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"who is this?"

Su Rong looked at the string of numbers on the phone screen and asked playfully.

Gu Qingyuan didn't note Ye Peipei's name, but with his super memory ability, he could easily write down the number, so there was no remark.

Including Zhang Yushu, He Chaoran and the others, their numbers are not remarked.

"A girl in your school should be called Ye Peipei."

Gu Qingyuan said casually, and when he was about to cut off the phone, Su Rong grabbed the phone.

"No, you want to pick it up, I want to see if there is something tricky."

Su Rong pouted, already pressing the answer button, and shoving the phone to Gu Qingyuan again.

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, and after touching Su Rong's hair affectionately, he put the phone to his ear.

"Ye Peipei, what's the matter?" Gu Qingyuan asked flatly.

"Ah, also... nothing happened."

When he heard Gu Qingyuan's voice, Ye Peipei couldn't help but panicked, and his cheeks turned red.

I thought that after experiencing that, I would never believe in love anymore, but as long as I think of Gu Qingyuan, I feel an inexplicable sense of security. Moreover, he is very special, and he is very different from other boys I know The difference.

At this moment, there is a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

"Huh?" Gu Qingyuan said in a deep voice.

"Ah, that is, I want to ask you...that, about Yang Hui." Ye Peipei whispered.

There was silence on the phone. Gu Qingyuan did not answer immediately. After a pause, he asked coldly, "What happened to Yang Hui?"

Noting the change in Gu Qingyuan's tone, Ye Peipei hurriedly explained: "I saw that Yang Hui went to school to look for Xia Chenling today, and... and even knelt down."

Gu Qingyuan was silent again over there, and after a while, he said: "Is nothing wrong?"

"No, no more."

Ye Peipei's smile was squeezed into a flower, as if Gu Qingyuan was by her side, her weak and boneless hands were constantly shaking.

"Well, then hang up first."

After speaking the last sentence, Gu Qingyuan directly hung up the phone, but Ye Peipei still held the phone and stood in a daze for a long time before taking the phone back.

I still didn't say the words about eating together.

Walking towards the library, he muttered to himself: "How can such a boy enter his heart?"

"Why is your attitude so cold, Ye Peipei? That girl seems to be quite famous in school, but the rumors are all bad things."

Su Rong held Gu Qingyuan's arm in both hands and said as she walked.

"Yeah." Gu Qingyuan nodded lightly, frowning occasionally, Xia Chenling should call later.

"Huh? Qingyuan, follow me, what are you doing on the second floor, where is the discount area on the first floor?"

When passing the escalator, Su Rong was dragged up by Gu Qingyuan.

"Okay, keep your voice down, don't lose my people."

Gu Qingyuan lowered his voice and whispered in Su Rong's ear, feeling the breath of this man, his cheeks were instantly red, and the roots of his ears were a little hot.

Su Rong was held in this way, feeling the temperature in his palms, and the pride of being pampered surged in her heart.

The shopping mall that Gu Qingyuan took Su Rong to is an exclusive place to sell luxury goods in Shengzheng City. The more you go to the top, the higher the price is, the higher the price is. Occasionally, after seeing the price of a piece of clothing, let Su Rong They were all a little sluggish, and thought they were wrong.

A simple coat costs four or five thousand?

Su Rong pulled Gu Qingyuan's arm and stopped.

"The clothes here are ridiculously expensive, Qingyuan, or let's change to a mall."

"Hehe, don't think too much, don't feel bad about my money, just do it in the stock market, you can't make money."

Gu Qingyuan explained with a smile, after touching Su Rong's black hair, she took her arm and continued walking upstairs.

Speaking of stocks, Xiao Nizi pouted and did not speak. Her father, Su Zhengguo, suffered greatly.

"By the way, Lao Su doesn't play stocks now."

Gu Qingyuan asked casually.

"What old Su, you are at least called an uncle or something."

"Before, your dad pulled me to worship."

Su Rong: "..."

"You are too embarrassed to mention this." Su Rong cast a white glance at Gu Qingyuan and said angrily.

"Oh, haha, the world is unpredictable, who knows, I still sleep with Lao Su's daughter..."

Without saying the next words, Su Rong's eyes widened and looked at Gu Qingyuan aggrievedly.

"Don't say that anymore."

Su Rong blushed and said quietly.

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and dragged Su Rong to continue walking upstairs.

"By the way, Ye Peipei seems to be the second-ranked girl on the school flower list."

"School flower list? I seem to have heard Kang Xiaoyong say before."

"You also know Shengzheng University's school flower list?"

"Well, remember, that's right!" Gu Qingyuan paused, then turned to look at Su Rong, "You don't have you on that list."

" hurts...don't hurts..."


In the playground of Shengzheng University.

Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping stood in a corner of the playground and listened quietly to Yang Hui.

"Is this Gu Qingyuan going too far? He beat you, and still troubled looking for your family, and slandered that there was a problem with your goods?"

Qin Yong frowned and patted his thigh angrily.

"Chen Ling, I don't want to debate what is right and who is wrong now. Can you help me, beg Gu Qingyuan for me, let him let me go and let our family go!"

Yang Hui took Xia Chenling's hand and said with tears. At this moment, this pitiful look made people hate Gu Qingyuan, who was simply a despicable villain.

Xia Chenling, who was too kind in his heart, felt the same, frowning, clenching his fists with both hands, even breathing a bit at home.

"I'll call him now and ask him what's going on."

Taking out his cell phone, Xia Chenling immediately dialed Gu Qingyuan's number.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan and Su Rong had arrived at the highest level of the mall, and a beautiful shopping guide led Su Rong to try on clothes, while they sat on the sofa waiting for her.

The phone rang, it was from Xia Chenling.

After holding the phone, Gu Qingyuan still answered the phone.

"What's the matter with Yang Hui?" Xia Chenling said in a questioning tone, with a high-pitched tone, obviously facing Yang Hui's side.


Gu Qingyuan just sighed and thought about hanging up.

"What's your question? What's the matter?"

Xia Chenling questioned again. Gu Qingyuan still held the phone and didn't speak. For a moment, her appearance made Gu Qingyuan ring Xia Youyou.

That unreasonable, stubborn woman.

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