn't see that Gu Qingyuan had not been so angry before, so I was only worried at the time.But after seeing him, he got up with an anger.


Gu Qingyuan sighed, but didn't dare to sigh, and stood quietly beside Xia Chenling.

This was the first time that Kang Xiaoyong saw Gu Qingyuan's pitiful appearance. At this moment, he was very sure that this time, Old Gu was sincere.

In the original, Kang Xiaoyong naively believed that Gu Qingyuan's home was the place for foot washing and massage.

"Qingyuan, what did you get, a Christmas present for Chenling."

Edamame started to relieve Gu Qingyuan, stepped forward, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes. A Christmas present for Lingling."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Why are the flowers on this ugly? Did you make them yourself?"

Edamame asked again.

"Um...yes, I did it myself."

Gu Qingyuan wanted to refute what's ugly, but just think about it.

"Give it to me, I'll transfer it to Chenling for you in the evening."

"Okay, thanks."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and put the suitcase in Mao Doudou's hands.

"Take it back, I don't want it."

Xia Chenling looked at Mao Doudou, and said with a reproach.

"Oh, okay, anyway, I will accept the gift for you, because I helped you with the meal yesterday."

Edamame grinned and went back into the crowd.

At this moment, the last bus of the bus just arrived. After stopping, Su Rong and Gao Qianqian got out of the bus.

After seeing everyone, the two ran over, arm in arm.

After seeing Xia Chenling looking at Su Rong with a smile on the corner of his mouth, Gu Qingyuan also laughed.

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