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Qin Yong waited for Lu Pingping them at the east gate, leaning on the body of a black BMW five-series, smoking a cigarette, watching the students coming and going at the school gate.

Song Qingqing followed Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping. After seeing Song Qingqing's resentful face, Qin Yong frowned.

After Lu Pingping, Xia Chenling, and Song Qingqing approached him, Qin Yong said annoyedly: "Song Qingqing, what are you doing?"


Song Qingqing blushed at once, Qin Yong's voice was so loud that all the students around him looked over.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan and the others also came out, and the commercial car Gu Qingyuan borrowed stopped there. The BMW car next to Qin Yong was less than two meters away. It was a newly imported Ethiopian car. Elfa.

This type of car has not yet become popular at this time, and most people don't know it. Some people who don't understand cars will take it for granted as a very ordinary egg cart.

It's just a little special.

"I heard you call and said the day before yesterday that I was going to a sea banquet, so I came."

Song Qingqing whispered softly, pouting, looking at Qin Yong pitifully, crossing his hands in front of his stomach, giving a very quiet look.

"Did I say I would bring you here? Haha..."

Qin Yong sneered with his arms folded, "Song Qingqing, I found that you are really thick-skinned. Are you eligible to participate in a banquet like that? I don't think it sounds good. You are what you are, and are you participating?"

The voice was loud, and more and more classmates came to see him. Qin Yong didn't leave any affection for Song Qingqing.

Song Qingqing didn't dare to say anything. He lowered his head and put on a pitiful appearance. In this way, she was completely different from her in the dormitory.

"What am I?"

Song Qingqing asked back, when she raised her head, there was already a layer of teardrops in her eyes.

"I am your object, do you think it is appropriate to say that to me?"


Qin Yong shook his head and asked in a rhetorical question, then walked forward and approached Song Qingqing.

"When did I admit that you were my object? Every day, licking a face to find me, why are you so cheap? I asked you to come to me? Return the object? Your bitch is not a good bitch!"

The curse was too ugly, Xia Chenling frowned, and leaned forward slightly, hesitating whether to help Song Qingqing say something.

At this moment Song Qingqing finally started to cry, covering the sides of her face with her hands, her body twitching constantly.

Not far away, a man showed a very cheerful smile, as if he had been holding back a certain emotion for a long time, tortured by such emotions every day, and finally waited for release at this moment.

"Deserve it! JIAN goods!"

Qin Puppy waved his fist, gritted his teeth and cursed.

During the interaction with Song Qingqing, Qin Puppy gave almost everything she had. For example, Song Qingqing liked something, even if she had no food for the next meal, she did not hesitate to buy it to her.

After learning that Song Qingqing likes mobile phones, she started to do odd jobs and prepared to save money to buy a mobile phone for her, but only halfway through, she was mercilessly dumped by Song Qingqing.

Even immediately fell into the arms of another man, seamless connection!

Seeing such a scene at this time, all the emotions of Qin Puppy are refreshing and excited!

"You roll and cry."

Looking at Song Qingqing who was crying, Qin Yong didn't show any pity, some only disgusted, frowning and talking, and then pushed Song Qingqing hard, causing her to retreat again and again, staggering, and fell directly to Gu Qingyuan and his party. By the feet.

Gu Qingyuan was chic and hid on the side. He only glanced at Song Qingqing before pulling Su Rong to stand aside.

For this woman, Gu Qingyuan had no good feelings. From the fact that she stole her roommate, she was already disgusted with her.

When I was with Su Rong, I heard Nizi talk about the trivial things in the dormitory, and I also learned that the relationship with Song Qingqing was not very good.

So if you don't laugh at Song Qingqing at this time, you are considered to be of good quality.

The same goes for Liu Shina, Gao Qianqian, and Mao Doudou. They withdrew back and hid aside, without the intention of helping her.

Kang Xiaoyong was still standing there stupidly, the part of his calf had already touched Song Qingqing's body. He stood there hesitating for a while before being pulled aside by Edamame.

Then the edamame bean stood on tiptoe and said in a flies-like voice: "Can't you be smarter? Look at my brother Gu."


Kang Xiaoyong shrank his head, then grinned.

Xia Chenling frowned, and then gently flicked his left hand, shaking off the hand Lu Pingping was holding him.

This detail was added by Gu Qingyuan. He knew that the image of Xia Chenling's good old man would begin to play again.

This kind of bottomless tenderness, to be honest, looks disgusting!

Sure enough, Xia Chenling walked to Song Qingqing's side in three steps in two steps, leaned down and helped her sit up.

"Song Qingqing, are you all right."

Xia Chenling frowned and asked.

Song Qingqing gently shook her head, and slowly stood up while supporting Xia Chenling, with big tears falling from her cheeks, looking extremely pitiful.

Some students who didn't understand Song Qingqing's personality also showed pity and looked at the scumbag Qin Yong very hostilely.

Song Qingqing stood by Qin Yong's side, wiped his hands, wiped his eyes, clenched his teeth, and stared at Qin Yong with a posture about to tear his face.

Song Qingqing is a smart girl, and she knows how to keep things accounted for. Although she likes to show off on weekdays, it cannot be said that she has no brains.

Otherwise, after Gu Qingyuan's reminder, he would not return the things he stole.

At this moment, Qin Yong's attitude broke all her previous illusions. In his eyes, she had never been important. To put it ugly, it was just to release something he needed.

I didn't leave a clean face for myself just now, and even pushed my hand to beat myself. When I first pushed myself, I pushed with my fist, and now my shoulders are still aching.

I also gave it to such a man for the first time, hehe, I was really stupid at that time, so naive.

With these things quickly going through his mind, Song Qingqing's facial expression has become a little sordid.

Qin Yong, who wanted to continue to abuse her, was also a little bit astonished for a moment. He took a step back, but he did not expect that the woman in front of him also took a step forward.

"I'm telling you, Qin Yong, I'm pregnant, it's your child, what are you going to do with this?"

Song Qingqing said coldly, without a trace of emotion mixed in.

Upon hearing this, the surrounding students were also in an uproar.

Gu Qingyuan showed a smile of an old yin stuff, and he was also a little regretful, but it was a pity that there were no melon seeds and a small bench.

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