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Ji Tianhao and Zhang Yushu were all in a room similar to a field du, surrounded by a table, filled with smoke.

Gently pushing the door open, Shen Xiaoduo poked her little head in. She, who originally hated this kind of environment, couldn't take care of it anymore.

After seeing Zhang Yushu's smiling face, Shen Xiaoduo immediately frowned, pursed her small mouth, showing an angry expression, as if the person sitting there was Gu Qingyuan.

"Zhang Yushu, come out."

Shen Xiaoduo yelled, but in the noisy room, her voice did not reach Zhang Yushu's ears.

So Shen Xiaoduo opened the heavy door and walked in quickly.

Standing there full of resentment, He Chaoran saw her first.

"Huh? Xiaoduo, why are you here?" He Chaoran said with a smile, then moved a chair from the side and placed it next to her.

"Xiao Duo, what's the matter, I don't look very happy, who is bullying you, sit down and talk slowly."

While talking, He Chaoran patted the chair.

Shen Xiaoduo didn't say a word, still staring at Zhang Yushu with furrowed brows, a small face almost wrinkled into bitter gourd.

However, Zhang Yushu seemed to care more about the deck of cards in his hand, just raised his head and gave Shen Xiaoduo a perfunctory look.

"What are you doing here?"

After Ji Tianhao played a card, he said in a bad tone.But he always speaks like this, and everyone who is sitting understands it.

Shen Xiaoduo couldn't stand it anymore. He was wronged at first, but Ji Tianhao reprimanded him with such a sentence. He didn't get stretched and cried directly.

Shen Xiaoduo twitched a few times, and Dou's big tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Xiao Duo?" He Chaoran exclaimed with some worry, and looked at Zhang Yushu.

Seeing Shen Xiaoduo doing this, Zhang Yushu finally got a little flustered at this time, and knocked down the table to signal that the card game should be suspended.

"Xiao Duo, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Yushu asked anxiously, but still held the card in his hand.

"Zhang Yushu, come out and talk."

Shen Xiaoduo said in a low voice, then turned and walked outside the door.

"Fatty, you fight for me."

Zhang Yushu waved to He Chaoran, handed him the card, followed Shen Xiaoduo and walked out quickly.

At the safety staircase in the corridor, Shen Xiaoduo stopped.

"Xiao Duo, what happened?"

Zhang Yushu asked anxiously, putting his hand on her shoulder lightly.

"Can you stop being so good to Gu Qingyuan in the future!"

Shen Xiaoduo raised his head, and Lihua asked Zhang Yushu with rain. The face seemed to be greatly wronged.

"Gu Qingyuan?"

Zhang Yushu repeated his name, frowned and asked, "How did you provoke him?"

"What do you mean by me to provoke him? What are you asking, am I still your sister? I shouldn't have come to you if I knew it, and I should go to Brother Yuqiang directly."

Shen Xiaoduo answered with a louder voice, with hands on hips, staring at Zhang Yushu, also hostile to him.

"Well, what is it, you tell me in detail, but I believe Qingyuan, he will not do anything unusual to you, after all, I am there."

Zhang Yushu said seriously.

"Hehe, he doesn't know how to do decent things? Do you treat him as an upright gentleman? He is just a rogue."

Shen Xiaoduo cursed, and after a long sigh, he explained the story of Gu Qingyuan in detail.

Listening to these things, Zhang Yushu's face slowly flushed, but finally he burst into laughter without holding back.


Zhang Yushu had a very low laugh, and it was hard to hold back when he heard such a funny thing, so there was a burst of hearty laughter in this quiet corridor!

"Are you still smiling? Are you sick, don't you still see how serious it is?"

Shen Xiaoduo was furious, and pushed Zhang Yushu with the ground. Seeing him shamelessly, he continued to smile against the wall.

After a while, it stopped.

After coughing lightly twice, Zhang Yushu began to analyze the matter seriously after a pause.

"Didn't that brother Wu Zhihong tell your father before that he is going to visit your house. Isn't this a proposal for marriage? Therefore, whether Gu Qingyuan says it or not, the impact is actually not big."

"Do you know all this?" Shen Xiaoduo asked, clenching his fists, looking extremely nervous.

Without waiting for Zhang Yushu to say anything, he whispered: "Then this matter must have been spread. Wu Zhihong is too shameless. He must have spread it on purpose and put pressure on the Shen family so that we can agree to him."

"should be!"

Zhang Yushu said lightly, his eyes became cold, and the expression he had just laughed disappeared.

"This old dog of the Wu family really has a good calculation. The Shen family's business has grown bigger and bigger in the past two years, and the room for development is also huge. You are the only girl in the Shen family, so this marriage, They naturally want to make it very much."

"Then... Then what should I do? I blame Gu Qingyuan's ruffian for talking nonsense, making Wu Baiye seem to have become my target."

"This actually has little effect. You didn't promise him on the spot. If it fails in the end, people will not say anything. Who can't tell, you gave him a step down and declined him. The key is still to see. ...The attitude of your family."

Shen Xiaoduo pursed her mouth tightly, listening to Zhang Yushu's words, although she felt uncomfortable in her heart, she knew that what he was saying was the truth.

"Moreover, your father doesn't count, you also know your personality. Living easily, fishing, and writing poetry do not have enough power to speak at home. The key lies in the attitude of Mr. Shen."


Shen Xiaoduo yelled softly and lowered his head, looking a little unconfident.

The Shen family’s attitude towards the Wu family is not too hostile, and to expand in foreign markets, one must join forces with the Wu family.

In their circle, the Wu family is the one that has done the largest business abroad, especially in the U.S. It involves a lot of projects, and they are all monopolized.

So, with this analysis, the ending is somewhat obvious.

For a while, the siblings both became quiet, thinking about something in their hearts, both frowning and worried.

"Then... Then what should I do? I really don't like the Wu family."

After a long while, Shen Xiaoduo said in a low voice, breaking the temporary silence.

"Little Duo."

Zhang Yushu yelled in a low voice, touched her black hair lightly, and squeezed her face. He didn't immediately answer her question. Obviously, there was nothing he could do.

"Cousin, I really don't like it!"

Shen Xiaoduo choked up and cried again when she raised her head.

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