You can search for "Thanks for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Sister Yang Hui, is there anything wrong?"

Song Qingqing asked in a low voice.

"Give her the phone!" Yang Hui yelled loudly, sitting on the icy bed in the hospital, her emotions were about to collapse.

"Oh, give it right away."

Song Qingqing was shocked by the roar of this body, holding the phone, immediately gave Xia Chenling who just walked in front of him.

"Yang Hui asked you to answer the phone?" Song Qingqing whispered again.

"Yang Hui?"

Xia Chenling asked with some doubts, but still held the phone and put it in her ear.

"Xia Chenling?" Yang Hui's voice was still very urgent.

"Well, yes." Xia Chenling's novel replied, feeling that something was wrong with Yang Hui, and couldn't help panicking, but more worried about Gu Qingyuan.

"Give me Gu Qingyuan's cell phone number."

Yang Hui asked anxiously, but didn't notice that she was too gaffe at this time, and that excited appearance would scare others.

"Ah? What are you looking for?"

Xia Chenling asked in a low voice.

"In a hurry, tell me quickly."

"Okay... OK."

After a little hesitation, Xia Chenling still told Yang Hui of Gu Qingyuan's mobile phone number. It was just a mobile phone number. There should be nothing wrong with it.

After getting Gu Qingyuan's mobile phone number, Yang Hui hung up the phone directly, and then called Gu Qingyuan again without stopping for a moment.

Seeing Xia Chenling there, Song Qingqing took the phone from her hand again, glanced at Xia Chenling, and said angrily: "Sister Yang Hui looks very angry, you are still far from that Gu Qingyuan Just a little bit, be careful to include yourself too."

Xia Chenling paused, and after looking at Song Qingqing, he walked out of the dormitory building, and when he reached a corner, he dialed Gu Qingyuan's cell phone.

"Sorry, the call you are dialing is in progress."

After playing several times in a row, it was all like this. After thinking about it, Xia Chenling edited another short message for Gu Qingyuan.

"Finally, I'm reminding you that Yang Hui is looking for trouble with you, or you can leave Shengzheng and hide for a few days."

Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Yushu had just finished eating hot pot. When they got up and were heading out, Gu Qingyuan's cell phone rang, it was a set of unfamiliar numbers.

Taking out the phone, Gu Qingyuan showed a smile.

"It should be the woman Yang Hui called."

"It's possible, it must be Xiaoduo who asked her to call you to beg you." Zhang Yushu smiled and continued walking forward with his arms around Gu Qingyuan's shoulders.

"What? Can't you answer?"

"Let's pick it up, otherwise the woman will go to Xia Chenling, alas... that woman Xia Chenling has a second."

Speaking of Xia Chenling, Gu Qingyuan shook his head helplessly, and picked up the call from Yang Hui.

"Hello, is this Gu Qingyuan?" Yang Hui's urgent voice came over the phone.

"Yes." Gu Qingyuan replied in a low voice.

"I...I'm Yang Hui, I want to apologize to you for what happened before, I'm sorry, I was so silly, I accidentally offended you, I'm sorry...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I was really wrong …"

While talking, Yang Hui was already crying, Gu Qingyuan frowned, took the phone away from his ear, looked at Zhang Yushu sadly, and whispered:

"I knew I would not pick it up."


With a low smile, Zhang Yushu touched his stomach and laughed again.

After talking for several minutes, Gu Qingyuan interrupted the crying Yang Hui with a curse.97 Chinese

"To shut up!"

A cold voice came, and Yang Hui immediately closed her mouth, only her choking voice was left on the phone.

"There is a problem with your product, so stop selling it poorly."

After saying this, Gu Qingyuan hung up the phone.

"No, listen to me, let me go..."

Yang Hui cried again, but there was already a beeping sound on the phone.

Yang Chunhuang held Yang Hui's shoulders with both hands and kept shaking, "What is the situation, what does that Gu Qingyuan mean?"

"He...he said...don't let me be pitiful, Dad...I...ah"

"Don't call me Dad."

Yang Chunhua pushed Yang Hui onto the bed and yelled in a low voice, his facial expression was already distorted.

"Why did I give birth to such a trash thing like you? It was better to slam the horse on the wall at that time. It's really a dog thing."

Screaming, Yang Chunhua kicked off the hospital bed hard, and the wooden bed immediately moved several meters to one side.

At this moment, Yang Chunhuang obviously couldn't relieve his anger, picked up the things around him and smashed it indiscriminately, yelling at him.

"Sorry pen stuff!"

"Are you stupefying!"

"I have to make trouble for Lao Tzu!"

"You have ruined all the hard work of my life."

He kept yelling and cursing, and his voice was getting louder and louder. After a while, Yang Chunhuang sat on the side of the bed, panting.

Some nurses naturally heard these screams and slamming sounds. Fortunately, Yang Hui was sitting in a separate ward and would not disturb other patients.

The nurse passing by that ward would always stand on tiptoes and look into the window, as long as there is no fight.

After more than half an hour, the ward finally became quiet.

Yang Chunhuang was also tired of scolding. He sat on the ground and covered his face. He looked very haggard, while Yang Hui was lying on the bed with teardrops in his eyes. When he took out his mobile phone and called Gu Qingyuan, It is already off.

The father and daughter stayed quietly like this, and the room fell into a terrible silence.

I stayed in this way until the early hours of the morning. At about five o'clock, the sky outside was slightly brighter, and the closed ward door was pushed open.

Walking in were a few case handlers in uniforms, walking to Yang Chunhuang's side with a serious expression.

"Yang Chunhuang?" one of the men in police uniform asked.

"Yes... it's me."

Huang Chunhuang stood up from the ground supporting the bed, asking in a trembling voice.

"It is suspected that you are related to multiple kidnapping cases. Now I will arrest you and go back for investigation."

After saying this coldly, Yang Chunhuang was under control, and before he could explain anything to Yang Hui, he was taken away.


Yang Hui screamed and chased it out. She couldn't even wear her shoes, and ran forward in the cold corridor.

"Why are you arresting my dad, what's the matter?"

Yang Hui stepped forward and caught a policeman, and shouted emotionally.

"There are so many things that I can't explain to you. Please stay sensible and don't hinder us from handling the case."

After speaking coldly, Yang Chunhuang was taken to the police car, and after a sound, the police car drove forward.

A sense of powerlessness swept through Yang Hui's body, and finally lost the strength to stand. She fell to the ground all of a sudden, looking forward, her vision was already blurred.

Yang Hui bent her knees, lowered her head, and cried helplessly like a child.

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