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Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly and said a good word, but his smile was full of joking.Wu Baiye is still a waste as always.

"Baiye, you go to the bar for Mr. Gu."

Wu Qianhua looked at Wu Baiye and said coldly.


Wu Baiye was puzzled, and looked at Wu Baiye, showing an expression of why I want to pour him wine.

He looks so young, what is he?

"What are you doing? Go!"

Wu Qianhua said again in a commanding tone, strong words, no respect for Wu Baiye, which made him feel very shameless, especially when he was still in front of Shen Xiaoduo.

"it is good."

Wu Baiye said forcefully, picked up the wine bottle on the table and stood up, looking unhappy.

Striding to Gu Qingyuan's side, he said, "Where is the wine glass?"


Gu Qingyuan looked at Wu Baiye and laughed a few times, and patted the wine glass by the table, but did not pick it up.

"Huh? Wouldn't you pick up the wine glass?"

Wu Baiye asked unhappily, how could he be the second youngest of the Wu family, how could he do this kind of inferior things.

"Wu Baiye, didn't I ask you to pour the wine on Mr. Gu?"

Wu Qianhua cursed directly, causing Wu Baiye to shiver directly, and some of the wine in the bottle spilled out, dripping onto the ground.


Wu Baiye hurriedly responded, and a humiliating blush appeared on his cheeks, filling Gu Qingyuan with it.

Back to her seat, Wu Baiye put her hands on her waist, looking unconvinced.

Shen Xiaoduo sat aside, some of whom looked down upon Wu Baiye even more.

Wu Qianhua smiled faintly, and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Mr. Gu, I toast you a glass."

"Well, Mr. Wu, drink together."

Picking up the wine glass, the two touched each other. After taking a sip, they placed it on the table.

After sweeping the audience, Wu Qianhua finally gave a grand introduction.

"Introduce everyone, Sun Yue, Xia is the company's commercial director."

There were still some people who didn't know Sun Yue before, so they didn't talk to this woman, and people who knew didn't talk about it until Wu Qianhua solemnly introduced it.

"So you are Sun Yue."

"Your company is the developer of OO."

"It's really amazing, I've been admired for a long time."

After that, a bunch of people agreed, raising their glasses to respect Sun Yue.

Sun Yue also picked up the wine glass and stood up. These young people looked young but had great abilities. She did not dare to underestimate it.

"Everyone praised, then I will do it first."

Sun Yue said with a smile, raised the wine glass and drank the whole glass of wine.

"Miss Sun is open and bright."

"A hero of the female middle school."

Everyone flattered a few words, took the wine glass and finished drinking, and then sat down one after another.

Wu Qianhua set his gaze on Gu Qingyuan again, and after a pause, he introduced:

"This Mr. Gu is the chairman of Xia Wei, and he developed software such as OO, Ling520, Du Niang, and"

The faint words silenced everyone present.Everyone was stunned.

Zhang Yushu's expression was even more exaggerated. He did not expect that Gu Qingyuan was the founder of OO, Du Niang and Baotao.

He is hiding too deep.

Zhang Yushu's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. He turned to look at Zhang Yushu. He had the same expression. It was incredible. The young man who looked down before turned out to be a miracle person.

He Chaoran was really frozen there, not knowing how to describe his mood at the moment.

This person is too evil, right?He created so many cross-epoch software?

Shen Xiaoduo looked at Gu Qingyuan, and it was even more difficult to accept. Could it be that the person she wanted to know was Gu Qingyuan?

All I know is that he founded ling520 before. By the way, it seems that OO was advertised on the ling520 website once it was released.

Afterwards, Du Niang and followed the same method, and carried out the most conspicuous advertising promotion on these software platforms.

So everything is explained clearly, these software are from Xiawei Technology, its founder is really Gu Qingyuan!

Xia Wei?Was it also named for Xia Chenling?But the two have broken up.

No wonder Mu Jiajia said that seeing Gu Qingyuan familiar, is he the chairman of Mu Jiajia?

Why doesn't she even know herself as the chairman!It wouldn't be wrong to be introduced by Wu Qianhua. No wonder Sun Yue just looked at Gu Qingyuan's eyes with respect.

Thinking of this, Shen Xiaoduo looked at Gu Qingyuan straightforwardly, with no evasive expression in his eyes.

How did he develop these software and what did he think at the time?How is the point-to-point file transfer programmed?What does he think about the development of

There were too many questions to ask Gu Qingyuan, Shen Xiaoduo became a little impatient, unconsciously, the look in his eyes turned into worship.

Gu Qingyuan just smiled faintly, then took out a cigarette and started smoking.

"Friends, something happened suddenly, I will leave first."

After speaking lightly, Gu Qingyuan stood up and was about to leave. He didn't even glance at Wu Qianhua and didn't leave him any affection.

This is also the purpose of Gu Qingyuan's gathering. For you, I have no fear at all.

Noting Wu Qianhua's gloomy eyes, Sun Yue took Gu Qingyuan's arm after thinking about it.

"Gu Dong, how about waiting for the party to end?"

"Sun Yue, didn't you hear what I just said? I said there was something! Don't you understand? There are some things, you just need to execute them."

Gu Qingyuan frowned and said, suddenly starting a fire. This was the first time he spoke to Sun Yue in this tone.

Everyone here was taken aback.

"it is good."

Sun Yue nodded and stood up hurriedly, with some kindness in the corners of her mouth, and she didn't feel a little unhappy because of Gu Qingyuan's words.

Turning around and looking at the people present, he said, "Everyone, there is a scientific research meeting that will be held for a while, Mr. Wu, you know it."

Looking at Wu Qianhua again, Sun Yue said generously, explaining the purpose of leaving, which can be regarded as giving him some affection.

"Well, I know, then I won't see you off, there are other guests to greet."

"it is good."

Sun Yue nodded, and followed Gu Qingyuan. Just after opening the door, she heard Wu Qianhua yell again.

"Mr. Gu, remember what I just said, we will have a period later!"

Wu Qianhua bit the word "post-period" very hard, obviously there is something in the words.

"Okay, I regret it for a while."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, looking very free and easy, opened the door and walked out in large strides.

The door slammed the door frame and made a loud noise.

After that, the private room was still quiet!

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