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Listening to the tender singing, Liu Shina would always look at Gu Qingyuan's side face inadvertently, and found that there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were all on Su Rong.

Tightly clenched the small spoon tightly, extremely unwilling in my heart!

Xia Chenling and Lu Pingping had already arrived here at this time. The two of them were sitting elegantly on the sofa, eating food and listening to the star's song.

"Pingping, you see, it's edamame and the others, I also want to take a closer look, I really like him very much."

Xia Chenling said excitedly, raising his head, with stars in his eyes, looking at the star.

"Don't go, look at who is so close besides them, it's really shameful."

Lu Pingping frowned and said, leaning back on what happened, and then whispered: "A few hillbillies who have never seen the world."

"Okay... OK."

Xia Chenling nodded, and sat there obediently, but she always straightened her body and looked at the singing side.

Seeing that star waving away, Su Rong and the others walked back staringly. During the period and the star's response, they were also the loudest, which made Liu Shina feel very embarrassed.

"Go get something to eat, why don't you sit down and eat while watching."

Gu Qingyuan smiled disapprovingly. As for Lu Pingping and Liu Shina's heart, there is no such thing.

I am also very disgusted. Those so-called people have to use their own knowledge to define whether other people are doing something reasonable.

"No, it's clear to see him up close. I didn't expect to see him so close."

Su Rong said excitedly, feeling a little unbelievable about what just happened.

"Okay, go get something to eat."

Gu Qingyuan smiled, got up from the sofa, and went to pick food with Su Rong and others.

Xia Chenling naturally noticed Gu Qingyuan's side too, but just glanced at it, and then quickly lowered his head.

After that, the band in the center of the hall continued to play soft music. Some guests who had a good meal already danced in the center of the dance floor, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

When Liu Shina was picking red wine, she was accosted by a man who was thought to be quite handsome. At the invitation of a very gentleman, she also agreed to dance with him on the dance floor.

"Um, Doudou, Xiaoyong, you guys go there for a jump too."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and asked while looking at Kang Xiaoyong and Maodoudou, who were looking down and eating wildly.

Edamame raised his head and cast him a glance, then quickly lowered his head, continued to eat, and said vaguely: "It's better to eat first."

Then Su Rong, Gu Qingyuan, and Gao Qianqian laughed for the first time. The appearance of Edamame just now is so funny.

After a short while, all the guests in the private room also came out, and attended the lunch with the guests in the banquet. The guests who came out would not be eating anything, just drinking some red wine, choosing some dancing, and socializing.

Ji Youwei invited Sun Yue to dance on the dance floor. Gu Qingyuan squinted his eyes and looked over. Only then did he discover that Sun Yue's figure was also very good, and she couldn't tell her age at all.

Shen Xiaoduo stood aside, tiptoes up, raised his head, looking for Zhang Yushu's figure, it is more comfortable to mix with his cousin.

After turning around, Zhang Yushu hadn't been found yet, but a voice came from his ear, and Shen Xiaoduo frowned.

"Xiao Duo, let's dance a dance together."

Wu Baiye came over, bent down slightly, and reached out a hand very gentlemanly.

She really wanted to refuse. She thought about it a lot for a moment, sorry, I want to go to the toilet.Sorry, I am a little tired.Well, my shoes today are not suitable, they are a bit of a diaphragm.

It's just that Wu Zhihong and Shen Tiande stood on one side with a smile, looking at Shen Xiaoduo and Wu Baiye. Not only the two of them, but also some elders of the family, all looked at this side with a smile on their lips.

Although Shen Tiande's smile is very embarrassing, what can be done?

I can't refuse Wu Baiye, so someone will definitely point fingers and say that they are ignorant.

"Okay... OK, it's just that my shoes are a little bit diaphragmatic, I can only jump for a while."

Shen Xiaoduo said in a low voice, and after a short pause, she still reluctantly placed her little hand in Wu Baiye's palm.

"Well, okay, can you skip a song."


Shen Xiaoduo nodded and walked to the center of the dance floor with Wu Baiye.

Xia Chenling didn't know how to dance, so she could only sit there awkwardly, but to her surprise, Lu Pingping didn't invite herself to dance.

Lu Pingping's gaze fell on a gorgeously dressed girl, and then moved away, leaning against one side while looking at him, seemingly inadvertently separated from Xia Chenling.

After a while, Xia Chenling saw several familiar figures on the side of the dance floor.

They are Su Rong, Gu Qingyuan, Mao Doudou and Kang Xiaoyong.

The two lovers hugged gently, and then shook gently to the music, as if there was no need for any dancing foundation, as long as the two hugged each other and danced to the music.

Xia Chenling bit her lip, after hesitating for a moment, she still asked, her cheeks already blushing at this moment.

"Pingping, why don't we go there for a jump too, can you teach me how to jump."

"Lingling, I'm sorry, Qin Yong will come over in a while, and I have to talk to him about some things."

Lu Pingping said with a smile, he found a good excuse.

"Okay... OK."

Xia Chenling nodded in disappointment, but didn't think too much. He raised his head to look at Lu Pingping, and asked with some worry, "What about Song Qingqing?"

"I don't know the details, wait for Qin Yong to come over and ask him."

Lu Pingping said, took out his mobile phone and sent some messages to Qin Yong.

After a short while, Qin Yong came over and hurried over. At this time, he changed a new suit, which was different from the one Song Qingqing had when he was arguing.

"Where is Song Qingqing?"

Before Qin Yong sat down, Xia Chenling asked anxiously.

Qin Yong frowned and glanced at Xia Chenling impatiently. If she wasn't Lu Pingping's object, he would really scold her a few words. The thing that didn't wince was to ask me something that annoyed Lao Tzu.

Qin Yong looked at Lu Pingping, but did not speak to Xia Chenling.

"How's the matter going?"

Lu Pingping asked.

"Sent a few people to send her to the hospital, and then let her go. It's a wicked woman."

Qin Yong gritted his teeth and cursed.

Lu Pingping did not express any stance. He picked up the red wine on the coffee table and took a sip. Xia Chenling was here, and he still had to pretend to be a gentleman.

There was a pause for a few seconds, and as expected, Xia Chenling frowned and spoke out loud.

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