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Constantly tapping Gu Qingyuan's cheeks, a clear voice rang out, but he still frowned, without a trace of reaction.

"Gu Qingyuan, don't scare me."

Shen Xiaoduo grabbed Gu Qingyuan's clothes and hurriedly hurriedly, shaking her body uncontrollably.

Putting the back of his white hand on Gu Qingyuan's mouth, as if his breath might break at any time, he hurriedly pressed his head against his chest, only a very faint heartbeat was heard.

"How to do?"

Shen Xiaoduo's tears rolled in his eyes. No matter how much he hated Gu Qingyuan, the moment he saw him jump down desperately, all the previous hatred disappeared.

At this moment, I just want Gu Qingyuan to wake up, and the feeling in his heart is quite deep. If it weren't for Zhang Yushu, he would not jump down to save himself. This is the friendship between men.

I also understand why Zhang Yushu would be so towards Gu Qingyuan.

"Is there anyone, come to help!"

Shen Xiaoduo yelled hysterically, and his voice disappeared in the sea, only the sound of waves hitting the rocks.

Shen Xiaoduo panted heavily, thinking of a way, and suddenly released the hand holding Gu Qingyuan's clothes, and gently stroked his cheek.

Stretching out his thumb, he gently touched his lips. Shen Xiaoduo leaned down, her hair falling on Gu Qingyuan's forehead, preparing to give him artificial respiration.

These life-saving techniques were contacted as a child to cope with such emergencies, but they were all a long time ago, and Shen Xiaoduo was not very confident, and wondered if he would ever be.

The hand touching Gu Qingyuan's cheek trembled a few times, and after hesitating for a few seconds, Shen Xiaoduo kissed it down.

The moment the lips touched, a layer of goose bumps even appeared on the white arm.

In any case, this was her first kiss, but such a way should not count.

However, Shen Xiaoduo just kissed it, and still forgot what to do, her lips moved slightly, but at this moment...

Gu Qingyuan opened his eyes, and the face of the woman in her pupils kept expanding, as if she was still chewing on herself?

Shen Xiaoduo's eyes were raised, and his gaze slowly moved over, and found that he had his eyes open, so his gaze intertwined.

Shen Xiaoduo's whole body became stiff, and for a moment she forgot to remove her mouth. After several seconds, she exclaimed and jumped from Gu Qingyuan.

"Gu Qingyuan, are you sick!"

Shen Xiaoduo screamed, raised his foot and kicked him lightly, then turned around, her white cheeks were already red.

Gu Qingyuan lay there in a daze, and he was also in the mood to pay attention to what Shen Xiaoduo said, and he roughly understood the purpose of what she just did.

Leaning on his side, his fingers clasped his throat, and he stabbed it a few times. With a vomit, Gu Qingyuan vomited.

A large amount of seawater was spit out, and it also gave off a sour smell.

Shen Xiaoduo immediately turned around, still keeping a few steps away from Gu Qingyuan, a look of worry surged across his face.

"You... are you okay." Shen Xiaoduo asked in a low voice, his voice as thin as a mosquito.

After vomiting, Gu Qingyuan was holding the beach and panting heavily, his face flushed, and suddenly he coughed violently.

Shen Xiaoduo pressed his lips tightly, hesitating whether to come forward and look at him, but his legs seemed to be poured into lead without taking a step forward.

Fortunately, Gu Qingyuan slowly stopped coughing and sat there calmly breathing.

The breeze blew both of them, in such a hot weather, this style of comfort outside.

It was noon, when the sun was poisonous, and after a short break like this, my mouth became dry.A layer of fine sweat has covered their foreheads.

Gu Qingyuan looked around. It was a strange environment, without a scent of people, it should be an isolated island.

However, this was also Gu Qingyuan's first judgment. No matter what, at least the fire was down, and the warmth of the sun was felt again. This feeling was really cool.

Shen Xiaoduo also squatted to one side, carefully looking at the surrounding environment. There was a small piece of forest behind him, and she couldn't help but feel scared.

But fortunately... there is another person.

Feeling regaining some strength, Gu Qingyuan slowly stood up and walked into the small wood behind him. There should be coconuts and other fruits.

"Where are you going?"

Gu Qingyuan just walked a few steps forward, and Shen Xiaoduo yelled anxiously, moving his steps, and walking forward in the same way.

"Find something to drink."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, and walked forward on his own without paying attention to Shen Xiaoduo behind him.

"Then... Then wait for me, I want to go too."

Shen Xiaoduo said in a low voice, and followed Gu Qingyuan. She didn't dare to stay in this strange environment. What if there were any beasts?

Shen Xiaoduo couldn't help but know how to make up all kinds of beasts. In short, if there is a special situation, Gu Qingyuan will protect himself, after all, there is still the relationship with his brother.

The area of ​​the woods behind him is not too large, and Gu Qingyuan only walked for more than 10 minutes before walking through the entire forest, facing the vast sea.

"It seems we should have arrived on a small island."

Shen Xiaoduo approached Gu Qingyuan and said again, wanting to use such words to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere.


Gu Qingyuan nodded faintly, without any extra words, turned around and dived into the woods again.

"Then what shall we do next?"

"Can you tell where this is?"

"By the way, is your phone still there? Is my phone missing?"

Shen Xiaoduo asked a lot of questions, but Gu Qingyuan only looked up at the coconut tree and did not answer them.

After she finished speaking and was quiet for a few seconds, Gu Qingyuan walked and said, "My phone is gone. Okay, just this one. This tree is easier to climb."

Gu Qingyuan stopped next to a relatively low coconut tree with nodes on the trunk. His shoes had already been washed away by the sea. The same was true for Shen Xiaoduo. When he touched the trunk, he quickly retracted his arm.


Gu Qingyuan cursed, frowned, and after making some adjustments, he continued to hold the hot tree trunk and climbed up.

I have drunk too much sea water. In such a dry environment, without drinking water, it is very likely to have symptoms such as heat stroke and dehydration.

"Be careful."

Shen Xiaoduo raised his head and watched Gu Qingyuan lay on his stomach with an expression of pain. After trying to touch the tree trunk, he immediately stretched his fingers back and placed it on the far side to blow.

"Why don't we wait for the evening to pick coconuts, now the tree is too hot."

Shen Xiaoduo yelled loudly, Gu Qingyuan ignored it, still climbing up with difficulty.

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