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When Shen Xiaoduo raised his head to look at Zhang Yushu, the tough face of this man at this time was something he had never seen before.

In Shen Xiaoduo's impression, the second cousin is a man with a very low smile.

This time, the temperament exuded by Zhang Yushu made Shen Xiaoduo feel strange.

After saying this, Zhang Yushu didn't say much, turned around and continued to look at Xiaoxing Technology's disk. By now it was time for trading.

Shen Xiaoduo stopped the twitching sound. After thinking about Zhang Yushu's sentence, she looked at the screen, her eyes gradually blurred.


Gu Qingyuan is there.

Xiaoxing Technology is still on the side of Zhishui, the stock price has not fluctuated at all, it is too low to be low, and the news page is dead and silent. Even an insignificant message has not been sent for a long time.

This stock gives people the feeling that all the retail investors in it have run out, and now only the dealer is in the market, like a stagnant pool.

But as long as you dare to try, you will get stuck in it.

Five minutes after the opening, there were only dozens of transactions in the market. It is estimated that the unbearable retail investors sold off.

Gu Qingyuan quickly swiped the mouse, and quickly calculated the total lot size of the sell order at the trading pending order, multiplying it by the amount of the stock price at that time.

It only takes a few seconds to get a figure, and the total amount of the selling order at this time is roughly 20 million.

The calm trading red column suddenly skyrocketed, and a long red column was erected. It was in sharp contrast with the small red column in the previous trading volume, just like a dwarf and a ten-meter-high giant.

In an instant, the selling orders at the trading volume were all eaten up, and the stock price hit the daily limit in an instant, but what makes people feel strange is that there are no orders to keep buying at the daily limit.

In the two accounts operated by Gu Qingyuan, 10 million each were bought.You can imagine how fast his operation was at this time.


Zhang Yushu let out a sigh of relief. At this moment, he was sliding the mouse and looking at the numbers in the number of transactions. In that moment, he bought so much.

At this time, let alone him, even if it is a senior trader, I am afraid I can't understand it.

"This...Is this Gu Qingyuan operated?"

Shen Xiaoduo asked, her own father had always been very addicted to the stock market, so she knew the stock market very well, but she couldn't understand the scene at this time.

Does the daily limit only need to be a moment?

"It should... it should be."

Zhang Yushu wiped the sweat from his forehead, worrying about one thing in his heart. Even if the check keeps rising soaring, how much can he get?

At the same time, in a room of Xiaoxing Technology Company, there were dozens of traders sitting in a room, but each of them looked solemn.

At this moment, a man with glasses hurriedly walked through the door. It was the man who had spoken with Gu Qingyuan in the conference room.

Seeing him walking to a man in a hurry, he reprimanded in a displeased tone: "What's the matter? How come I was bought 20 million stocks at once? Is it targeted by some institutions?"

"Impossible. I just looked at the account I bought. There are only two accounts, each with a mass purchase of 10 million. It doesn't look like an institution."

The man who was questioned mused. It seemed that he was well-intentioned, but sweat was already overflowing in his palms. He knew clearly that if the 20 million stocks were not eaten back, the loss would be at least ten times.

"Then what should I do now? It's better to go public earlier. The stocks that I have eaten back in a month are now vomited out."

The man with glasses squeezed his brows, gritted his teeth and said, his breathing was getting heavier and he was restraining his emotions.Romance Novel Network

"'s okay, there is a later...recruitment, give me another week, I will definitely be able to eat it back."

This professional trader with decades of experience felt panicked for the first time. The most important thing was that the plates he operated in his hands were too valuable.

"I can give you time this week. The investors have been urging hard and have been going public. A press conference has been scheduled this Saturday to announce the development of new technologies and put them into use in the new mouse."

The man with spectacles looked straight at the professional trader, with sharp eyes, as if he was about to eat him. He was a gentle and kind man with such a hostile side.

"Well, by then...I...I will definitely eat it back."

The professional trader stammered, and sweat was already flowing out of his forehead.

The man with spectacles glared at him again, then glanced at the other traders ill-intentionally, then turned and strode out of the room.

When closing the door, he flicked very hard and made a harsh sound.

"Old... boss, what do you do now?"

A bald man stood up and asked.

After speaking, the room became quiet, everyone’s breathing became hurried, and the hard work that I didn’t want to achieve for this period of time was in vain. Which one is it? I’m just idle, it’s no more than 20 million. What about waste stocks?

After a long time, a full ten minutes, the weak voice of the professional trader came.

"Continue to suppress the stock price and create the panic of a crash."

This is the end of the matter. If you want to recover the loss, you can only do this.

After that, only the sound of constant typing on the keyboard remained in the room.

Seeing that Xiaoxing Technology has been at a daily limit, Gu Qingyuan knocked on the table. He was waiting for the dealer's operation. If he continues to suppress the stock price and create panic, it would be just what he wanted.

While waiting anxiously, the orders of Xiaoxing Technology's buying orders were all cancelled in an instant, and the stock price that was still trading at the limit of the previous second reached the limit of trading.

Gu Qingyuan couldn't help but grinned, revealing the old Yinhuo's smile.

I was really dozing off, and suddenly a pillow came, what I was thinking about.

However, Gu Qingyuan was not in a rush to take orders. It is possible that this operation will be the last one, so he must be a fat man in one go.

He was waiting for the limit-down order, and when it reached a sufficient number, he bought it all.

This wonderful stock market game has just begun.


"Cousin, why did it stop in an instant, and lost 20 points."

Shen Xiaoduo pointed to the screen and yelled loudly. The disk at this time was too weird. I'm afraid no one would believe it.

A check, from the sideways to the instantaneous daily limit, and then from the daily limit to the instantaneous limit, it is simply unbelievable.

"Cousin, how did Gu Qingyuan operate this? This is too weird."

Shen Xiaoduo shook Zhang Yushu's arm hard and asked anxiously.

"I don't know too much, watch it slowly."

Zhang Yushu said weakly, and to be honest, he already felt a little dizzy.

Shen Xiaoduo on the side nodded, and helped her black-rimmed glasses again, and continued to stare at the computer screen intently.

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