You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After that, the phone rang and it was from Zhang Yushu. Shen Xiaoduo was ready to be angry, but when he heard that he was going to introduce the stock god friend to introduce himself, he immediately changed his face.

"Hehehe, brother is the best."

"Haha!" Zhang Yushu sneered, clapped the folding fan in his hand, and asked with interest: "I haven't been in front of the old man a while ago to praise how good your brother Yuqiang is, and constantly belittle me."

"Ah? What? How come there are such rumors, who do you listen to?"

"Hehe, when you filed a complaint with your grandfather, I happened to pass by the study and heard it with my own ears."

Zhang Yushu pretended to be angry and said, how could he be angry with the center-leftist in Shen Xiaoduo's house?,

The old man of the Zhang family was just listening to the little niece's words as a joke. How could he not understand when he looked at the grown-up children?

For the two brothers Zhang Yuqiang and Zhang Yushu, the old man Zhang is quite satisfied. Although the two of them have open-minded personalities, they are affectionate, well-measured, and capable, so they can trust Zhang Yushu's business with Zhang Yushu.

Of course, Shen Xiaoduo also knew that Elder Zhang would not listen to his own nonsense, so he said nonsense with peace of mind.

"Um, brother, I'm shopping now, then I'll go to the hotel later."

Shen Xiaoduo immediately changed the subject, after speaking vaguely, hung up the phone in a hurry and stuck out his tongue.

Freed Hotel is a new investment project recently invested by Zhang Family. It has acquired nearly 45% of the shares, which is a big step for the hotel business layout in the Millennium.

A large part of the funds was earned by Zhang Yushu from the stock market. A year ago, he listened to Gu Qingyuan’s request to prepare funds and borrowed some from his friends. However, he has not operated for a long time, and he is a little anxious. By the way, the reminder has already begun, and the interest is also a high cost.

In a magnificent private room, a pretty-looking waitress walked in. Behind her, there was also a bookish-looking male waiter pushing a small cart in her hand.

The carts are placed on top of the dishes like handicrafts. The waitress wears white gloves and moves the dishes elegantly. Generally speaking, when the eyes meet the guests, they will smile sweetly.

All of them give people a very luxurious feeling.

In the huge private room, only three people, Zhang Yushu, Gu Qingyuan and He Chaoran were sitting.

After the waitress smiled sweetly and turned to go out, the three of them put their heads together and talked.

He Chaoran spoke first.

"Fuck, that girl was very upright just now, Brother Zhang, turn around and give me the contact information!" He Chaoran said solemnly.

"You go to Laozi, now are you talking about these things?" Zhang Yushu's eyes widened, waiting for He Chaoran, damn, if he wants to soak his own employees, he just wants to choose this time?

Don't let this Gu Qingyuan start playing and disappearing tomorrow, so you must hurry up and ask today.

"Oh, yes, yes."

He Chaoran grinned, and then looked at Gu Qingyuan, who was grinning aside, and immediately changed his face. The speed of his face change was extremely fast!

"Your grandson, disappeared for such a long time, if I didn't see your living person today, I thought you were dead." Colorful Chinese

"Oh...hehe, sorry, I have been busy lately." Gu Qingyuan smiled awkwardly, but ignored He Chaoran directly, but looked at Zhang Yushu apologetically.

Xue Zhaozhao hadn't thanked Zhang Yushu well yet.Although Zhang Yushu's performance was calm and indifferent to that matter, Gu Qingyuan still knew how hard he had spent and the relationship he had used.

Asking them to prepare funds, and then there was no news. Gu Qingyuan did not really do anything interesting enough.

Zhang Yushu nodded slightly and didn't say much. In fact, in his heart, he was very grateful for what Gu Qingyuan made him earn for the first time.

But, who is not willing to earn more?And there is Gu Qingyuan's promise in it.

He Chaoran on the side was anxious.

"The stocks are going crazy now. Buying any one before can make a profit with a daily limit."

He Chaoran spoke very quickly.

"Old Gu, you said that you've studied this and you've wasted so much time. What are you thinking about?"

"Okay, fat guy." Zhang Yushu interrupted He Chaoran with a displeased expression. He looked at him and saw that he shook his head helplessly, then turned his head to look at Gu Qingyuan, with a smile on his mouth.

"Qingyuan, how did you think that the stock market is risky?" Zhang Yushu asked with a smile, and at the same time squeezed the food to eat, more like a small chat among friends than He Chaoran's forced questioning.

"There is no risk."

Gu Qingyuan spoke slowly, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, a calm and breezy appearance, without the slightest influence from He Chaoran's words.

What kind of person he is, he knows better than Zhang Yushu, after all, he has been together for a lifetime.The more this fat man regards you as a friend, the more he will lose his temper in front of you.

And Zhang Yushu just thought, the more he treats you as a friend, the more cautious he will speak, consider the other person, and take into account the feelings of the other person.

"It's just that I haven't found a ticket with a satisfactory income, so I have been dragging it until now, Brother Zhang, sorry."

"Oh, you..."

He Chaoran slapped his thigh, and when he raised his head to continue venting his dissatisfaction, he saw Zhang Yushu's lingering eyes and continued to lower his head, swallowing what he wanted to say.

Zhang Yushu poured a half glass of wine for Gu Qingyuan, and said with a smile: "Oh, the pursuit of the highest profit is also in line with your character. What about now? The stock has risen a lot, let's not wait. next time?"

Zhang Yushu's meaning is obvious. The funds I have prepared need to be returned. If I can't operate it, I feel that it will be returned to others.

Gu Qingyuan naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Yushu's words, and when he first came to the hotel, Zhang Yushu ostentatiously introduced this newly invested hotel, just to pave the way for money tensions.

Gu Qingyuan frowned and didn't answer Zhang Yushu's question. Instead, he knocked on the table and thought.

Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran naturally knew this habit of his, and they closed their mouths very tacitly, then glanced at each other in unison, held their breath, in order not to disturb Gu Qingyuan.

Da Da Da, a pendulum clock hung on the wall in the private room. At this time, the sound was very obvious in the quiet room.

It took a full half an hour before Gu Qingyuan stopped beating the table with his hands and turned to look at Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran.

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