You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When night fell, Gu Qingyuan's fingers twitched slightly, and after a cold wind blew, he woke up.


With a groan of teeth, Gu Qingyuan slowly sat up with the tree, and felt a hint of cold as a breeze blew.

At this time, the weather in Shengzheng was not too cold. Gu Qingyuan raised his right hand and placed the back of his hand on his forehead. It turned out that he had a vague fever.

After taking a short break, Gu Qingyuan took out his mobile phone and dialed Xia Chenling's number.

There are already dozens of her phone calls, including several from Su Rong.

"Hello? Qingyuan? Where are you?"

On the other side of the phone, Xia Chenling's voice was very urgent. She was on the balcony in the dormitory at this time, with her eyebrows frowned and her hands holding the phone tightly.

The voice was very high, and Su Rong, who was drinking water at the public table, naturally heard it too, and she couldn't help being shocked, and an ominous premonition surged in her heart.

Su Rong moved her body, and then sat down next to the door.

"'s okay, I talked to those people about something, the phone vibrated, I didn't pay attention to it, so I called you now, which made you worry."

Gu Qingyuan tore his teeth and forced a smile.

"Then who are they? It's really scary." Su Rong asked hurriedly, stretching out her white fist and knocking down on the balcony.

"It's just a little conflict, don't worry, it's really fine!"


Xia Chenling sighed for a long time. He hadn't spoken for a long time. Hearing some comforting sounds from Gu Qingyuan, he always felt uneasy in his heart.

Those words of Xia Luo at that time always couldn't help but rush to her heart.

"Qing Yuan..."

Xia Chenling yelled softly, interrupting Gu Qingyuan who was talking at this time.

"Yeah." Gu Qingyuan whispered a round.

"You must not do something irreparable, you must calm down, do you know?"


"Moreover, what happened today must never happen again in the future."

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan gave a wry smile, and he also heard that Xia Chenling's words at this time were more of blame.

But it was also free and easy in my heart, I just felt that Xia Chenling's Na Nizi was scared.

Hanging up the phone, Gu Qingyuan slowly stood up with the tree and walked down the mountain.

As long as the steps are larger, you will immediately feel a pain. The left arm is still numb, especially the foot on the head, which is still aching at this time.

Moreover, the environment at this time is nearly 100 kilometers away from the city, and there are sparsely populated people, I am afraid that you can't even see the exhaust of the car.

Gu Qingyuan kept walking, frowning slightly, thinking about his situation at this time.

At that time, in the black van, Gu Qingyuan heard the man's name, Zhang Yuqiang, and his relationship with Zhang Yushu could not be obvious.

Things in the future will become very troublesome!But at present, Zhang Yushu cannot be told about his being beaten. This will inevitably affect the feelings between the two.

This matter must be discussed separately!


Xia Chenling hung up the phone and just walked in from the balcony, and saw Su Rong suddenly standing up, staring at herself sadly.


Xia Chenling asked, subconsciously guessing, could it be that Su Rong lost her luggage or wallet?

Su Rong was stunned for a moment, and swallowed the words she wanted to ask. At this moment, she looked very tangled.

"Su Rong, what's the matter with you?"

"I... I seem to have lost my wallet, I will go down and look for it."

After speaking, Su Rong immediately turned around and ran out of the dormitory.

"Eh..." Xia Chenling stretched out a move. Seeing that Su Rong ignored herself, she rushed out of the bedroom and whispered again: "Don't you need me to find it with you?" Beauty Nest novel www.mnowoxs. com

Running downstairs panting, Su Rong took out her cell phone and eagerly dialed Gu Qingyuan's number.


Just after a sound, Su Rong whispered: "Take it, Qingyuan, take it soon."

"Hello?" Fortunately, Gu Qingyuan's low voice came over the phone.

"Qingyuan, did you have an accident?" Su Rong asked hurriedly, while walking towards the school gate. She wanted to see Gu Qingyuan. Only when she saw him would her heart collapse.

"No, why do you suddenly ask?"

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, pretending to be relaxed.

"You lied, I heard Xia Chenling called you, where are you now? I want to find you."

"It's really okay. Just talked about something with someone. Go back to the bedroom, don't think too much."

"I don't care, I'm going to find you!"

Su Rong's tone was firm.

"Really don't worry!"

After Gu Qingyuan said aloud, he hung up the phone.

Su Rong called again, one after another, the phone rang in the forest.

After playing for a full 20 minutes, Gu Qingyuan sighed and answered the phone. This Nizi...


Gu Qingyuan whispered a word, but he heard that there was already crying.

Su Rong kept twitching and choked up: "Where are you... where are you? I want to find you!"


Gu Qingyuan sighed, feeling a little distressed for the crying silly Nizi.

At exactly this time, he had already walked down the foot of the mountain, and a sign on the side of the highway was written exactly where he was.


Gu Qingyuan sighed and started to comfort him: "I'm really fine, it's too early now. Go back and rest and be obedient."

"I don't, I just want to see you anyway, where are you?"

Su Rong still had a cry in her voice, but her attitude was very determined.

"Okay... OK..."

Gu Qingyuan nodded helplessly, only to realize that the girl Su Rong was too stubborn!


One hour later.

Gu Qingyuan sat on the side of the road and looked up at the vast sky. Without the cover of the tall buildings in the city, the sky at this time was even wider.

Except for a bit of coldness, the scene at the moment is really great.

After another moment, a light finally lit up on the dark street, and a red taxi was driving forward slowly, and the observer seemed to be looking for something by the side of the road.

"Here! Here!"

Gu Qingyuan stood up, waving his arms and shouting loudly, but then he bent down again, showing a painful expression.

"There is the driver master!"

Su Rong pulled down the car window and exclaimed excitedly.

After the taxi stopped slowly, Su Rong immediately opened the door and walked down. Looking at Gu Qingyuan, whose face was covered in blood, her eyes became ruddy again.

"Said it's okay?"

Su Rong held Gu Qingyuan's arm, and tears flowed as soon as she finished her complaint.

"I accidentally fell."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, opened the rear door, and sat in the back row with Su Rong.

Then, the roar of the car tore the quiet night apart, and a bright shadow drove towards the noisy city.

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