You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The most important thing is the loss of the dormitory, which is a bit disgusting.

"Isn't it a holiday tomorrow, Lingling, talk to your dormitory, I will invite you to dinner, and come to see you off."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something.

"Please again? Do you still have money?"

Xia Chenling looked at Gu Qingyuan and asked worriedly.

"Ha ha…"

The corner of Gu Qingyuan's mouth rose up and laughed, and his body trembled. He stretched out his hands to pinch Xia Chenling's cheeks, and gently pulled them to form a piece of dough.

"Why so cute!"

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, and kissed him directly.

Xia Chenling was stunned for a moment, and there was no time to dodge. When she reacted, she had kissed for several seconds after shaking her head away.

Looking up, they found that Kang Xiaoyong and Mao Doudou were both poking their mouths and bowing their heads, pretending not to see them.

No way, in order to ease the embarrassment, Xia Chenling could only raise her pink fist and gently hit Gu Qingyuan a few times.


After that, the four of them walked for a while in the playground, and after sending Xia Chenling back to the bottom of the dormitory, Gu Qingyuan got up and returned to the Regal Building.

Having discussed with Li Ping about updating OICQ, frowning, thinking about some details of programming, Gu Qingyuan quickened his pace.

Gu Qingyuan lowered his head and walked quickly to the east gate of Shengzheng University.

"Is it Gu Qingyuan?"

Suddenly, a few men in black suits came, stepped forward, and hugged Gu Qingyuan who had just left school.

Gu Qingyuan slowly raised his head, his expression relaxed, with a calm look.

This scene seems familiar, just like the plot at that small restaurant in Linzhou.

I hope that there will not be a wicked woman like Xia Youyou as it was then.

"I am not? Brother, did you admit the wrong person?"

Gu Qingyuan showed a look of surprise, looked at the man holding his arms, and at the same time swept around in a panic, looking very innocent.

The acting skills are so impressive.


The man frowned slightly, and put his hand on Gu Qingyuan's shoulder down. Could it be that Miss Shen pointed the wrong person?

Right across the crowd stood a tall girl with black-rimmed glasses, turning her head to look at Gu Qingyuan's side.

And beside her, standing a boy with a big back, it was Shen Xiaoduo and Lu Pingping.

The man in black turned his head to look at Shen Xiaoduo, and shouted: "Is it him?"

Gu Qingyuan followed the black-clothed man's gaze, and couldn't help but chuckle. Isn't that the shameless woman who jumped the queue in the library.

Seeing Shen Xiaoduo nodding vigorously, Gu Qingyuan was afraid when he pulled out his legs, like an arrow from the string, rushing several meters in the blink of an eye.

"Grass! Chase!"

The black-clothed man shouted angrily, and a group of people rushed to chase after him.

Less than 500 meters in front is a residential area with many alleys.

Gu Qingyuan didn't think much about it, and plunged in. This is better than running in a straight line.

"Stop for Lao Tzu, silly things, even Miss Shen dare to provoke!"

The leading man in the suit yelled angrily. He didn't expect this grandson to be so adaptable, let alone that B ran so

"Should I stand for you, do I stand and let you fight? It's really the Sabi words spoken by Sabi stuff!"

Gu Qingyuan cursed back and did not slow down a bit.

"Chasing, you chase me! Catch up and fight to death!"

After yelling out of breath, the leading man squatted on the ground, panting heavily. He had reached the limit and could not run.

The remaining men were just holding on. After turning to a corner and avoiding the gaze of the leading man, they all stopped tacitly, leaning on the wall, and panting heavily.

"What the hell is this, running so fast!"

"I can't catch up at all. This grandson is too embarrassed. I have never seen anyone running so fast."

"Forget it, take a break here and go back to business."

The remaining men in black suits complained a few words, but did not intend to continue chasing them.


After running for a while, Gu Qingyuan stopped after finding that no one was chasing him. He held his knees with both hands and squatted, panting heavily.

After taking a break, Gu Qingyuan followed a small road to the east gate of Shengzheng University. After observing that his car was not being monitored, he opened the door and quickly got in.

Started the car, the car moved forward slowly, driving a distance of about three hundred meters, Gu Qingyuan found the figure of the black-framed glasses girl in front.

Seeing her standing in place and chatting with Da Beitou, he stopped the car and shrank inward.

Fifteen minutes later, the talents who had been chasing Qingyuan returned one after another. Everyone was sweating profusely, and there was an illusion that they had run 5000 meters.

"Miss, I'm sorry, no one was caught, that grandson ran too fast."

The black man in the lead said breathlessly.

Shen Xiaoduo didn't speak either, she looked at the man with a sullen mouth, disappointed.

"Miss, don't worry, since I know he is going to school here, I will be stuck every day, and one day I will find that grandson."

The man in black hurriedly added that he was afraid that such a young lady in his family would be unhappy.

"Forget it, if you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it. Anyway, it was a small contradiction. It was just too angry at the time that I called you over. This matter is over."

After Shen Xiaoduo said something softly, he waved to them again, beckoning them to go back.

Of course, these words could not be heard by Gu Qingyuan in the car.

After the group of people in black had left, Shen Xiaoduo waved goodbye to Lu Pingping.

Seeing her carrying her hands behind her back, she walked across the road and sat in a red Mercedes-Benz sedan.

"There are still rich people."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, revealing a cold smile.

Sometimes, Gu Qingyuan is even more of a villain who must report!Why should I be the one who tolerates others?

Gu Qingyuan followed the red Mercedes-Benz car and said coldly, "I will let my brother teach you how to be a human."

Shen Xiaoduo drove the car straight to the villa of the Shen family. She was not good at her skills. During the driving, she rarely looked at the mirror, nor did she notice a car following her all the time.

The red Mercedes Benz stopped the vehicle when it was driving on a coastal street.

Shen Xiaoduo got out of the car, leaned against the car, and looked at the beautiful scenery ahead. She has a habit of stopping to enjoy the scenery every time she goes home and passes by here.

"The opportunity is here!"

Gu Qingyuan said coldly, and the car passed by Shen Xiaoduo's car without stopping for a while, it looked extremely natural.

However, after passing the turn, Gu Qingyuan braked and stopped the car on the side of the road.

Opening the car door and jumping down, Gu Qingyuan ran towards Shen Xiaoduo with a scumbag.

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