You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Lin Nan's eyes widened, looking at Gu Qingyuan and Ji Tianhao, his heart became even more strange. How could they know each other, and also, it seems that there are enemies?

"You stepped on a horse and put Lao Tzu on a bench in the park?"

"You still have the face to ask! What did you do? Don't you know who you are after drinking some wine?"

"Fart, can I get drunk with this alcohol? Besides, what did I do?"

"Fuck you, your mouth is closed, and I am ashamed to ask Lao Tzu."


"You are a chicken."

Gu Qingyuan sat down, too lazy to talk nonsense with Ji Tianhao.

"Come here, let me sit here."

Ji Tianhao drove to squeeze Lin Nan and sat down beside Gu Qingyuan.

"It seems to have beaten someone, who is it?"

Ji Tianhao asked again. At this time, Gu Qingyuan didn't want to talk to him anymore. He continued to eat with the fruit plate, turned his head and looked to the side. At this time, the women in the atmosphere group were twisting very hard.

"Huh? Are you the girl from the Shen family?"

Ji Tianhao noticed Shen Xiaoduo, as if he had discovered a new world, his eyes brightened.

"You are not how old I am, okay."

Shen Xiaoduo murmured, disgusting Ji Tianhao's way of speaking, but still nodded gently.


Ji Tianhao patted Gu Qingyuan on the shoulder again and laughed, "Then what is going on, why are you two sitting together? Didn't she beat you."

When these words were said, the atmosphere was suddenly cold, and only Gu Qingyuan could hear the crunching sound of eating nuts. In fact, in his heart, it didn't matter what he said.

"Tianhao, you've been in the U.S. for a long time, and the way you speak is different from ours. Being a brother can forgive you, but it's boring if you don't have any rules."

Zhang Yushu put the wine glass "pop" on the table, looked at Ji Tianhao, and said solemnly.

This is also the first time that Zhang Yushu has become angry with Ji Tianhao.

In this top-level circle, Ji family is also one of the best in the real ability to reach the sky, so the last time Ji Tianhao insulted Zhang Yuqiang like that, he was not very angry.

"Hey, I'm just curious, how do you guys get back together?"

Ji Tianhao smiled indifferently, leaned back on the chair, took some dried fruits from the fruit plate in Gu Qingyuan's arms, and ate them in his mouth.

"Why are you such a big woman."

Gu Qingyuan bit something and looked at Ji Tianhao contemptuously.

"Grass, Laozi Bapo?"

Ji Tianhao sat up straight again, staring at Gu Qingyuan with wide eyes.

"So easily excited? Stunted?"

Gu Qingyuan curled his lips and said, seeing Ji Tianhao's unconvinced expression, he added: "The amount of alcohol is still a few thief, it's like a waste."

"Are you special!"

Ji Tianhao was already blushing, staring at Gu Qingyuan, but couldn't say a word.

"Ha ha ha..." v5 novel

Zhang Yushu touched his stomach and chuckled a few times. This bastard Ji Tianhao, it seems that he is not Gu Qingyuan's opponent.

He Chaoran also watched the two scolding each other with a smile on his face. He sat in a position where he could see the entrance of the private room corridor. When he saw a group of people walking out of the private room corridor, his smile stiffened.

In the crowd, a face looked at him, smiled at him, and led a group of people over.

He Chaoran froze, and the legs under the table even slightly shook a few times. Weng's tinnitus appeared, and there was a long drop of sound in his ears. Even Zhang Yushu and the others could not hear the conversation. .

As the figures got closer and closer, Zhang Yushu also noticed, the smile on his face disappeared, the wine glass was raised in the air, and he forgot to put it down.

"Zhang Yushu, long time no see."

The person who came was Zhang He Chaoqun, who had been in Jingbei before, but today suddenly there was something to be dealt with, so he didn't notify the people of the He family, and he just returned.

Saying hello to Zhang Yushu, he gave He Chaoran a meaningful look, his eyes were cold, his teeth were clenched, there was no trace of emotion mixed in, some only had deep disgust.

"Well, I haven't seen you some days."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, and then he noticed the wine in his hand and took a sip.

Zhang Yushu felt nervous, not because he was afraid of He Chaoran, but because he was worried that He Chaoran would be embarrassed. He and He Chaoran had a big holiday. Now that he is so close to He Chaoran, He Chaoran is afraid that this will be the future. It's better.

Gu Qingyuan was still eating the dried fruits with an air, watching He Chaoqun and these people. In his heart, there was still a stormy sea. One of them was Wu Qianhua's driver, Xiao Yang.

Beside Xiao Yang, there was a man in suit standing with sharp eyes like a sword, standing upright with his hands in his pockets, but his eyes fell on Shen Xiaoduo.

"Haha, it's interesting."

He Chaoqun smiled, took out his cell phone and dialed the phone.

"I met some acquaintances on the deck side, come over and meet."

"Acquaintances? Then why do you go to the booth? Just be in the private room..."

Before the woman over there finished speaking, He Chaoqun hung up the phone.

"Go ahead."

Speaking lightly, a group of bodyguards nodded and left, leaving only three people, He Chaoqun, Xiao Yang and the tall man in suit.

"He should be my identity in the previous life."

Gu Qingyuan swept the man in the suit, and had such a guess in his heart.

"Yushu, the three of us can sit here, we all know each other from friends."

He Chaoqun swept a group, and when his eyes met Shen Xiaoduo, he smiled slightly.

Ji Tianhao lowered his head and half of his face was covered by his hair. Zhang Yushu did not recognize him. He had been in Beijing during this period and he had not heard of Ji Tianhao's return.

"Haha, that's okay."

Zhang Yushu sneered, and moved away from his side, but He Chaoqun and the others didn't mean to sit over.

"Transcendence, go ahead and give way, brother sits with you."

He Chaoqun said in a flat tone. After He Chaoran stepped aside, he sat down with Xiao Yang and the suit.

This circular deck is able to seat ten people at the same time, so these people sitting here are not very crowded.

He Chaoqun poured wine on the other two, raised the wine glass and slammed Zhang Yushu before taking a sip.

Putting down the wine glass, He Chaoqun looked at the door of the nightclub from time to time, his eyes seemed a little expectant.

I chatted with Zhang Yushu again and again, and when I looked back, there was a playful smile on his face. The woman who came on was Zhou Lin.

The person who is very likely to marry Zhang Yushu!

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