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Zhang Yushu slapped the table and shouted angrily.

"Sit down for Lao Tzu who has nothing to do with you!"

He yelled again, and after everyone looked at each other, they all sat down.

Zhang Yushu's angry appearance was the first time he saw it in the group.In the past, there has always been a fat man with a low smile, so how angry he has been.

Then Zhang Yushu stood up and said, "Qingyuan, come out for a while, I will ask you something."

After speaking, Zhang Yushu strode out of the private room.

Gu Qingyuan didn't hesitate, and after another look at Zhang Yuqiang, he walked out of the room casually.

The one with the door closed, Ji Tianhao said loudly, his words were not good.

"Zhang Yuqiang, you really don't seem to be afraid of it. In front of so many people, let Zhang Yushu not come to the stage. It seems that Xiang Zhang Yushu will solve this matter. Why? You are afraid of the buddy just now."

Zhang Yuqiang frowned slightly. Although the words were unpleasant, he still said that in his heart, Ji Tianhao saw the matter thoroughly, because he knew Zhang Yuqiang, and that was why he hated Zhang Yuqiang.

But naturally everyone here would not admit it. Listening in the cloud, the atmosphere at this time did not dare to speak up.

Although this was Zhang Yuqiang's purpose, it was very unhappy to be exposed, and he looked at Ji Tianhao in disgust.

"Is my brain silly in the United States? Don't push your nose to the face!"

" are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, why, you still have to hit me, you know, I am a second generation ancestor who doesn't have one, and if you hit me, tell my dad."

Ji Tianhao shook his head and said, deliberately angry with Zhang Yuqiang.

Zhang Yuqiang's face turned red at this time, and the blue veins on his neck violently. This was the first time Shen Xiaoduo saw his elder brother so angry.


Ji Tianhao smiled meanly, and patted his cheek at the same time, looking extremely arrogant.


In the corridor.

"Qingyuan, what's the matter with you and Xiaoduo."

Although Zhang Yushu was enthusiastic, there was no difference in peace, but at this time, his words were rushed, his brows were frowned, and he was obviously very unhappy.

Just waiting for Gu Qingyuan's explanation, this is the bottom line of being a friend.

"It's like this..."

Gu Qingyuan spoke seriously, explaining the cause and effect clearly. As for whether Zhang Yushu can accept it, there is no way, but in my heart, he is still very grateful to him.

After speaking, Zhang Yushu fell silent.

After another moment, Zhang Yushu lit a cigarette, but still didn't say a word, waited until a long layer of soot had accumulated, and didn't talk about it.

Then let the soot fall on the pants, Zhang Yushu, who loves clean, didn't even look at it at this time.

After a while, the door of the private room opened with a bang, He Chaoran walked out, and Shen Xiaoduo followed behind him.

The moment the door opened, it seemed to hear Ji Tianhao's humble voice: "You come hit me, hahahaha... just tell my dad if you hit me!"

Zhang Yuqiang strode past Zhang Yushu and Gu Qingyuan. Instead of visiting Gu Qingyuan, he gave Zhang Yushu a meaningful look.

Shen Xiaoduo ran quickly with her head down, and then followed Zhang Yuqiang's side, looking up at him from time to time, and the two disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

At this time, Zhang Yushu sighed and started talking.Just go to listen to

"This is more troublesome." After saying this, Zhang Yushu paused for a while before continuing: "Since you already know that Shen Xiaoduo is my sister, why don't you tell me earlier?"

In the words, there is a little blame.Of course, there is no other meaning. In Zhang Yushu's view, this is not a big deal, it's just that there are too many misunderstandings.

What's more, knowing Gu Qingyuan's understanding of his open-minded mentality has his own reasons. He wouldn't do anything to Xiaoduo and his eldest brother. He would definitely defend himself.

"I haven't been embarrassed to speak, so I kept dragging it, and it resulted in a severe beating."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan laughed deeply.

Zhang Yushu suffocated his breath, and finally couldn't hold it back, he burst out and laughed directly.

"You the others, at this moment you laugh so hard that I can't hold back the hurt."

Zhang Yushu laughed at this moment.

In this matter, Zhang Yushu is stronger and more open-minded than Zhang Yu in terms of mentality, and his ability to handle matters is much better.

The old man of the Zhang family has wise eyes and knows the bead, which is why Zhang Yushu is asked to manage his family business in business. For this reason, Zhang Yuqiang has been unconvinced and secretly unhappy.

"Then how do you deal with this matter? It's causing you trouble again."

Gu Qingyuan said while lighting a cigarette for the two of them.

Zhang Yushu frowned, took a deep breath, and said, "You are ashamed to tell me that it's troublesome, it's just my brother..."

After thinking about it, Zhang Yushu swallowed what he wanted to say.He wanted to say that his brother thought a little bit and his mind was a little narrow, but he didn't think it was appropriate and he chose not to say.

"Brother Zhang, after I was beaten by your brother, I didn't want to tell you anything. I'm even with him. What I want to say now is that I am with you, not with Zhang's family. You know I mean?"

Gu Qingyuan suddenly said seriously.

Zhang Yushu was taken aback for a moment, then looked up, and at this moment Gu Qingyuan's words made him appreciate a little.

The meaning is obvious, it is to tell yourself not to be embarrassed, even if Zhang Yuqiang treats me, it has nothing to do with your Zhang Yushu, we are still the same.

"Hehe, you kid."

After Zhang Yushu cursed with a smile, he chatted with Gu Qingyuan a few more words. The incident that happened before did not affect the two of them.

After that, the dinner was quickly over. Since the hotel had just been bought and there were still many things to be busy, Zhang Yushu didn't go to send Gu Qingyuan and He Chaoran to them. After a quick comment, he left quickly.

Just after Gu Qingyuan drove out of the low garage, a figure suddenly appeared in front of his car. Under the dark night road, only a big red dot could be seen.

The person standing in front of the car was Ji Tianhao, smoking a cigar to block Gu Qingyuan.

Two steps forward, Ji Tianhao knocked on the co-pilot's window a few times. After seeing Gu Qingyuan slowly rolling down, he put an arm on the window.

"Gu Qingyuan, have a couple of drinks."

Ji Tianhao called out his name, already knowing Gu Qingyuan's name from his population.


Gu Qingyuan frowned and looked over, with a very unhappy expression.

"I don't want to go anymore, I'm leaving."

With that said, the car moved forward slightly, and Ji Tianhao actually used one force, and half of his body got in through the car window.

"Huh?" Gu Qingyuan glanced suspiciously.

I thought that Gu Qingyuan would scream and then stop the car. This was also the reaction of ordinary people, but instead of slowing down the speed of this grandson, he was getting faster and faster.

Ji Tianhao screamed!

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