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Gu Qingyuan had already reached the door. Yang Hui leaned forward and reached out and grabbed his arm.

After seeing Gu Qingyuan turned her head, Yang Hui quickly let go of her hand and lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong.

"That...thank you."

Yang Hui whispered, and after thinking about it, she raised her head and met Gu Qingyuan's eyes.

"Actually, I didn't blame you for my father's affairs. If you do such a thing, it will be a matter of time before you go in."

"Yeah." Gu Qingyuan just nodded lightly.

Yang Hui bit her lip and didn't know what to say for a while, but fortunately she had the courage to look at Gu Qingyuan's face.

"That's gone." Gu Qingyuan whispered again, opened the door of the room and walked out.

"it is good."

When only Yang Hui was left in the living room, she looked at the door and nodded and smiled.

Bent over, walked from the living room to the bedroom, and then lay on the bed.For a moment, Yang Hui felt a little lonely, and she had the idea of ​​not wanting Gu Qingyuan to leave.


In a small restaurant outside a vocational and technical school, Gu Qingyuan and Haoji had a meal.

Originally, Shi Yong wanted to come together, when he suddenly received news that Zhang Yushu would use a car, he hurriedly left.

As for Fang Meng, he couldn't find an excuse to eat with Gu Qingyuan. The most important thing was that every time he greeted him, Fang Meng felt a sense of distance, and it seemed an insurmountable gap.

This gave Fang Meng a self-awareness, how could he be worthy of such an excellent person?

"School is all right, go out to dinner with me tonight."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Hao Ji eating, and said with a smile.

"Friday today, take a break, where are we going."

Hao Ji raised his head and said with a greasy mouth.

"Take you to meet my partner."

"Well, isn't it that Xia Chenling? You told me when you called me."


Gu Qingyuan gave a wry smile and shook his head, "It's not her, it's Su Rong."

"It's not her, that's because I remembered it wrong."

Hao Ji nodded, lowered his head and began to eat. Hao Ji would also feel that it was a name change for Xia Chenling or Su Rong. He was dumbfounded and had no other deep understanding.

After eating, Gu Qingyuan drove Hao Ji towards Shengzheng University. When he arrived at the east gate, it happened to be 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

Did not go to the school to find her, Su Rong was still worried about being seen by Xia Chenling, and on the phone strongly requested Gu Qingyuan not to enter the school.

The Mercedes-Benz G car parked on the side of the road opposite the east gate, watching the crowd coming and going, Gu Qingyuan was looking for Su Rong.

Not long after, a bus stopped at the stop sign of Dongdaemun, and a tall figure walked out of the car. He was an acquaintance, Zhang Shuai. Behind him, Hao Jianyun and Niu Nuannuan followed. .

"Huh? Isn't that Zhang Shuai and the others?"

Hao Ji yelled from the car window and pointed to the people outside the car window.

"Well, we don't care about them."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly and didn't mean to say hello. Even other classmates who are not deeply affectionate would go to say hello after meeting in the city of Novosibirsk, but those few people, let it go.


Hao Ji nodded. Although in his heart he would not hate Zhang Shuai and the others for bullying himself, he had already decided in his heart that he was no longer friends with them.

Zhang Shuai and the three did not enter the school, but stood on the side and chatted.

Before long, Xia Chenling walked out of school, wearing simple jeans and white half sleeves, but it was so different.

Swinging her white hands towards Zhang Shuai and the others, showing a crescent-like smile, Xia Chenling's smile was like a blooming flower, pure and charming.

"Are you going to say hello?" Gu Qingyuan had such thoughts in his heart. As for Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping, he still didn't know, and no one had ever talked to him.

Pushing the car door through a gap and preparing to jump down, another figure appeared.

It was Lu Pingping, who walked down from a BMW, and then leaned against Xia Chenling, holding her arm together, then Xia Chenling raised her head and looked at Lu Pingping with a sweet smile.

Gu Qingyuan saw every detail clearly.

Gu Qingyuan stiffened there. Hao Ji on the side was saying these things, but he didn't hear them at all. He could only feel his heartbeat speeding up.

Then Su Rong affectionately hugged Lu Pingping's arm, smiling and saying something, as if to introduce Zhang Shuai to Lu Pingping.

Then Lu Pingping smiled and shook hands with everyone like a gentleman, with an elegant manner, just like the son in the novel, and the BMW car parked beside him was also very eye-catching.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Pingping opened the car door for Xia Chenling, waited until she sat in, closed the car door gently, and then walked to the driver's seat, opened the car door and sat in.

After that, Zhang Shuai, Hao Jianyun and Niu Nuan Nuan also sat on it one after another. It can be seen that Zhang Shuai's expression is quite agitated, and the corners of his mouth can't help but turn up.

The BMW sedan made a big U-turn and drove towards Gu Qingyuan. For the first time since his rebirth, Gu Qingyuan seemed to have a sense of frustration. He closed the car door quickly subconsciously, afraid of seeing Xia Chenling, or It's Lu Pingping.

As a loser.

The BMW car passed Gu Qingyuan's car quickly. Xia Chenling, who was smiling in the BMW car, instantly stiffened his smile.

How could she not recognize this car? For an instant, Xia Chenling's heart seemed to be grasped, and bursts of pain came.

"Lingling, what's wrong?"

Lu Pingping glanced at Xia Chenling in the co-pilot, and asked softly, but Xia Chenling frowned just now, Lu Pingping looked very worried.


Xia Chenling smiled and glanced at Lu Pingping, waved his hand lightly, and then looked in the rearview mirror again. The car in the mirror was getting farther and farther.

"He should have seen it all just now...between us, it should be completely over."

My heart really hurts, Xia Chenling lowered his head and bent down.

"I just saw Xia Chenling, why don't you say hello to her."

Hao Ji brought his big head close and asked in a daze.

Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly, didn't say anything, just shook his head.

Some are hard to accept, but what can be done?

In his previous life, he had never had this kind of emotion, and he would never have thought that he had not suffered any wounds on his body. He was fine a minute ago. Why is he here at this moment? How could it hurt so much.

It was like being grasped by a hand that appeared suddenly, harder and harder, and finally lay weakly on the steering wheel.

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