You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At the same time, on the 37th floor of the Regal Building, Li Ping listened carefully to Gu Qingyuan's remarks about the OICQ update, taking notes from time to time.

"The operation is not very difficult. It sounds complicated. I am going to change the name of'OICQ' to OO, and carry out a comprehensive upgrade of the version, dialog boxes, interface, official website, etc. So the next few days will be a lot of work ,get ready."

Gu Qingyuan twisted his neck and said.

Li Ping frowned and froze in place, as if he wanted to say nothing, waited until Gu Qingyuan said all the content, he hurriedly said:

"Mr Gu,'OICQ' has finally gradually emerged, and suddenly changed its name, will it be unsafe?" Li Ping gave his own suggestions.

"I was anxious to change my name because of the rapid increase in the number of registrations. Don't you think'OICQ' is very confusing?'OO' is so good, simple and easy to catch." Gu Qingyuan explained.

"Do you want to change your name just because you scream?"

Li Ping objected, feeling that Gu Qingyuan's idea of ​​changing his name was too hasty.

"Almost, let me give you an analogy."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Li Ping and smiled, and seriously explained: "For example, two beauties apply for an actor, and the applicant holds the resumes of the two, and only plans to meet one of them. The two beauties are called separately. Ruoyun, Gougan, which beauty will you meet?"


Li Ping replied, after a pause, he retorted: "But OO doesn't sound as good as OICQ."

"Just scream it, it's up to me..."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile that in the future, OICQ will encounter legal disputes because of the name, which is the real reason for the name change.

Gu Qingyuan didn't dare to reveal too much, and Li Ping would treat him as a monster if he didn't talk.

"Then let's get started, you first post a downtime update announcement on the official website."

Gu Qingyuan looked at the screen and said something, his fingers had already tapped the keyboard quickly.

"Change your name first?"

After making the announcement, Li Ping asked.

"Well, you renamed the editor backstage, that's easy."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, without even looking at Li Ping, he was still staring at the screen.

Of course Li Ping didn't think so, he was already used to Gu Qingyuan's state.

According to the requirements of the care of Qingyuan, Li Ping completed the name change of OICQ in only ten minutes and became OO!

The name Li Ping sounds very old-fashioned was born in such a hurry.

Li Ping turned his head to look at Gu Qingyuan again, and found that he was programming some programs he didn't understand.

"You...what are you programming?"

Li Ping leaned his head in front of the computer screen and asked puzzledly.

"Chat emoji."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, instructing to type on the keyboard quickly, without stopping for a moment.

"Then what do I need to do now?"

Li Ping rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

"Didn't I make the OO template before, you follow that and upgrade the OO official website."


Li Ping nodded, moved the mouse eagerly, and after clicking the template icon on the screen, a pink girlish breath came to his face!


Li Ping pulled a long tone and looked at Gu Qingyuan bitterly, his appearance was somewhat similar to constipation.

"Why do you become more and more pregnant?" Li Ping asked in a low voice, worried that he might disturb Gu Qingyuan's programming, but eagerly wanted the answer.

For this template, Li Ping is not very satisfied.

"Just do it, girls like this, you have to firmly believe that the one who wins the heart of a woman wins the world."

Gu Qingyuan raised the corner of his mouth and said, his hand speed on the keyboard did not slow down at all.

"Okay... Okay." Fun reading novel

Li Ping swallowed deeply what he wanted to refute. Gu Qingyuan could not think of anything like that there are more male netizens than women?

Maybe genius is different.

According to the template, Li Ping began to program seriously, no longer nonsense, only the sound of typing on the keyboard is left in the company!


In the wave nightclub.

He Chaoran led a group of girls to the best-positioned deck. Seeing the dazzling lights and the young people on the dance floor, these girls were all excited.

"Come, have a drink."

He Chaoran raised his glass and said with a smile.

"Come on, Cheers, Brother He!"

The first to respond was Liu Shina, standing up with the wine bottle, holding the cup in both hands, and gently clinking with He Chaoran who was sitting.

Afterwards, other women raised their glasses one after another. After clinking the glasses, they all drank them very boldly.

This night, several curious girls wanted to be presumptuous.

"Let's go, let's go dance for a while."

After He Chaoran put down the wine glass, stood up, and as he said, he slowly wriggled to the blast music.


Xia Chenling nodded and then stood up, but only stood dumbly, appearing a little restrained.

"Just twist to the music, it's not that difficult."

He Chaoran smiled, walked to Xia Chenling's side, and shook her arm a few times, causing Xia Chenling to smile openly.

"Brother He, I'll do it myself."

Xia Chenling learned He Chaoran, followed the music, and slowly jumped, showing her graceful figure without reservation.

"Come on girls, together!"

He Chaoran said to the remaining girls.


Mao Doudou nodded and they all stood up, followed He Chaoran to the center of the dance floor, and slowly jumped up.

The most fascinating thing is Liu Shina, who twists her big long legs gently, making people dreamy!

Gao Qianqian jumped hardest, venting the unhappiness in her heart.

This group of beautiful girls danced together and instantly became the focus of the audience, but if He Chaoran led the dance together, naturally, no one would come and find it unhappy.

After all, this place is so supernatural.

Of course, there are some children from big families who don't care about He Chaoran, and they can't wait to come up and talk to each other.

At this time, Lu Pingping, who was drinking at the bar, found Xia Chenling. After putting down his glass, he strode over.

Lu Pingping still didn't know that Shen Xiaoduo was beaten, and the incident was well hidden by the Zhang family, but the attacker, Gu Qingyuan, has stepped up the investigation and must be found out.

Lu Pingping, who was here at this time, had a sense of superiority. In his opinion, Gu Qingyuan was just a coward who was scared away.

Lu Pingping twisted his body and slowly approached Xia Chenling, and in a moment when she was not paying attention, he pressed his body up.


Xia Chenling screamed, stepped back several steps, and looked at Lu Pingping in horror.

"Yes... is it you?"

Xia Chenling whispered.

"Chen Ling, why don't you tell me why you come to the nightclub."

Lu Pingping twisted his body and wanted to move closer.

"Lu Xiaoer, go for a drink if you have nothing to do, don't go here."

He Chaoran rubbed Lu Pingping's head a few times and pushed him aside.

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