You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When Gu Qingyuan woke up in the early morning of the next day, Zhang Zhi and the others were already sitting upright by the computer and began to work.

Gu Qingyuan couldn't help but shook his head, sighing deeply in his heart. It's not without reason that these people can succeed.

After convening a meeting and talking about some OO-related matters, everyone sat at the computer, quickly tapped the keyboard, and started research and development.

However, the workload of "OO Farm" is very large. Combined with the memory of the previous life, Gu Qingyuan designed the game very far, which is tantamount to a tall building. Now Gu Qingyuan and the others have just started the first floor.

The seeds are sorted step by step by level. Since they don’t know the names of the seeds, they searched the Internet. It was the first time Zhang Zhi heard about the bottle tree and the pitcher plant.

"I'm going, this piranha grows like this." Chen Jiangshui said with a smile after finding the relevant pictures on the Internet.

"I see?" Sun Miaomiao turned around and watched on Chen Jiangshui's screen, "Oh, it's very special, okay, don't appreciate it, record the picture, and search for other crops."

Gu Qingyuan asked for 128 species of plants. In the morning, except for Li Ping's floating advertisement, everyone else worked intensively.

Find the picture of the plant, add the name of the plant in the included photos and remarks. These three parts can be regarded as the completion of a plant record.

Starting at 8.30 in the morning, and until 7 in the afternoon, the 128 plants requested by Gu Qingyuan were found.

"Everyone, take a rest, Li Ping, you go buy food, there is still a tough battle to fight S in the evening!"

Gu Qingyuan lay on the chair, stretched and said.Everyone sits in the lobby to develop together, which also facilitates communication.

"Xing Lei." After saying that, Li Ping don't leave quickly.

"Everyone, stop, close your eyes and take a break." Seeing Hao Dashan still straight and operating, Gu Qingyuan reminded.

Hao Dashan smiled and nodded, lying on the chair.

After a while, everyone fell asleep.Li Ping glanced, smiled and shook his head. It is really a blessing to be able to fight with these people, so he closed the door gently.

After Li Ping came back, everyone had started the first round of programming, programming the recorded plant cartoons into the game

The whole night after that was the sound of "cracking" typing on the keyboard. After Li Ping finished the floating advertisement, he did not rest and joined them.

It was not until five o'clock in the morning that all the plants were programmed into the game.

When Sun Miaomiao was about to get up, he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Chen Jiangshui's eyesight was quick and he held Sun Miao.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's rest soon." Gu Qingyuan said with concern.

In the middle of the night, the weather in Shengzheng was felt cool, and everyone wrapped in a blanket and lay directly on the bed to sleep.

After a while, one after another snoring sounded.

After waking up, washing, eating, and simple activities, everyone became busy again.

In the programming of "OO Farm" land, the level of land is divided into 12 levels. The crops of each level grow faster, and the speed of harvesting grain is also fast.

The programming of this is much easier than the programming of crops and plants in 128. The programming of the land was completed in just three hours.

Then there are the settings of watering, fertilizing, weeding and other props. In addition to eating and sleeping, Gu Qingyuan and the others are always programming beside the computer. In the end, everyone's face turned sickly white and his eyes were bloodshot.


After 10 days of busy work, day and night, the "OO Farm" has basically taken shape.

"Old Gu, what's the difference?" Zhang Zhi asked in a tired voice.

"Malls, shopping malls, put some fertilizer, watering, and weeding props in them, and buy them directly through online banking, so that we can directly make a profit."

Gu Qingyuan said in a tired voice.Online e-book

"Okay!" Zhang Zhi nodded, and said to everyone: "Everyone, work harder, the dawn of the victory of the revolution is right before you, everyone hold on!"

"no problem!"

"come on!"

Everyone shook their arms, turned their heads, and relaxed.

After a simple relaxation, everyone started editing the mall according to the settings of Care Qingyuan. There are not many props in the mall, only watering, fertilizing, weeding, and hounds.

Watering, fertilizing and weeding can only be the speed at which plants can harvest vegetables, and the hound's role is to reduce the number of others stealing vegetables.

According to this overall framework, everyone quickly tapped the keyboard.Two hours later, the overall framework is completed, and only the price setting is left.

"Old Gu, how do you set the price?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"Wait, I think about it."

Gu Qingyuan tapped the table lightly, thinking.After a long time, he said:

"The price of watering is 1 yuan, which increases the maturation speed of crops by 10 minutes. Weeding 2 yuan increases the ripening speed of crops by 30 minutes, while increasing the yield of crops by 20%. Fertilizing 5 yuan, increasing by one hour, also increases the crops by 50 Yield."

"Are there hounds?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"The hunting dog is 10 yuan, a permanent weapon, which reduces friends stealing vegetables by 10%," Gu Qingyuan said lightly.

"OK, no problem."

According to Jiaoyuan, Zhang Zhi and the others are doing the final finishing work.It was another two full hours of programming before the game programming of "OO Farm" was completely completed.

"What time is it now." Gu Qingyuan asked.

"10 o'clock." Zhang Zhi looked at the phone and replied.

"Evening or morning." Gu Qingyuan asked.

"At night, look at the god outside the window." Zhang Zhi shook his head slightly, a little speechless.


Gu Qingyuan looked at Zhang Zhi, and the two smiled at each other. They were too exhausted, and felt a little stupefied. They didn't distinguish between day and night.

"Chen Jiangshui, let's post an announcement on the official website. The update will start at 12 o'clock tonight, and the new "OO Farm" game will be added."

"OK." Chen Jiangshui quickly opened the backstage of the official website and published the edited content.

"Everyone rests for two hours. After the update is completed at 12 o'clock, take a good rest for a few days. Each person will be rewarded with another 10,000 yuan. Let's relax!"

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Old Gu, Guang Liang!" Li Ping said with a smile, twisting his stiff body.

"Haha, I haven't been running for a long time." Zhang Zhi said with a smile.

"My mom asked me to go on a blind date, but I didn't go." Sun Miaomiao said aggrievedly.

"Hahaha..." everyone laughed at what the Chubby Man said, thinking about a blind date in their hearts.

"Sun Miaomiao, you will be worth a lot in the future, don't worry." Gu Qingyuan joked with a smile.

"Go, go, this emotional matter is not anxious or not. When the fate arrives, it will naturally end."

"The round fat man is quite innocent." Zhang Zhi said with a smile, and everyone laughed again.

Everyone didn't go to rest either, it was 12 o'clock right away, and some of them were playing poker and some chatting.Slowly wait for the arrival of 12 o'clock.

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