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Yang Daming bent down, screamed at Xia Youyou, and sprayed her face with the foaming star.


Xia Youyou panted hard, sitting on the ground and pulling Xia Chenling's arm, begging: "Sister, you must think of a solution, what are you doing in a daze!"

Xia Chenling shivered and stood in front of Xia Youyou, and then opened Xia Luo's call.

After the phone rang a few times, Xia Luo finally answered the phone.


Xia Luo said in a low voice, with just one word, he could hear his fatigue, and the ending sound was very long.

After calling my father, Xia Chenling couldn't say a word.

"Lingling, is there a problem in life? there is no other way. If you can, you can borrow from your classmates or go to work."

"Okay, dad, are you busy."

After speaking quickly, Xia Chenling quickly hung up the phone, worrying that his father would hear the clue.


Xia Youyou yelled in horror, and pleaded: "Why did you hang up the phone? Why don't you talk to my uncle about money."

Xia Chenling didn't answer Xia Youyou, his father didn't even care about his living expenses, and now he wants 800,000 yuan from him, didn't he let him grab it?

"What do you mean? Can you pay me back?"

Yang Daming asked blankly, and when her eyes fell on Xia Youyou, she immediately shivered.

"Sister, think of a solution."

Xia Youyou pleaded, pulling the sleeves of Xia Chen Lingdi.

"800,000 isn't it?"

Xia Chenling raised his head and summoned his courage to face Yang Daming.

"Well, yes, that's right."

Yang Daming nodded.

The card with a million in it was always on him, and he didn't want to use his money, but in this case, Xia Chenling had no choice. After all, the safety of his sister was the most important thing.

Xia Chenling took out a card from the inner pocket of his clothes and said, "There are 1 million in this card, enough to pay back your 800,000, but how can I give it to you now!"


Yang Daming's eyes lit up, and at the same time the fierce light in his eyes disappeared. He rubbed his hands and said with a hippie smile: "I am worthy of being a rich boy, and his foundation is thick."

"Xiao Ming! Bring the credit card machine!"

Yang Daming roared and sat back on the kang, holding a tea mug and handing it over, "Girl, have some tea."

Xia Chenling shook his head, but did not reach out to pick it up.

"Haha, girl, don't be too nervous. It is only natural to pay off debts, and your sister has been delayed for two days. Can you say I can't be in a hurry?"

Yang Daming said with a smile.

Xia Chenling lowered his head without saying a word, just thinking about leaving here with Xia Youyou as soon as possible after paying the money.

After a while, Yang Xiaoming came with a credit card machine, entered the amount, and asked Xia Chenling to enter the password, and the machine rang.

This sound means that the card has been successfully swiped.

Soon the paper voucher came out, and looking at the paper, Yang Daming smiled honestly, looking like a different person at this moment.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go now."

Yang Daming said with a smile, then looked at a black-faced man standing in the room, and shouted: "Black skin, send the college students back."

"no problem."

Xia Chenling pulled Xia Youyou up, strode out of the house like an escape, and walked out of the yard after bypassing the wolf dog.

"Get in the car quickly."

The black-skinned man rolled down the window and pointed to the back seat.

In this place where there is no shop in front of the village, Xia Chenling has no choice but to bite the bullet and sit on it, looking out the window anxiously.

Not long after seeing the street in the city, he took a long breath.

In Yang Daming's room.

The man took the loan slip and looked carefully, his eyes narrowed into a thin slit.04 Novel

"Brother, what? They didn't tear this loan slip?"

Yang Xiaoming walked over and asked with wide eyes.

"Isn't it? The children of the rich are different."

Yang Daming said with a smile on his face.

"Haha, really two fools!" Yang Xiaoming scolded with a smile.

"You can't say that. The rich people don't care about it. They will ask me for money after a while."

After speaking, Yang Daming laughed wildly.


Shengzheng University.

When they arrived at the east gate of the school, Xia Chenling and Xia Youyou hurriedly jumped out of the car, escaped and ran into the campus.

When they reached a low banyan tree, the two of them were breathing heavily while holding on to the trunk.

"Xia Youyou! This is the last time I will help you. Do it yourself!"

After Xia Chenling glared at Xia Youyou, she turned and walked towards the bedroom.

"Wait, sister!"

Xia Youyou hurried forward and took Xia Chenling's arm.

"Why do you have so much money, did the uncle give it to you?"

Xia Youyou asked thoughtfully.

"No! There is something wrong with our family, can't you tell it? This is from a friend, and the money needs to be repaid. I don't know how to explain it to others now."

Xia Chenling frowned and said, when she turned around to leave, she found that Xia You You was still pulling herself tightly.

"Sister, can you give me another 10,000 yuan? I still owe other classmates money."

Xia Youyou lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Ten thousand?"

Xia Chenling exclaimed, then shook his head and said, "I am so lawless now."

"Sister, I was wrong, but you must help me this time."

Xia Youyou continued to plead, knowing that her cousin will follow her mother, her mouth is hard and soft, and she will definitely agree to her.

After a long silence, Xia Chenling frowned and said, "This is the last time."

"Thank you sister!"

So the two left the campus and walked to the bank.

After getting the money and returning to campus to part with Xia Youyou, Xia Chenling said solemnly: "Let’s go to rest first. Let’s go to Shi Hao at night and get back what we need.


Xia Youyou nodded heavily.

"The money I want to come back must be paid back to my friend."

After speaking, Xia Chen walked back to the bedroom without turning his head back.


After a morning of tossing, Xia Chenling felt very tired, and she lay on the bed without taking off her clothes.

At this time, with a click, the phone rang, which was a text message from Gu Qingyuan.

"I just finished my work. I will go to see you tonight. Let's go to Fatty He and introduce you to two of my friends."

Looking at this text message, Xia Chenling's eyes became ruddy, and he spent all his money without his consent, not knowing how to tell him.

It can only be hope that Xiang Shihao will get the money back.

"I am a little tired today, I want to rest early and wait for next time."

Xia Chenling quickly replied.

"Is it uncomfortable? Then I won't get together with them, I'll go see you."

"Don't, I just want to rest alone and be obedient!"

"Okay, then you have a good rest and call me if you have anything!"

"it is good!"

After replying to the last message, Xia Chenling cried under her quilt. The more Gu Qingyuan treated herself better, the more uncomfortable she felt and the more I felt sorry for him.

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