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On Sun Yue’s side, it was also in a closed room. Ji Youwei, Shen Xiaoduo’s father, Shen Tiande, Wu family, Wu Zhihong, and other families who were close to the Ji family, were eating together. Talking.

Wu Zhihong is Wu Qianhua’s father. He is ten years older than Ji Youwei and Shen Tiande. Although he is close to 60 years old, his black hair and wrinkles on his face are also very shallow, which looks similar to Ji Youwei. They are also similar in age.

He came here today to bring an explanation for the incident that happened in the wave nightclub.

Although Wu Qianhua was very clean, and the shit bowls were all buckled on He Chaoqun's head, the assassin's bodyguard was Wu Qianhua's after all, and there should be an explanation anyway.

But Wu Qianhua didn't come. He and Ji Tianhao had torn their faces a long time ago with these things. They don't need to be like their fathers, they have to pass the superficial work.

There are only two young figures in the room, one is Shen Xiaoduo. I heard that the business president of OO is coming here, don't take his father Shen Tiande's arm, and come here, in order to meet his idol.

Another young man is Wu Baiye, Wu Qianhua's younger brother. The reason for coming here is because of Shen Xiaoduo.

At a previous banquet, Wu Baiye accidentally touched Shen Xiaoduo’s black-framed glasses. The corners of the girl’s mouth rose slightly, and she shook her head and said that she was okay. At that time, she smiled like an imprint on her mind. Long time can not forget.

Her beauty is astonishing as a heavenly person, like an angel falling into the world, with a touch of aura in her faint pupils.

"Mr. Sun, come, I toast you a glass and hope to cooperate with your company in the future."

Ji Youwei raised his glass, touched Sun Yue, and said something politely.

"Ji Dong, you exalt me ​​too much. We are just a small company that has just started. If there is a chance to cooperate in the future, it is also an honor for Xia Wei."

Sun Yue responded with a smile, holding the wine glass and taking a sip from her mouth.

"Excessive humility is just pride. If Xiawei Technology claims to be a small company, there are no big companies in China, right."

Ji Youwei smiled and joked, and then swept around the crowd, all grinning.

Wu Baiye also laughed along with him. After the laughter stopped, he picked up the wine glass and raised his hand to gently touch Shen Xiaoduo aside.

"Xiao Duo, let's touch it too. After the last banquet, I haven't seen it for half a year."

"Well, it's been half a year."

Shen Xiaoduo smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass, and touched Wu Baiye.

Shen Xiaoduo's attitude towards Wu Baiye has always been this way, seemingly polite, but he has the feeling of rejection. Because of the influence of his cousins ​​Zhang Yuqiang and Zhang Yushu, they did not catch a cold on their Wu family, and they also felt resistance.

"Little Duo is getting more and more beautiful."

Wu Zhihong looked at Shen Xiaoduo, smiled and said, the smile on his face looked particularly kind.


Shen Xiaoduo was a little surprised, Wu Zhihong suddenly said this to himself, and after a short rush, he showed a sweet smile.

"Thank you Uncle Wu for the compliment, but I have gained weight recently. Uncle Wu must be teasing me."

"Eh? Xiaoduo, you girl, where's the fat? It's just right now, old Shen, how can you be so good at giving birth, this Xiaoduo is really beautiful."

Wu Zhihong patted Shen Tiande on the shoulder, and said with a smile, it seemed that the relationship between the two was very close.

"Hey, old Wu, you are wrong about this, my daughter, don't look at her quietly and quietly now, she's almost mad at me in private."

Shen Tiande put down his chopsticks and talked about his daughter with a smile.

"A few days ago, I was confident that I was going to help me to trade stocks. As a result, I was chasing ups and downs. I was tossing about tens of millions of dollars and my liver was about to explode."


Shen Xiaoduo screamed sadly, extremely cute.

Seeing the father and daughter like this, everyone laughed again.

After chatting about some topics again, Wu Zhihong looked at Ji Youwei and talked to him about the things he was in the Inspur Nightclub at that time.

The topic was a little sensitive, and the others sitting quietly quieted down very consciously.It's better not to mention even the slightest opinion on such matters.

"Yes, I still have to explain to you what happened to the children before."

Wu Zhihong looked at Ji Youwei and said with a serious expression.

Ji Youwei put down his chopsticks and tilted his head to look at Wu Zhihong. A slouchy appearance appeared, but it was very similar to Ji Tianhao, and he was indeed a father and son.

Slightly narrowed his eyes, Ji Youwei's eyes were full of disdain.

From the previous experience abroad, it was natural to understand what Wu Qianhua's nature was. He was simply an inhuman beast. At this moment, talking about this pretentiously was nothing more than trying to make this matter passable in this circle.

"That bodyguard was hired by our Wu family. It's true, but he went to promote this matter. That kid Wu Qianhua really didn't know about it. Otherwise, how could he let the silly out of stock take action.

But... that kid from the He family, He Chaoqun, right?I don't know how to call that bodyguard a brother, and he is also a dumb person.

Of course, He Chaoqun and the Zhang family's kid, Zhang Yushu started a quarrel, Ji Tahao turned out for a friend, and the bodyguard was like that, so things developed into that way."

For He Chaoqun, Wu Qianhua completely sold him. For those who only depend on themselves, this is Wu Qianhua's routine operation.

The He family is not qualified to sit here, but the news will surely spread out, and He Chaoqun's future days will probably be even more sad.

"Well, I have understood this clearly a long time ago. It's just you old man who came all the way from the north of Beijing to explain what I already know. It's really worrying about eating carrots."

Ji Youwei frowned and said, but his tone was obviously bad, but he couldn't accuse the Wu family of something because of this incident. After all, there was no evidence. He jumped up and said something that would only make people laugh at jokes.

"Oh, promising, what are you talking about, I'm not afraid that you will misunderstand the curse."

Wu Zhihong said something indifferently, took the wine glass in his hand, and reached out to Ji Youwei.

"I haven't misunderstood it from the beginning. Why do you think this way? What do you mean? Look down on our Ji family!"

Suddenly, Ji Youwei roared coldly, staring at Wu Zhihong, and did not pick up the wine glass, and went to clink with Wu Zhihong.

The atmosphere became cold for a moment.

Wu Zhihong clenched his teeth, a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes, but he soon put on another smile.

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