You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Sun Fengfeng's wine was also sober. Seeing the tall and magnificent Gu Qingyuan standing by Su Zhengguo's side, he did not dare to show off his might and say some curse.

The two groups of people are on each side, looking at each other.Then Wang Xiaolu and Dad Yang also walked over, and the three men looked straight at Sun Fengfeng.

After swallowing vigorously, Sun Fengfeng lowered his head, avoiding Gu Qingyuan's gaze.

The body turned back again, which is also an expression of confession.

Gao Pingping showed a smug smile behind her, and her mood suddenly became more relaxed. Gu Qingyuan's slap in the face was really cool.

Especially seeing Sun Fengfeng's slumped waist at this moment, it was even more dark and cool.

Standing behind Gu Qingyuan, Su Rong felt a sense of security in her heart. This sense of security was unprecedented.Even his father has never given it.

At that time, he had all the jealous preference for Xia Chenling.

"Come here to apologize!"

Suddenly, Gu Qingyuan said coldly, giving people an aura of no anger and might, not like a discussion, but more like an order.


Sun Fengfeng raised his head and looked over. He thought that this matter would have passed without saying a word. He still had to apologize?

There was still a fiery pain on his cheeks. Sun Fengfeng hesitated a little while touching his cheeks. Suddenly, his pupils dilated and he saw Gu Qingyuan and the two strange men in front of him walking over.

Gu Qingyuan tilted his head slightly and glanced at Yang Hong's father, which surprised him a little. This man... is quite good.


Sun Fengfeng stood up and said in a trembling voice.

"forget it..."

Su Zhengguo just opened his mouth, but Gao Pingping pulled it down strongly, and then rolled his eyes.

Sun Fengfeng looked at Su Zhengguo with a sharp face, stepped forward, bent over slightly, and said in a low voice: "Old Su, I'm sorry, I had a drink and made a joke."


Su Zhengguo waved his hand. When he wanted to say the word okay, he swallowed the word when he saw the cold look cast by Gao Pingping.

"Haha." Gao Pingping sneered, and said with an unhappy expression.

"Sun Fengfeng, you are also bullying my old Su Honestly. From now on, our two families will stop going back and forth. If you have a bad mind, don't come to my house."

After saying these words, Gao Pingping sighed. She wanted to say these words a long time ago, but she didn't expect that they would be said today, let alone that the young man helped support her.

After that, Gu Qingyuan and the three of Su Rong's family walked out of Linzhou One.

"Brother Su, I'm leaving."

After Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, he strode forward directly.

Su Rong looked at the back of him away, pursed her mouth, and became unhappy.Did he have nothing to say to himself? He left in such a hurry.


Su Zhengguo rubbed his hands with a smirk, looked at Gu Qingyuan's back, and waved his hand and shouted: "Brother Gu, why don't you come to my house tomorrow? Our brothers haven't had a drink for a long time."

Hearing this, Su Rong's eyes lit up, and she echoed loudly: "Have you heard?"


Gu Qingyuan waved his hand and walked forward with his arms around Wang Xiaolu.

"No... don't you drive?"

Wang Xiaolu asked in a low voice.

"Go to the Internet cafe for a while, I heard that your kid is good at playing?"

"Hey, uh uh." Food novel

Wang Xiaolu smiled and nodded.

Soon, Gu Qingyuan and the others disappeared on the other side of the road.

"Let's go, it's all gone, watch it!"

Gao Pingping pulled Su Rong who was standing in the same place, frowned and said.


Su Rong gave Gao Pingping an embarrassed look, and walked ahead with her head down.

"That kid is also getting upright?"

Gao Pingping took Su Zhengguo, followed Su Rong unhurriedly, and asked.

At this time, the street was quiet, and the sound of fireworks finally ceased, and only the sound of three people stepping on the snow could be heard.


Su Rong nodded.

"No wonder." Gao Pingping nodded thoughtfully, and after thinking for a moment, she said:

"I warn you, Su Rong, you can't like someone because of a temporary goodwill. Although Gu Qingyuan helped us once today, you still have to stay away from him because of his madness. a little."

"Um... Actually, Brother Gu is still good. For example, during the stock market, he gave us the money without saying anything, and it was our fault. And..."

"you shut up!"

Gao Pingping yelled and glared at Su Zhengguo, who also closed her mouth wittily.

"Su Rong, you are a college student with a bright future anyway. Gu Qingyuan didn't even pass the college entrance examination, and his family conditions are poor. Do you think you are on the same road?"

Gao Pingping said again, Su Zhengguo nodded and agreed with her.

"Okay, don't talk about it!"

Su Rong stopped, turned her head and looked at them, frowning and pursing her mouth puffingly.

"You don't know him at all, and..." Su Rong thought of Xia Chenling, changed her tone, and said, "I and him are just... just a friendship, not what you thought of."

"So much the better!"

Gao Pingping said with a smile, and walked forward with Su Rong in his arms.


"Brother Gu, why aren't you on the number yet?"

Wang Xiaolu had logged in to his account, but after seeing Gu Qingyuan looking at some pictures he couldn't understand, he asked with a smile.

"You play yours, I have something to do."

Gu Qingyuan said expressionlessly, and quickly swiped the mouse to check some news from the stock market recently.

Some substantive positive words, that is, RRR cuts and interest rate cuts, are actually meaningless in Gu Qingyuan’s view.

Although these can stimulate some retail investors to enter the market, it is often invisible information that determines the direction of the stock market.

These positives are like a kind of signal, which is also a signal of ups or downs. It is necessary to judge the trend of the market well in order to make the most correct decision based on these positives.

For example, when Niu turned around, the good news was nothing more than a blindfold to confuse the retail investors, and the purpose was to find the receivers and make those big dealers better ship the goods.

For another example, the positive situation of agricultural stocks at that time was the same.

Gu Qingyuan's brows were tightly closed, and he read some news in different sections. He read it quickly, and his super brain development made it easy for him to interpret the hidden meaning of the information.

After passing the information screen, Gu Qingyuan yawned, stretched his lower back, and then looked at the big pan again.

Open the K-line chart and draw it with some related technical indicators.

From the last plunge to this time, the structural level has been formed, but it has been in a downturn. Although the previous hype about holding shares for the New Year, the strength of the increase seems very weak.

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