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"Why don't you pick coconuts at this time today? The weather is two yuan. At noon, the trees are all slutty."

Shen Xiaoduo whispered softly, after drinking the coconut juice, his voice finally no longer as hoarse as before.

"I'm worried that I won't have the strength at this time. In case I have a heat stroke like you, and such a tall tree, I don't have the confidence to climb up."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, and it was the first time that he and Shen Xiaoduo spoke calmly.

"That's it."

Shen Xiaoduo nodded, the tough side of this man appeared in front of him again, and when he looked over carefully, he remembered that his face was beautiful, as if he was two years younger than himself.

But Gu Qingyuan gave her the same feeling as his brother Zhang Yushu's age.

"Gu Qingyuan, thank you so much. I jumped down to save me. If it weren't for you, I would definitely be dead."

Shen Xiaoduo looked at Gu Qingyuan and said seriously, no matter how much he hates him, his kindness will be remembered for a lifetime.

"Isn't you taller, it's because the soles of your feet slip off."

Shen Xiaoduo curled his lips. Naturally, he would not believe Gu Qingyuan's excuse.

"By the way, you really developed ling520, it's pretty awesome."

Shen Xiaoduo asked with a smile. At this time, she finally didn't feel constrained, so she could chat with Gu Qingyuan about this.

Shen Xiaoduo has always wanted to understand this question.

"Yeah." Gu Qingyuan nodded. Zhang Yushu knew about this, so there was no need to hide it.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect you to do this. Although the programming technology is not difficult, the idea of ​​collating the webpage is really too advanced. However, it is not surprising that you have a personality like you can do that. ."

"Yeah." Gu Qingyuan just nodded lightly and performed the simplest interaction. Shen Xiaoduo's twittering was just annoying.

Gu Qingyuan's thoughts at this time are all with Xia Wei's company and Su Rong.

"Then why is it called Ling520? By the way, Ling? Xia Chenling? Shouldn't it be?"

Shen Xiaoduo seemed to have discovered something very important, her eyes widened, and she looked at Gu Qingyuan.

However, Gu Qingyuan's expression was flat, and he shook his head lightly, and said, "You think too much, but you just got up."

Gu Qingyuan had no feelings about the name Xia Chenling. There was no hatred, it was simply inappropriate to break up, and the money given to her really didn't matter.

Gu Qingyuan didn't want to be involved with Xia Chenling because of these, and didn't want Su Rong to feel uncomfortable.


Shen Xiaoduo nodded thoughtfully, and after thinking for a moment, he asked: "By the way, Gu Qingyuan, Ling520 has always cooperated with OO and Du Niang in advertising. Do you know their founders?"


Gu Qingyuan said lightly, already closing his eyes. When he is not sure about the arrival of rescue, he must maintain his strength and avoid the consumption.

If she really doesn't have the ability to act, Shen Xiaoduo is completely unreliable, and there is only a dead end.


Shen Xiaoduo nodded slightly disappointed, still a little unhappy with Gu Qingyuan's indifferent attitude.

He curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Doesn't people take your Ling520 seriously?"

After that, the atmosphere became quiet again, and as the sea breeze continued to blow, the temperature became lower and lower.

Shen Xiaoduo shrank under his clothes and pulled hard, still feeling a little cool, but Gu Qingyuan was still wearing only a pair of shorts.

"Gu Qingyuan, why don't you wear one too."

Shen Xiaoduo asked in a low voice. Gu Qingyuan lay on the ground and turned over, but said lightly: "I'm asleep."

"But aren't you cold?"

After that, Gu Qingyuan didn't answer her again, it was false that she was not cold, and Gu Qingyuan was so cold that she couldn't sleep.

The night seemed extraordinarily long, and the strange sound of birds in the sky kept coming. After a high-pitched roar, Shen Xiaoduo couldn't control it anymore and ran over with those clothes.

"Gu Qingyuan, did you hear it? The strange cry just now was very loud. I think that monster should be near us."

Shen Xiaoduo leaned against Gu Qingyuan's side and said in a low voice, pulling his arm.

"That call is a bird, it's okay."

After Gu Qingyuan opened his eyes and said something, he closed his eyes again.

"Is it really a bird? What if it's not?"

Shen Xiaoduo said in a low voice, pursing her mouth tightly, looking at Gu Qingyuan, after holding the sand tightly, loosened it, and then held it tightly, looking very tangled.

Finally, after a while, he lay down leaning on Gu Qingyuan.

Lying next to Gu Qingyuan, Shen Xiaoduo felt an inexplicable sense of security. This man seemed to be able to survive the exam.

So he moved to Gu Qingyuan's side again and closed his eyes.

The moment the skin touched, Shen Xiaoduo felt a little warmth. The man's body was like a stove, hot, so he didn't put his arms back, but gradually became dependent.

In the middle of the night, both of them were already asleep. The exaggeration was that Shen Xiaoduo lay on Gu Qingyuan's body and buried his head on his chest.


A huge red sun slowly rose from the sea level, and the sandy beach turned into a golden area, lighting up the entire sea level. Gu Qingyuan and Shen Xiaoduo did not see this magnificent scene.

Gu Qingyuan and Shen Xiaoduo both slept very hard, the first sunlight shining on their bodies, it was warm and very comfortable.

Shen Xiaoduo hooked Gu Qingyuan's arm, just like the big bear at home, feeling safe and warm.

After blinking his eyes lightly, he found himself lying in his arms, and then flipped quickly, Shen Xiaoduo rolled to the ground, and then secretly took a look at Gu Qingyuan.

Seeing that he was still closing his eyes and snoring quietly, he took a long breath this time.


Shen Xiaoduo complained, but he didn't mean to blame Gu Qingyuan, but himself.

But soon I closed my eyes again, and the beach became warm, and it was very comfortable to lie down. It was not yet hot, and now sleeping is the most comfortable time.

After sleeping for a few more hours, both of them fell asleep slowly from the ground after sweating all over their bodies.

Gu Qingyuan looked at Shen Xiaoduo, very plain, but Shen Xiaoduo lowered her head shyly, thinking silently in her heart: He didn't know what he held together last night, right?Correct!I must not know!

"I have to hurry up and pick some coconuts, otherwise the trees will be hot again at noon."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, stood up from the ground, moved his body a few times, raised his head and began to choose the coconut tree.

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