You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Will it be in an Internet cafe?Su Rong thought for a while, quickly changed her clothes and hurried downstairs.

The only Internet cafe in Linzhou City was opened at the bottom of the Jiadi Garden. Within a few minutes, Su Rong reached the entrance of the Internet cafe, hesitated a little, and walked in.

This is the first time Su Rong has come to an Internet cafe. In her impression, this place has always been a gathering place for punks.

Fighting, smoking, and police often come here. In short, the impression of this place is extremely bad.


As soon as he entered the door, a network administrator stood up from the side and looked up and down Su Rong, showing a frivolous smile.

Those who were surfing the Internet also stopped one after another and looked at Su Rong.

"No, find someone."

Su Rong said quickly, she got in from the Internet cafe and looked around, looking for Gu Qingyuan.

The Internet cafe is a structure with two rooms inside and outside. Finally, at a machine inside, Su Rong spotted Gu Qingyuan sitting upright.

"Qing Yuan?"

Su Rong walked over, gently pushed him down, bent over and looked at his profile.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Rong frowned slightly and looked at the screen again. There were some incomprehensible patterns. She thought he was playing a game, but it didn't seem to be.

Immediately, Gu Qingyuan switched the screen again, which was a candlestick chart of each stock.

"Is it a stock?"

Su Rong whispered, because of Su Zhengguo, she still recognized these things.

Gu Qingyuan still didn't say a word. He frowned and looked at the screen. Although there were no thoughts in his mouth, his fingers kept tapping the keyboard and turning the mouse.

"Qing Yuan!"

Su Rong shouted again, pouting, looking at Gu Qingyuan with an unhappy expression.


Gu Qingyuan finally heard this, turned his head and looked at Su Rong, with a look of surprise on his face.

"How did you come?"

"Hmph, you won't answer the call. Didn't you promise my dad to come to my house for dinner yesterday? Why, did you forget?"

Su Rong stretched out her hand to pinch his cheek, and said playfully, she shook two little ponytails and shook it gently.


Gu Qingyuan frowned and nodded, looked up at the window, and realized that it was already dawn.Wang Xiaolu beside him was lying on the computer desk, asleep.

How long have I been sitting here?Gu Qingyuan shook his head slightly in surprise, and when he pulled the armrest of the seat to stand up, he suddenly felt sore in his arm and sat down heavily.

"Qingyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Su Rong asked worriedly, clutching his shoulders tightly with both hands.

"It's okay, just a little hungry."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, and after a pause, slowly stood up while supporting the table.

"You have not been playing since last night until now."

Su Rong took Gu Qingyuan's arm and spoke softly.


Gu Qingyuan nodded faintly, and when he walked out of the Internet cafe with Su Rong, he shook his arm slightly, stopped and looked at her.

"Su Rong, let go of your hand first, it won't be great if Xia Chenling sees it."

The voice is gentle, but as cold as an ice cellar.

"Good." 8090 Chinese

Su Rong replied weakly, slowly lowered her hand, lowered her head, and followed behind Gu Qingyuan.

"Ha ha."

Gu Qingyuan chuckled, touched Su Rong's black hair, and walked side by side with her.

"Don't think about it, I will definitely be responsible for you, but you have to give me some time."


Hearing these words, Su Rong's feelings that had just been lost were wiped out. She raised her head and smiled and looked at Gu Qingyuan. Like a child, she would be happy or sad because of his words.

Going back to Su Rong's house, Gao Pingping and Su Zhengguo were also considered enthusiastic. Although the meals were mostly vegetarian, they also had a full table.

Su Zhengguo also took out some of the wine that he was reluctant to drink on weekdays, and chatted with Gu Qingyuan while drinking.

Gradually, Su Zhengguo's face turned red, and he put his arms around Gu Qingyuan's shoulders, and talked more.

"Brother Gu, I was sorry for the previous incident."

Su Zheng Guoyu said earnestly, and Gao Pingping's expression on the side changed suddenly.It wasn't that she was sinister in her heart and wanted to deliberately fall back on this account, but the family really couldn't afford to pay.

Su Rong's tuition and daily expenses are only supported by Gao Pingping's monthly salary of 900.

"That money..."

Su Zhengguo said again, Gao Pingping's face became more and more ugly.

"Brother Su, you don't owe me anything, at that time..."

As he said, Gu Qingyuan smiled slightly, glanced at Su Rong, and saw her pursing her mouth lightly, her fingers tugging at the tablecloth, with a flustered look.

It should be, thinking about that night again, don’t owe anything...

"At that time, I was actually trying to lie to you, and then the stock rose, and I can only say that you are lucky, and it has nothing to do with me."

After having a cup with Su Zhengguo, he took a sip, and then said seriously: "So, Brother Su, there is no need to mention that."


Su Zhengguo was holding a wine glass, with mixed flavors in his heart. At his age, he was not as free and easy as the boy in front of him.

Hearing these words, Gao Pingping became embarrassed, picked up the chopsticks, and even picked up vegetables for Gu Qingyuan.

Seeing this scene, Su Rong smiled sweetly and looked up at Gu Qingyuan shyly.

At least, his parents treated Gu Qingyuan better than Xia Luo and the others.

In this regard, I won.

After that, Su Zhengguo seemed to open his heart, and also opened the chatterbox, telling Gu Qingyuan about the stock trading at the time.

Including the fact that I was hospitalized, at the end, he said earnestly: "Stocks are harmful."

Gu Qingyuan just listened quietly, thinking of the middle-aged man He Chaoran met in the Internet cafe at the time. He was even more miserable than Su Zhengguo.

Some people are not suitable for stock trading, such as Su Zhengguo.

"Brother, it's good to be able to throw away the stocks completely, so you can enjoy your life, otherwise, I'm afraid you will be trapped in this stock for a lifetime."

After listening, Gu Qingyuan smiled and summed up.

"Yes, I don't want to watch that ragged thing. I watched a few TV shows and found it particularly interesting. Moreover, my blood pressure is not high, and I don't have insomnia at night."

Su Zhengguo laughed, his expression relaxed, it seemed that he had really let go of the stock.

"Come on, Brother Su, have a drink!"

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, raised his glass and touched Su Zhengguo, then raised his head and drank it.

Gu Qingyuan originally planned to recommend some stocks to him, so think about it and forget it.Su Zhengguo has an open mind at this time, isn't it the best?

Besides, money, is it lacking?How can Su Rong say that she is her own woman. Will her family worry about those things?

After eating lunch for three hours, before leaving, Su Rong followed Gu Qingyuan downstairs in Gao Pingping's squinting eyes.

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