You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yushu immediately called Gu Qingyuan, and what was heard was the shutdown prompt. After a helpless smile, he left the matter behind and talked about it later.

Without the pressure of programming in my heart, Gu Qingyuan and the others were still asleep, as were Li Ping.

In the past, after OO has been updated, Li Ping always can't wait to get up, open the official website, check some user feedback, and then look at the surge in downloads in the background.

But at this time, he was asleep, but he did not have the excitement at that time. First, the little half was tired. It was too hard and almost hollowed out his body; second, in fact, deep in his heart, it was not Optimistic about OO farm.

Communication software is a small game, how to compete with those big game manufacturers?Isn't this not doing business properly?

If it were not for the blind worship of Gu Qingyuan, Li Ping would definitely strongly oppose it.

In his sleep, Li Ping's brows wrinkled slightly.


Chen Guang and Huang in the studio of Huaqing University in North Beijing.

"Ding Ding, don't steal my vegetables, they just planted it!" a girl pouted and shouted, while standing on her toes, she looked across.

"Oh, I didn't notice that it was you. I blame Old Chen. Last night, I just played on'OO Farm'. Now there are third-level farms, and I still keep stealing other people's food."

"Wow, this old Chen, let's charge the money, the land is already level 2."

"Hey, charge it up."

Old Chen smiled happily. Stealing vegetables brought him more pleasure than "Wang Wang" brushing BOSS. Watching his friend's food just cooked, and then immediately stealing, this kind of pleasure is incomparable with "Wang Wang" .

"Oh, this old Chen is so annoying, he bought a hunting dog to prevent stealing food."

"Old Chen, you are too annoying, no, I have to buy one too, otherwise Old Chen keeps stealing." The girl named Ding Ding said with a smile.

At noon, none of the employees in Chen Guang and Huang Yu’s studio went to eat because they were stealing food from "OO Farm".

Chen Guang was also cheerfully stealing vegetables, and just stole Huang Yuzhong's potatoes.

Huang Yu looked at everyone's state and became worried.He pushed Chen Guang and said, "Husband, do you think this'OO Farm' will affect our'kings'?"

Hearing this, Chen Guang stopped, turned his head to look at Huang Yu, thought for a while, and said: "It's a short-term view. It's a little bit. It must be a percentage of time. He spent his time on'OO Farm'. But from In the long run, it won’t. After all, the two games are too different and the user groups are different."

Huang Yu nodded, agreeing with Chen Guang's statement.Then he sighed again: "The founder of this'OO' is too powerful, how sacred is it? That'OO space' has only been developed for ten days, this'OO farm' came out, and the product is a Isn’t that incredible than a heavenly defense."

"I'm going, Lao Chen! My eggplant!" Chen Guang shouted, Huang Yu just said, he didn't listen to a word.

"Huh!" Huang Yu glanced at Chen Guang, and after opening "OO Farm", he shouted: "Chen Guang, my potatoes!"


Night, Lantern Festival!

In a commercial street, all kinds of novel lanterns were hung in some shops facing the street. At this time, the wide street was crowded with shopping people, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time.

Gu Qingyuan had just gotten up. He wanted to take a look at the backstage data of OO Farm, but Zhang Zhi pulled him out forcibly.

Today everyone had an agreement to relax, no one was allowed to look at the computer, so Xia Wei was empty in the company.

"Zhang Zhi, when will the senior sister you told me come?"

Gu Qingyuan was eating a flatbread in his mouth and carrying various types of snacks in his hand, and he must stop wherever he went.Euyue Book

However, Zhang Zhi just smoked a cigarette, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and didn't have much interest in those snacks.

"It should be soon, I'll call her again to confirm the time."

Zhang Zhi smiled faintly and said casually. When he looked at Gu Qingyuan immediately, he saw that he had been bent down and picked up a grilled fish to eat.

The two stopped and walked all the way, and when they finally reached the end of the slightly quieter street, Zhang Zhi stepped forward and took Gu Qingyuan's arm with a serious expression.

"Qingyuan, Li Ping, Sun Miaomiao, they all reacted to me about something about the OO farm."


Gu Qingyuan was a little confused, raised his head and looked at Li Ping, but then smiled indifferently, with a relaxed expression.

"Zhang Zhi, do they think they waste too much time on the OO farm?"


Zhang Zhi nodded and paused for a while. After organizing the language, he slowly said: "Now in our country, only our family of communication software is the leader in all aspects. He suddenly started the game. Hurry, secondly, it seems a bit of a bad job."

"Are you worried, this will affect the development of OO?" Gu Qingyuan turned his head and smiled and asked.

"Yes." Zhang Zhi nodded, and after a glance at Gu Qingyuan, he continued: "Although we are currently in the leading position in China, we must beware of the American side.

I am worried about the influx of communication software from the United States. Now Huaxia people are still a little fond of foreigners. Of course, the main reason is that we do not have strong products. In case they are eyeing this piece of cake of our Huaxia country, the market will be huge The share will be taken away."

After speaking, Zhang Zhi looked at Gu Qingyuan with a serious expression and waited for his answer. He had to say that Zhang Zhi's analysis was very reasonable.

But Gu Qingyuan just grinned very unconvincingly, and said happily, "Then why didn't you remind me of this before?"

"At that time, you had such a tough attitude, and you also had some blind trust in you. It was only in the process of creating that something was wrong."

Zhang Zhi smiled and said truthfully.

"Let's go, go and eat something."

Suddenly, Gu Qingyuan said abruptly and saw him look up at a luxuriously decorated restaurant.

The main products are seafood.


Zhang Zhi was a little bit surprised. The topic was jumping too fast. He was giving his opinion very seriously. Why didn't he care?

"Oh, don't froze, just rub it."

Gu Qingyuan walked into the hotel with his arms around Zhang Zhi, who was surprised.

Twenty minutes later!

A small table was filled with all kinds of seafood. Gu Qingyuan ate a lot, but Zhang Zhi had not moved his chopsticks.

Is he proud?Want to slack off?Thinking this way, Zhang Zhi frowned.


At this time, Zhang Zhi's phone rang, and Li Ping opened it. Since Gu Qingyuan's phone was turned off, he could only call him.

Just pressing the answer button, there was an excited voice.

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