You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The 37th floor of the Regal Building is in a 1,000-square-meter company.

In an empty company, only one workstation was lit with a faint screen light, and in a quiet environment, only the sound of crackling on the keyboard could be heard.

In the memory of the previous moment, Gu Qingyuan, a navigation-type website, remembers most deeply, that is hao321.For a while, the traffic of this website squeezed into the forefront.

"What? Is it registered?"

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, feeling a trace of regret. Originally, he wanted to use its original name intact, so it seemed that he had to change to another domain name.

Re-register domain name, ling520 navigation website is officially established!Ling I love your homophony, not to mention, the name is very old and nasty.

Resources are integrated into a "ling520" navigation website. The website as a whole has been established. What we have to do now is to establish links to other good websites so that people can directly click into these commonly used websites.

Although the previous navigation website was founded in August 1999, a few months earlier than Ling520, it did not have a clear goal at the beginning and took a lot of detours, so Ling520 has an absolute advantage.

"Be fast, make the link quickly, and then tamper with the browser to increase traffic!"

Gu Qingyuan had a grim expression and said to himself.

In the company, the sound of typing on the keyboard sounded again!

The large-scale tampering of the browser occurred between 2003 and 2004, which lasted for more than 3 years. If tampering at this moment, it is the best time for Ling520 to obtain a large amount of traffic. After all, the time is too far ahead, leading the whole Three years!

"This website needs to be tampered with."

"This is also needed."

Gu Qingyuan's hands were getting faster and faster, while talking to himself, from time to time, his expression became excited.

If Li Hu were here, he would definitely be scared to death, exclaiming: Gu Qingyuan has gone crazy!

The year 1999 was an era of lack of information. People's demand for the Internet was exploratory. People did not know the reasons for the rise and fall of stocks today. They had professional websites to inquire, but "just look for financial information" .

Gu Qingyuan knows what netizens need most at this time. It is a simple, convenient and fast way to surf the Internet. It caters to the needs of the current market and keeps making improvements. This is the natural advantage of rebirth.

The clock hanging on the wall perfectly blends with the sound of Gu Qingyuan typing on the keyboard, like a movement challenging the world.

Unconsciously, a ray of sunlight penetrated the window, shining on Gu Qingyuan's tired face.

"Finally done!"

Gu Qingyuan stretched and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.Opened the home page of Ling520 and started the test.

When searching for QICQ, immediately jump to hao321, and then click QICQ to complete the download, which is simple, convenient and fast!

The corners of Gu Qingyuan's mouth lifted up, revealing a smug smile. The pleasure of changing the world made him want to stop.

I made a simple modification to the ling520 website and added my QICO contact information at the bottom of the website.I hope this website can attract some excellent Internet talents.

At this time, in a small town in China, Li Ping, who was sitting in an internet cafe, was surprised!"This... this ling520 website is too awesome."

And he is the creator of the previous navigation website.

Li Ping just wanted to read today's news, and when he searched the Internet, he jumped to the ling520 website.

In the website, the websites of well-known newspapers in China are clearly listed on the website. You can read the news wherever you want. What is more frightening is that it is very convenient and fast to watch various local news. The most important thing is that the operation is simple !

Appreciating the perfect website in front of him, Li Ping did not realize that his life trajectory had undergone a drastic change, and he already had the motivation and direction to give up on the development of navigation websites!

No matter how hard you work, it is impossible to make a navigation website like Ling520.

Li Ping admired the website. When the website was pulled to the bottom, the website showed a prompt, "Brother, stop pulling it, it hurts!"

"Puff!" Li Ping laughed. The website can still be created like this, it's amazing.

Looking at the contact information at the bottom of Ling520, Li Ping hardly hesitated, opened OICQ, entered the


Gu Qingyuan saw the OICQ flashing in the lower right corner of the screen, and said to his heart, someone added me so soon?I added contact information on Ling520, and it only took 5 minutes.

"Hello, are you there?"

"Are you the founder of hao321?"

"This site is great, I am your fan!"

Just clicked to confirm, and a series of messages were sent. Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly and didn't bother to respond to him.

After that, a message sent by Li Ping almost made Gu Qingyuan's eyes pop out.

"I am also an Internet lover. I created a hao321 website before, but compared to your website, it is a heaven and an underground!"


Gu Qingyuan exclaimed, his head almost squeezed into the computer screen.

"Well, I'm here." Gu Qingyuan clicked on the penguin and began to reply.

"Wow! You finally talked to me, I was so excited."

Li Ping smiled foolishly beside the computer, as if seeing his idol, unable to control his mood.

"Just busy." Gu Qingyuan began to pretend to be X.

"Oh, yes, you are really amazing. The hao321 I created is also intended for website navigation, but I have never had a clue. But seeing your website redirection and website layout and other creativity, I feel you are ahead of me one century."

"Oh, thanks for the compliment, what's your name?" Gu Qingyuan asked.

"Chest wolf!"

"Uh...I know this, I mean my real name."

"Li Ping." Li Ping didn't think much, and directly typed in his name.

Li Ping!It should not be wrong, the true creator of the previous navigation website.At this time, he should still be a small network manager.

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

"Planning?" Li Ping scratched his tousled hair, wondering why Gu Qingyuan would suddenly ask.

"You just said that you also want to create a similar navigation website, but I posted it first. What do you plan to do next?

Gu Qingyuan grinned, showing a deliberate smile.

"I...I! Keep on being a webmaster!" Li Ping smiled, a little embarrassed, "I'm embarrassed to start a website again after seeing the website you made.

What Li Ping said is very sincere. Gu Qingyuan's current innovation is too advanced. The hao321 of the previous life did not have the current ling520 model until 2003.It is conceivable that this navigation website will bring much shock to the Internet circle.

Gu Qingyuan didn't know that anyone who is online now will be surprised by Ling520, and Ling520 has already been storming the Internet.

Are you interested in working together?"

Gu Qingyuan asked directly. From the conversation, I learned that Li Ping is still very simple at this time, and there is no need to be ambiguous. It is better to ask directly.

"He...cooperate!" Li Ping couldn't believe it, such an excellent person wanted to cooperate with him?

"What made you choose to cooperate with me? Didn't you have seen the navigation website I created?"

Li Ping squatted on the computer chair and his expression became agitated. Could it be that my Maxima met Bo Le?

"No, lack of people!"

Seeing this simple reply, Li Ping was full of black lines!

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