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"Xiao Duo, is your friend?"

Zhang Yuqiang just glanced lightly, then retracted his gaze, looked at Shen Xiaoduo, and asked in a low voice.


After Shen Xiaoduo nodded, she also thought that Liu Shina deliberately looked up and smiled at her.

Both Liu Chunguo and his daughter showed a touch of joy, and they were affirmed by Shen Xiaoduo. The follow-up cooperation will be much easier to talk about. Even if it is a small market share, it will be enough.

Liu Chunguo's ability is not enough to eat all the market share of the Yang family, so such unrealistic ideas will not be considered.

For Liu Shina and Liu Chunguo, the subsequent dinners were very enjoyable. Zhang Yuqiang took the initiative to ask Liu Chunguo many topics, which also made him somewhat flattered.

The banquet proceeded slowly, and some of the sitting guests got acquainted with each other, exchanged business cards, and made a simple understanding.

In a harmonious atmosphere, a loud noise came from the next door. There was the sound of wine bottles hitting the ground, mixed with screams and noise, and it was getting louder and louder.

"Everyone, get out of company."

Zhang Yuqiang stood up and said with a smile, pushed aside the chair, and walked towards the door of the private room. After just two steps, the closed door was knocked open suddenly, and a man lay on the ground.

The man was flushed with a pinch of pigtails and lay there in large print.

"Ji Tianhao!"

Zhang Yushu exclaimed, and recognized the man lying on the ground, it was Ji Tianhao.

But how could he appear here?Still in this posture, are there anyone who dares to move him?

Immediately afterwards, there was a curse outside the door, which sounded familiar.

"I just said it, it's a waste, don't let him drink it, you don't believe it."

It was Gu Qingyuan who was talking, standing at the door of the private room, looking at Ji Tianhao who had fallen inside the private room from the outside, with disdain in his eyes.

"Just a few white cups of horse riding, it's B-like, I didn't expect it."

Zhang Yushu cursed and walked in from the private room.


Zhang Yushu turned his head slightly, and then noticed that the people on the side looked at him with a surprised look.

"Oh, sorry, you continue to eat."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, and pulled Ji Tianhao's arm up.

"Chapter is good."

"Good evening, Mr. Zhang."

"Zhang Zong, it was you."


One person reacted, bent down and nodded, and after greeting Zhang Yushu, the others also greeted him.

Zhang Yushu just nodded faintly, and continued to drag Ji Tianhao out, when he suddenly found this product, which looked very thin, and now it is as fat as a dead pig.

"Yushu, what's the situation with you!"

Zhang Yuqiang asked in a low voice, frowning, obviously a little unhappy.

"This guy drank too much and said he was looking for the toilet, but he got stuck in."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, without a sense of stability, completely inconsistent with the impression he had given before.

"Get up!"

Zhang Yushu screamed vigorously and suffocated his strength to lift Ji Tianhao up, causing him to stand on the ground staggeringly.

"Huh? Zhang Yuqiang, what did you just scream!"

Ji Tianhao pushed Zhang Yushu away, took a step forward, tilted his head and looked at Zhang Yuqiang.

"Enough of you, don't be crazy about drinking, drink just a bit of your mother's, and become such a B-like."

Zhang Yushu hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Ji Tianhao, then dragged him back.

"No, that grandson scolds me!"

"You let me go!"

"I want to kill him!"

"Didn't you see him upset early, I'll help you fuck him!"

"My Nima?" Zhang Yushu's face was green, and his face was wrinkled into bitter gourd. "What kind of dung did you spray on Lao Tzu? When did Lao Tzu say such a thing?"

"What you just said, boss, I will help you kill him."

Ji Tianhao shouted loudly, rushing towards Zhang Yuqiang with his teeth and claws.

"Grass, you go back to Laozi!"

Zhang Yushu dragged him back vigorously, cursing inwardly: Why is this bird like this.

"Qingyuan! Help!" Zhang Yushu called again. With so many guests, this joke was a big deal today.

"Gu Qingyuan?"

Liu Shina whispered, she didn't expect that he was here, that man was really not easy.

Liu Shina pursed her mouth lightly, watching Gu Qingyuan strode in from the door of the private room.

"Don't be ashamed."

Gu Qingyuan grabbed Ji Tianhao by the neckline and picked him up, like a chicken, and dragged it out of the private room.

Ji Tianhao's yelling and cursing sounded constantly, all pointing at Zhang Yuqiang, but Zhang Yuqiang just sat there with a cold face, and did not say much.

The drunk man just now is not an ordinary person, right?

Liu Shina had such a guess in her heart, and she became even more curious about Gu Qingyuan. How could he be so powerful, just as old as her own, can be equal to these legendary characters.

Just, Su Rong!

Thinking of this, Liu Shina clenched her fists tightly. Why is Su Rong?


At the end of the night, Gu Qingyuan and his party left the hotel. Ji Tianhao was framed by Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Yushu and walked in front. Su Rong followed them and suddenly laughed.

It turns out that these people are also so naive.

"Old Zhang, why did this guy suddenly come over?" Gu Qingyuan asked helplessly.

"It's because I accidentally told him about it. I treated him too personally before." Zhang Yushu frowned and said.

"This product is just a rubbish. It pitted me last time."

"How about throw him into the park."



Su Rong pursed her mouth and laughed, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and Mao Doudou and Kang Xiaoyong walked behind hand in hand. At this moment, it felt very beautiful.

"Don't, don't you guys, this Ji Shao is placed in the park, what if there is an accident?"

He Chaoran leaned over and said very seriously, this time, even if Ji Tianhao has already fallen asleep, he is still slapping his horse.

"Then give it to the fat guy, this guy is really worthless."

Gu Qingyuan cursed with a smile, and dragged Ji Tianhao away, but it turned out to be He Chaoran's arms.

"Yeah, slow down."

He Chaoran exclaimed and quickly hugged Ji Tianhao tightly.

"Fatty, I'll leave this to you."

Zhang Yushu smiled and waved his hand, opened the car door and sat in.

Shi Yong sat in the driver's seat. After seeing Gu Qingyuan coming, he opened the door and nodded to Gu Qingyuan.

Gu Qingyuan nodded lightly in response.

"I will send Hao Ji back."

Zhang Yushu pulled down the car door and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I will send it."

Gu Qingyuan drove the door alone, and let Su Rong, Hao Ji, and Maodoudou sit in. After saying goodbye, the two cars disappeared into the night.

Only He Chaoran was left, holding Ji Tianhao tightly.

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