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"Li Ping, it's about to start."

Gu Qingyuan is sitting at the computer and is ready to go. The first update of "OICQ" is today.

"Haha, I've been prepared long ago, I was quite excited when you said that." Li Ping said with a smile.

As soon as the time on the clock reached six o'clock in the afternoon, the "OICQ" pattern on the desktop immediately turned gray, and the update officially began.

Gu Qingyuan and Li Ping sat upright, tapping the keyboard quickly with their fingers, and their sounds were as beautiful as a piano.

A little bit of time passed. Except for Gu Qingyuan and Li Ping who occasionally stopped talking, both of them were running at full capacity at other times.

With a powerful server operating in the background, Gu Qingyuan can boldly expand the memory of OICQ to increase the user experience, and the purpose of this update is exactly the same.

Slowly, the sky outside gradually darkened, and the firm expressions on the faces of the two men still did not relax for a moment!

"Fuck, it's finally done."

Li Ping stretched out and looked at the time, it was already 3 o'clock in the morning.

"Log in and try the effect."

Gu Qingyuan said flatly, rubbing his eyebrows lightly, and concentrating his attention for a long time, which made him feel headache again.

"Yes!" Li Ping nodded and replied.

"First build a large group, pull more people, and try the effect." Gu Qingyuan whispered.


Li Ping quickly logged on to OICQ and regarded himself as an ordinary user to experience the updated OICQ.

Slowly, Li Ping put on a smile, turned his head to look at Gu Qingyuan, and said excitedly:

"Qingyuan, the experience is superb now. The switching chat in the group is not stuck at all, and there is no problem at all for a group of 500 people.

With that said, Li Ping looked at a room again, but there were two servers worth 200 in it. It was obviously a waste to use it to carry OICQ at this time.

"Then I will make a floating advertisement of'OICQ' and promote it on'ling520' at the same time, so that I can use the popularity of ling520 to promote OICQ."

After Gu Qingyuan said wearily, he slowly straightened up with his hands on the table, twisted his stiff neck twice, and continued to program.

"Do you do it now? Don't you need to take a break? Don't you want to think about design schemes?"

Li Ping asked, in fact, he just wanted Gu Qingyuan to rest for a while.

"No, the plan is already in my mind. From the first day of learning programming, I have been thinking about the plan."

Gu Qingyuan stared at the screen intently and said with a smile.

"Oh, awesome!"

Li Ping sighed and said something, his heart is more of admiration for Gu Qingyuan, it is really too abnormal, his thinking shouldn't appear in this era.

Li Ping frowned and watched Gu Qingyuan's programming of floating advertisements intently.

The only thing left in the company is the sound of keyboard typing and Li Ping's occasional exclamation!

It wasn't until 7 o'clock in the morning that Gu Qingyuan stopped, when his face had turned pale.

"Li Ping, you open'ling520' and see how is the promotion of'OICQ'?"

Gu Qingyuan stretched his back, his bones creaked, as if it would break when he tried hard, his face was full of fatigue.

"Okay, let me see." Li Ping nodded and opened'ling520' excitedly.666 Literature Network

Worthy of being the son of his own family, the advertising method of "OICQ" does not appear in floating form, but the most eye-catching banner headline.

The icon of'OICQ' has been changed, and it has become a chubby little penguin wearing a red scarf. It is so cute that people can't help but click on it.

Click Penguin, the cartoon-style official website is unique, and the functions and usage of "OICQ" are introduced in detail, which makes people clear at a glance.

"I'll go, are you a human being! How did you think of it?"

Li Ping stared at Gu Qingyuan with wide eyes and a wide mouth.

"Sit and think, stand and think, and think about it when you fall asleep," Gu Qingyuan replied with a smile.

"To be honest, I thought the penguin icon was ugly at first, but now it looks more and more cute. Girls will like it more."

Li Ping pointed to the chubby penguin on the computer screen and asked with a smile.

"Yes! You've got the point, it's about attracting girls! Only when more girls use "OICQ" to chat, can they attract the majority of male compatriots. As the saying goes, women win the world."

Gu Qingyuan explained with a smile.

Think of Ma Teng in his previous life pretending to be a girl in order to attract male compatriots.

Gu Qingyuan directly used the "OICQ" cartoon words to attract girls to download in a more feminine way.

"What do you mean by women wins the world?" Li Ping was full of black lines.

"You will know from now on." After speaking, Gu Qingyuan had already walked to the bathroom and started washing up. Today, Xia Chenling and the others are on vacation and they have to invite people in their dormitory to eat.

The most important thing is to see if you can find out who got the necklace. Those female college students who haven't been in the world should easily reveal clues.

"This is one thousand, you take it first."

Gu Qingyuan had washed up and put one thousand yuan beside Li Ping.

"Don't, I have money. I just took your mobile phone. I really can't take your money." Li Ping stood up and said aside.

"Now the company is chaotic. There are only two of us, and it is overloaded. You have been working for such a long time. You deserve it."

Gu Qingyuan kicked the money directly into Li Ping's pocket and patted his shoulder vigorously.

"But I didn't do anything? I can't take it!"

When Li Ping was about to pay out, he was crushed by Gu Qingyuan.

"Qingyuan, you have been doing programming, and I just cooperated a little bit to make the end. It costs so much money, it's really inappropriate!"

"Can't say that, we are a team! Don't push back and forth with me, buddy is already very tired."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan sat down heavily on the chair again, leaning on the back, and closing his eyes.

"At eleven o'clock noon, be sure to wake me up."

After saying the last sentence, Gu Qingyuan actually snored.

"It's uncomfortable to sleep here."

Li Ping frowned and said, putting it in his butt pocket.

He walked quickly to the folding stent bed, pulled out one and placed it, Li Ping hugged Gu Qingyuan, put him on the stent bed, and finally put a coat on his body.

In just a few actions, Li Ping was already sweating profusely. Such a high-load operation would consume too much of the body, and recruiting troops was imminent.

Li Ping looked at Gu Qingyuan's sleeping face and felt inexplicably relieved. This immature face is much tougher than he thought!I am very fortunate to be able to join Gu Qingyuan's team.

"Gu Qingyuan, thank you!"

After speaking in a low voice, Li Ping sat in front of the computer again, turned on the video, and continued to learn more difficult programming!

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