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During the two days of the weekend, Gu Qingyuan had been watching the transaction volume of Xiaoxing Technology, nestled in the staff dormitory opposite the company, and did not leave a step.

Except for the selling on Friday, it has always been a continuous daily limit trend. However, even if it is a selling on Friday, its trading volume has been increased by the day since its listing, and the proportion of the number of shares sold is also very small.

Therefore, to determine how Xiaoxing Technology will go in the future, it depends on its performance next week. The one-day sell-off on Friday does not explain much.

Especially popular Internet technology stocks like Xiaoxing Technology.

With the strong development of OO, Ling520, and Du Niang, the three Internet carriages, almost everyone sees the hope of China Internet. Not only is the rapid increase in users, but also some technical innovations.

It is not only the single technical level of peer-to-peer transmission, video chat, and OO clothing show. Since the acquisition of Du Niang, some research and development of search engine technology have obtained a number of patents.

Recently, Li Hong also called Zhang Zhi frequently. Apart from very official congratulations, he was also full of regret and jealousy. He did not expect that Du Niang would develop so quickly.

And that catchy sentence, once Du Niang, you know the advertising words, established Li Hong's eternal pain.

In this general environment, the Internet sector has also become a hot one, and Xiaoxing Technology is even hotter. The topic of infrared mouse has also become the hottest at the moment.

If you open an Internet cafe and the mouse is not equipped with an infrared mouse, you are embarrassed to mention that you are a high-end Internet cafe.

According to the actual situation of these markets, even if Xiaoxing Technology has not made any good news recently, it is not a matter of importance.


In just two days, time soon arrived on Monday.

Zhang Yushu and Shen Xiaoduo were in front of the computer early in the morning, and Gu Qingyuan was the same on that day. The intraday performance is very important for the judgment of Xiaoxing Technology's later trends.

Although Gu Qingyuan is very confident in his heart and has a clear judgment on the trend of Xiaoxing Technology, the capital market is fickle. Maybe the next book, Xiaoxing Technology's bookmaker will make a change?

Fifteen minutes before the opening of the market, Xiaoxing Technology’s disk had a large backlog of orders, and the price had reached the lower limit. It was a bit of green, which made people feel a little flustered.

Unsurprisingly, at the opening of the market, Xiaoxing Technology hit the limit position, and Zhang Yushu's call came immediately afterwards.

The corners of Gu Qingyuan's mouth raised, revealing a beautiful arc, and quickly answered the phone.


Gu Qingyuan answered the phone so quickly, obviously because Zhang Yushu didn't expect it, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Qingyuan, what do you think of the current selling?"

Zhang Yushu asked eagerly, he was very satisfied with the huge profit of over 10 times of the current Xiaoxing Technology, and the idea of ​​being safe is also what he wants to sit on the most.

Almost stop it!

"Ha ha ha..."

Gu Qingyuan shook the phone and laughed. He was amused by Zhang Yushu's anxious look. After laughing for a long time, he explained it patiently:

"Before, Xiaoxing Technology has always been in the state of daily limit. Some retail investors on the New Third Board have never shipped. It is normal to sell for two consecutive days. The lower limit is normal. It creates panic and the purpose is to let the retail investors go. Do subsequent stretching."

"That's it, hahaha."

Zhang Yushu sighed, hearing Gu Qingyuan's explanation, the anxiety just disappeared instantly.


Gu Qingyuan pulled into a voice, and said another sentence, which made Zhang Yushu's heart come to his throat again.

"But what?" Zhang Yushu asked hurriedly.

"But we have too many shares in our hands. If we don't go, I am afraid that those villagers will not stretch, and they will be sideways for a long time."

As he said, Gu Qingyuan's expression became cold, and he clicked on the transaction volume and looked at a very regular set of numbers.




Such numbers are constantly appearing in the trading volume. Although the frequency is very slow, they are all caught by Gu Qingyuan.

The dealer's purchase price is very low, and obviously they still want to continue to attract sideways. For these excessive holdings of Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Yushu, some dealers must be eyeing them.

"Wait until noon to stretch, and after a few points rise, we will continue to ship."

It was also in an instant that Gu Qingyuan made a decision. After saying this, he hung up the phone.

There are too many shares in the hand. If you are targeted and keep going sideways, you will lose in disguise and maximize your benefits.

For example, it took three or four months for the revenue of 1 billion to reach a figure of 1.1 billion. But for Gu Qingyuan, if we take this 1 billion, Xiawei’s research and development can be done from In the long run, it is the biggest profit.

"It's very rude to hang up, but people like Gu Qingyuan are normal."

Shen Xiaoduo pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"I also said that he would stretch at noon. He really regarded himself as a fairy. When he said stretch, he stretched. Now he has stopped falling, throwing so much, stretched fart."

"Xiao Duo, it's not Monday today. Why don't you go to class, why are you stuck here? Come back soon."

Zhang Yushu frowned and reprimanded, which was clearly directed towards Gu Qingyuan.

"Huh, cousin, you bet you, this little star technology won't stretch at noon."

Shen Xiaoduo pouted and said unconvincedly.

"Well, if you stretch, I will come as soon as you want to come, I will definitely ignore you. If you lose, before the holiday, you will go to class obediently."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, even though he had many doubts in his heart like Shen Xiaoduo, he thought that he would not stretch, but that is what Gu Qingyuan said would stretch!

"Okay!" Shen Xiaoduo nodded heavily and agreed.

Therefore, in the next time, the two brothers and sisters seldom talked, Shen Xiaoduo dragged his chin, leaned on the computer desk, and stared at the computer screen blankly, his eyes also a little blurred.

Slowly...The time finally reached 11 o'clock, and it was only half an hour before the noon suspension.

After another fifteen minutes, Xiaoxing Technology was still in the state of falling limit, and had no intention of stretching.


Shen Xiaoduo smirked and blinked at Zhang Yushu.

"Cousin, look, why doesn't this Xiaoxing Technology still stretch!"

Shen Xiaoduo pointed to the screen and said with a smile, with a smug expression on his face.

Then, Xiaoxing Technology suddenly stretched, and some of the orders disappeared in an instant. With the numbers that appeared in the transaction volume, such as 699, 399, and 299, Xiaoxing Technology turned red.

And it went up by 1 point!


Hearty laughter rang in the room!

Said the manual valve.

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