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Shen Xiaoduo opened her lips slightly, wondering, shouldn't we wait for Zhang Yushu to come together, or have a meal together?

Moreover, Gu Qingyuan had just cold his face, making Shen Xiaoduo feel a sense of distance.

If there hadn't been this encounter, the two would be strangers, or they would have some hatred towards Gu Qingyuan.

Or Gu Qingyuan's cold attitude at the moment is correct. After all, he hates himself very much, and now he owes him.

There is no need to continue to accompany the smiling face.

Thinking of this, Shen Xiaoduo still feels a little sad. It seems that Gu Qingyuan's character is not very annoying, and even a little special.

"Then there are many things to deal with, so let's go first."

Seeing a taxi passing by, Gu Qingyuan stretched out his hand to stop one, then opened the door and got in.

"Well, goodbye then."

Shen Xiaoduo gently waved his hands, watching the blue taxi go away, and the feelings in his heart were mixed.


On Zhang Yushu and Ji Tianhao's side, after three days of searching, although they didn't want to admit it, they also believed in their hearts that Shen Xiaoduo and Gu Qingyuan refused to have any hope of surviving.

But the Shen family's request is to see people in the dead and the corpse in life, so rescue work has been ongoing.

The old man of the Shen family gave the order to die, no matter what, he must find Shen Xiaoduo.

Shen Tiande spends every day in self-blame. Why didn't he look after his daughter when he was on the cruise?

After Shen Xiaoduo's accident, Wu Zhihong and Wu Baiye went back to Beijing directly. It is better not to get involved in such matters. The visit to Shen's house which had been unilaterally agreed before was cancelled silently.

Zhang Yushu spent every day in torment. He did not sleep well for several days. His eyes were dissatisfied with bloodshot eyes, and his spirit became abnormally excited. He looked forward to calls from the rescue team every day, and was also afraid of them. phone.

What should I do if I find the body?Zhang Yushu could not accept this fact.

Gu Qingyuan and Shen Xiaoduo, to Zhang Yushu, one is a true friend in a strict sense, and the other is a cousin who grew up watching and grew up. To him, both are very important.

On this day, in the afternoon, Zhang Yushu came to Langchao nightclub and watched the staff busy with the night’s work, while he was sitting on a deck, sipping foreign wine.

"Brother Zhang, don't drink, or should we go for a walk and get some breath?"

He Chaoran came over and patted Zhang Yushu on the shoulder. Although he was also very sad in his heart, he was still worse than Zhang Yushu.

Zhang Yushu is very delicate in feelings, so after some people leave, he will not accept it, and may also collapse because of this.

Although Gu Qingyuan and Shen Xiaoduo wouldn't let this man collapse, they were enough to make him depressed for a while.

Zhang Yushu glanced at He Chaoran, and then continued to drink wine to himself, ignoring him.


He Chaoran sighed, sat beside Zhang Yushu, took out a wine glass, and poured himself a glass.

"Come on, Brother Zhang, brother drink with you."

He Chaoran raised his head and poured the whole cup into his stomach.

After that, the two spoke very little, only the occasional sound of clinking glasses. Slowly, the wine bottles were filled with the lower hem, and their faces became a little blush.

"Brother Zhang, to be honest, there are some things you should learn to accept."

When Zhang Yushu raised the glass and was about to continue drinking, He Chaoran held his hand and pressed the glass he raised on the table again.


Zhang Yushu sighed, closed his eyes, and lay back on the sofa, looking very haggard.

"Gu Qingyuan, to be honest, I still see him clearly. I didn't expect him to jump down and save Xiaoduo. He is better than me."

He Chaoran shook his head and said, in his heart, he still likes Shen Xiaoduo very much, because He Chaoqun made mistakes and he was reused, which once gave him hope.

Between him and Shen Xiaoduo, there seems to be a slight possibility.

But on the night of the accident, he didn't have the courage of Gu Qingyuan to jump down to save Shen Xiaoduo, not even Zhang Yushu.

So high, there are waves!I really dare not!

"Qingyuan... he should be the same as me, he is more affectionate, he has no parents, so some affection is more important than us."

Zhang Yushu spoke in a low voice. This was also the first sentence he said tonight. Under the dim light, a few tears flowed down his cheeks.

As for Gu Qingyuan's life experience, He Chaoran has already adjusted the difference clearly. Zhang Yushu just said that he did not deny it, yes, maybe some emotions are missing, so he will cherish other emotions.

"Although the girl Xiaoduo can't get used to Qingyuan on weekdays and even makes trouble for him from time to time, I know that when Qingyuan jumped down to save Xiaoduo, she had only one idea. Xiaoduo is my sister, so He jumped off."

Zhang Yushu curled his body, looking very painful, grabbing his hair with both hands, and began to recall what happened that night.

He Chaoran's expression became stern, and the time after that became very depressed. No one spoke anymore. After a while, the two picked up the wine glasses, touched them, and drank them.

Suddenly, Zhang Yushu's cell phone rang.

It has been a while since the company's affairs were handed over to Zhang Yuqiang, so few people called him, especially after Shen Xiaoduo's accident, no one called him, knowing that he was in a bad mood.

Taking out his cell phone, it was a set of unfamiliar numbers. Zhang Yushu's breathing became short, and he wondered if it was a call from the rescue team?Found the bodies of Xiaoduo and Qingyuan?

Thinking of this indiscriminately, Zhang Yushu's body trembled, and He Chaoran, who also had a stern expression on the side, looked directly at Zhang Yushu.

"Come on, there are some things that can't be avoided. If there are any things, I can explain to Mr. Shen."

He Chaoran reminded him and pushed Zhang Yushu's arm.


Zhang Yushu nodded, and his thumb was trembling. He pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

"Zhang Yushu, where are you? Come and pick me up!"

What came from the phone was Shen Xiaoduo's blaming voice, and Zhang Yushu could even guess that Nizi's expression of resentment when she said these words.

"Little Duo!"

Zhang Yushu yelled and jumped up awkwardly. He had already drunk a lot, and his mind was a little dizzy, but in just an instant, he became exceptionally sober.

"Is Xiao Duo you? Tell brother, is it you!"

Zhang Yushu yelled excitedly, and even pinched his thigh, trying to see if it was an illusion, but the pain from the leg clearly told him that it was true.

Shen Xiaoduo is still alive.

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