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"I'm not in the mood to hear you say this. If you continue to fight, her back will be useless. You can't bear this responsibility. Get out!"

Gu Qingyuan gave a red stare, and her cold gaze made her step back.

Looking at the boys again, seeking their help, Hong Hong saw that the boys were shaking their heads in a panic, and after another glance at Gu Qingyuan, he quickly turned and left.

Gu Qingyuan frowned and walked to Yang Hui's side again.

"Can you stand up?" Gu Qingyuan asked.


Yang Hui bowed her head and nodded. She did not dare to look into Gu Qingyuan’s eyes. If she hated Gu Qingyuan, it wasn’t very deep. Although Gu Qingyuan was the main cause of the incident, her father’s crimes were related to others. What does it matter?

It's just a deserved sin.

"Thank you, big brother."

Xiao Bao stood on the ground from Yang Hui's arms, raised his head, and thanked Gu Qingyuan with a smile.

Gu Qingyuan just nodded and smiled. There was not much to say. Since he could turn around, he should be fine, so he turned and prepared to leave.


After not taking a few steps, Yang Hui screamed in pain again. When she turned and looked over, she saw her sitting on the ground, her face turned pale.

Just now when Yang Hui tried to stand up, she found that she couldn't straighten her waist at all. After a little bit of force, she felt a severe pain, causing her to fall to the ground again.

"Can it work?"

Gu Qingyuan stopped, frowned and asked again, feeling a little bit that this matter was a bit troublesome.


Yang Hui had red eyes and said in a low voice, but she didn't try to stand up either. The moment before it hurt too much, she didn't have the courage to try it again.

Sitting on the ground, Yang Hui was frightened and worried.

Is your back okay?I am injured, who will take care of Xiaobao?Thinking of these questions, tears have flowed out.

"Your back injury should not be minor. Go to the hospital to take a CT scan to see if there is any fracture. If you delay it late, you may be paralyzed."

Gu Qingyuan said these words lightly, but still stood some distance away from Yang Hui, and did not take a step closer.

Of course, what Gu Qingyuan said just now was not alarmist. He had suffered many injuries in his previous life, and his judgment of loss was quite accurate.

When the woman just beat Yang Hui, she was really not serious or serious. If she had more strength, Yang Hui might be paralyzed.


Yang Hui panicked, raised her head to look at Gu Qingyuan, opened her mouth slightly, wanting to beg for something, but after thinking about it, she lowered her head.

"If you can't, just call your friends, Lu Pingping and the like, and ask them to quickly take you to the hospital for a look."

After saying the last sentence, Gu Qingyuan turned and left.

"Friends? Do you have them?"

Yang Hui gave a wry smile, took out the phone, and without thinking, called Qin Yong.

The phone rang several times, and almost when it was about to hang up, I picked it up, and an impatient voice came: "Hello? What's up?"

"Qin Yong, can you come to the park near the Financial Building? I accidentally got hurt and I need to go to the hospital."

Yang Hui whispered, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, the boy named Xiaobao stood by, quietly listening to her phone call.


Qin Yong sighed, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"Yang Hui, we are friends. I will tell you some things. Your father killed so many people and so many enemies. I don't want to have anything to do with you now.

As a friend, I’m reminding you of friendship. If you don’t work, just drop out of school. Just now a few men came to the school to find you. They seem to be your father’s enemies."

Having said this, Qin Yong directly hung up the phone.

"Sister, if it doesn't work, I'll carry you to the hospital, I'm very strong now."

The little boy smiled and said, already turning his back to Yang Hui, and began to betray him.

"Little Treasure..."

Yang Hui whispered and hugged the little boy. She couldn't control it anymore and burst into tears.

The words of Qin Yong just now made her really scared, and the fragile side in her heart was revealed without reservation.

Tears mixed with my nose, howling and crying, holding Xiaobao, his body trembling constantly.

Xiao Bao started crying too, thinking that it was her sister's injury just now.

She stretched her arm around Yang Hui's neck, and patted her shoulder with her little hand, comforting her.

After crying for a long time, Yang Hui felt a big hand poking her head.Crying and turning his head, he found that it was Gu Qingyuan.

"Okay, stop howling."

Gu Qingyuan said a bit bored.

Yang Hui twitched a few times, her body up and down, looking at Gu Qingyuan with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital."

Gu Qingyuan said again, leaning down, reaching out to embrace Yang Hui's back and calves, and hugged her to his chest.

Yang Hui didn't resist either. She needed the help of others too much now, but... it was just Gu Qingyuan's help that made her a little stunned.

"It's really fat!"

Gu Qingyuan said something patiently, holding Yang Hui and walking away forever.

"Thank you."

Yang Hui said in a very low voice, Gu Qingyuan naturally didn't hear it, and didn't suggest that the boy just complained in his heart.

There was nowhere to put his hands. After thinking about it, the left hand that was in the air was still lightly resting on his shoulder.

Little Treasure followed Gu Qingyuan's side, jogging, barely able to keep up with Gu Qingyuan's pace, and occasionally raised his head and smiled at Gu Qingyuan as a thank you.

Gu Qingyuan's car is still in the underground parking lot of the Regal Building, but fortunately it is not very far away.Holding Yang Hui across the crowd of people coming and going, walking in stride, already sweating profusely.

When he reached the underground garage, Yang Hui carefully placed Yang Hui in the car, and Xiao Bao also jumped from the ground and sat in the back seat of the car.

After Gu Qingyuan's cuff wiped the sweat from his forehead, he opened the car door and jumped in.

Start the vehicle and drive towards the hospital.

Gu Qingyuan drove quickly. After driving the vehicle for five minutes, he picked up the phone in his right hand and dialed the phone.

"Hey, I'm going to the healing hospital now, you help me contact the emergency department."

"Oh, it's not my injury, you don't need to come over."

"a passerby."

"Okay, then you can contact me quickly."

After saying this, Gu Qingyuan hung up the phone and left the phone in the passenger seat.

Not long after, Gu Qingyuan's cell phone rang again. He picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was Shi Yong's phone.

After answering the phone, it was Hao Ji's voice.

"Qingyuan, where are you?"

"Me, take care of something, Brother Chicken, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you say you want to come to me for dinner?" Hao Ji said complainingly.


Gu Qingyuan absently replied, and then said: "Then wait for me and call you back."

After speaking quickly, Gu Qingyuan hung up the phone, holding the steering wheel in both hands, raising the speed of the car.

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