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"Xiao Duo, you are here too."

Lu Pingping and his party also came to the Ferred Hotel. At present, the food here is highly rated, and the grade is also quite high, temporarily becoming one of the most popular restaurants.

When I came to the lobby, I happened to see Shen Xiaoduo sitting at the bar, talking to the girls at the front desk.

Lu Pingping took Xia Chenling's hand and walked over, while Zhang Shuai and the others followed them.

"Well, take a look at the number of bookings today."

Shen Xiaoduo looked at the computer screen, smiled and said, then slowly raised her head.

"Chen Ling, you are here too. Recently you have been online quite often." Shen Xiaoduo looked down and found that she and Lu Pingping's hands were tightly clasped.

Are they getting better?In Shen Xiaoduo's subconscious mind, Xia Chenling was still Gu Qingyuan's object, although she tried hard to think Xia Chenling was worthless.

"Well, it's not very busy these days."

Xia Chenling smiled and said softly.

"Lu Pingping, the location has been arranged for you. It is in the 222 private room on the second floor. You can just go over now."

Shen Xiaoduo asked with a smile again. When she raised her head and looked past, the group of people walking by from the door put a playful smile on her face.

Gu Qingyuan, Zhang Yushu, and He Chaoran also came over. Unlike Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping, Su Rong just stopped quietly behind him, listening to him talking to Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran. .


Shen Xiaoduo deliberately yelled something very loudly, and then looked at Gu Qingyuan with interest, wanting to see his reaction when he saw Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping holding hands.

"Little Duo, good evening."

He Chaoran walked forward with a smile on his face, with his arms on the marble steps, and talked to Shen Xiaoduo.

Yu Guang saw Xia Chenling and found that she was holding Lu Pingping's hands together, and immediately frowned, his smile stiffened.

He Chaoran looked at Gu Qingyuan and raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Yushu also noticed Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping, turned to look at Gu Qingyuan, and frowned.

Xia Chenling also noticed these clues, turned his head and looked over, the face that Gu Qingyuan hadn't seen for a long time appeared in his sight, and it was so close.

It's just a little strange. He has a thin beard, but it's pretty stylish, but his eyes look so strange. The moment Xia Chenling and his eyes met, it was like The eyes of a stranger were the same, and colder than that.

Gu Qingyuan didn't plan to say anything. He directly ignored Lu Pingping and Xia Chenling, and they would be in this way of getting along in the future. It's just that Lu Pingping, don't act in front of Lao Tzu in the end.

Zhang Shuai and Hao Jianyun also turned around and looked at them. After seeing Gu Qingyuan's face, they first showed a surprised expression, thinking how could he come to such an upscale hotel.

Then Zhang Shuai put on a look of anger. Could it be that this guy came to embarrass Xia Chenling and was not ready to let go?

"Gu Qingyuan, why are you here?" Zhang Shuai stepped forward, gritted his teeth and said.

Gu Qingyuan cast a cold glance, without thinking of talking to him.

"Hao Ji, are you here too? A fool also comes to such a place?"

After seeing Hao Ji, Zhang Shuai's arrogance rose even more. Just in Lu Pingping's conversation, he had a vague sense of vanity.


A sudden slap rang in the lobby, and the lobby that was originally mixed with noisy quieted instantly.

A tall figure fell directly on the ground, his cheeks were red and swollen, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth.

Gu Qingyuan slapped sharply and didn't give Zhang Shuai any time to react.


Xia Chenling exclaimed, and hurriedly walked to Zhang Shuai, squatted down, looked at his situation worriedly, raised a pair of angry eyes and stared at Gu Qingyuan.

"Gu Qingyuan, why are you so careful, do you have to do things so absolutely?"

Xia Chenling pointed at Gu Qingyuan and roared loudly.

"Huh? Huh."

Gu Qingyuan showed a mocking smile, and then said coldly, "Are you a brain-dead? Didn't you hear this shameless pen just scolding my brother as a fool? What nonsense are you talking about now."

"Yes, what are you, come here to bite people."

Zhang Yushu took a step forward, then lifted his foot, kicked Zhang Shuai's face, and heard a muffled noise.


Zhang Shuai covered his face, yelled in pain, and kept rolling on the ground.

"What are you doing."

Xia Chenling had already panicked, she didn't expect that Zhang Yushu, who was impressed by the elegant and elegant, would suddenly beat people so violently.

"Hehe, I'm making trouble in my Zhang's shop, and I have to ask what's wrong."

Zhang Yushu sneered, and gave Zhang Shuai a kick again.


Zhang Shuai grabbed his stomach and crawled back a few steps. Zhang Yushu's foot just broke his nose, and half of his face was covered with blood, which looked very miserable.

"I hit Lao Tzu's feet."

Zhang Shuai leaned back, and He Chaoran took a step forward. He just lightly touched his foot, and reacted with a roar, and kicked Zhang Shuai's back a few times.

"Ah, don't fight, don't fight."

Zhang Shuai roared again, actually crawling behind Xia Chenling, clutching her back tightly, and looking at these people in a panic.

"What are you doing? Even if you say something wrong, you can't beat people like this."

Shen Xiaoduo said in a panic, glanced at Zhang Yushu and He Chao, and then his gaze fell on Gu Qingyuan's body again, becoming gritted teeth.

It's just that Gu Qingyuan's eyes were cold and terrifying, just glanced lightly, and then stopped looking at her.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Yushu sneered, but after taking a step forward, Xia Chenling screamed in surprise.

"Ah, don't come over, don't come over."

Xia Chenling looked at Lu Pingping pleadingly, and saw him standing there with his brows frowned. When he looked at Xia Chenling, he felt a bit of resentment against Gu Qingyuan, not against Gu Qingyuan, but against himself?

Really a bunch of hillbillies, yelling your mother's B!Lu Pingping was already scolding in his heart, he didn't want to offend Zhang Yushu, and it was because of these insignificant people.

"It's also served, what's the inexplicable name."

Without holding back, Lu Pingping still yelled at Xia Chenling, his face became a bit hideous.

"Huh?" Xia Chenling pursed his lips, staring at Lu Pingping in a daze, but didn't expect him to react like this.

"Brother Zhang, calm down, my friend has never seen the world and is not very sensible."

Lu Ping shrank his neck and walked to Zhang Yushu's side, rubbing his hands to apologize.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shuai's body trembled suddenly.

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