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Just stepping into the company, Xia Wei's front desk stood up straight, with a soft smile on his face.

"Hello, Chairman!"

Several front desks wearing OL costumes whispered softly, and bowed politely towards Gu Qingyuan.


Gu Qingyuan just nodded lightly, pulling Su Rong to continue walking forward.

Mao Doudou and Li Hu were following, both staring wide-eyed, looking at the people in Xia Wei's company incredibly, and greeting Gu Qingyuan very respectfully.

Chairman?Is Gu Qingyuan the chairman here?How is this possible?

" him? Huazi?"

Su Rong, Edamame, and Li Huzheng opened their eyes wide at the same time, looking straight in one direction.

A man smiling and talking, isn't it just the current star Huazi.

The new spokesperson of is Huazi who has a very good reputation on the page.

"Gu Dong."

Zhang Zhi and Hua Tsai came over. Hua Tsai waved his hand and greeted Gu Qingyuan on his own initiative.

"Well, hard work, Huazi."

Gu Qingyuan nodded, and said flatly, as if he was explaining to an ordinary person, he seemed very calm, and there was no wave in his heart.

"What's the hard work? Thank you Gu Dong for your opportunity."

Hua Tsai patted Gu Qingyuan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"No, just cooperating with each other, but also thanks to Huazi for the endorsement of our products."

"Gu Dong, you are too polite, it is my honor."

"This is Su Rong."

Zhang Zhi put down the coffee in his hand, looked at Su Rong and asked with a smile.

"Huh? Hmm."

Su Rong nodded in a panic, but she didn't expect this person to know her name.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Zhi. I have time to have a meal together. I am Qingyuan's good... buddy."

Zhang Zhi stretched out a hand friendly.

"Oh, hello, Brother Zhang Zhi."

Su Rong hurriedly reached out and shook hands with Zhang Zhi.

"Gu Dong, your girlfriend."

Huazi asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Gu Qingyuan nodded.

"Hello, Su Rong, when we meet for the first time, I am Hua Zai. You are welcome to come to Hong Kong to play in the future. I will entertain you when that happens.

Hua Zai said with a smile, actually extending a hand.

"Huh? Hello, hello."

Su Rong said in a panic. After taking a look at Gu Qingyuan, she held Hua Tsai's hand with both hands.

Unexpectedly, the lofty idol, at this moment, is actually talking to himself in this way and shaking hands?

Su Rong was a little dizzy, and she couldn't tell if this was really reality.

The edamame and Li Huzheng on the side were both dumbfounded. Has Gu Qingyuan reached this point?Are even popular stars showing him such respect?

Li Huzheng's fat body was trembling unexpectedly, and his eyes were straight at Huazi.

The first film in the village was Hua Tsai. Since then, Li Huzheng has been deeply infatuated with Hua Tsai, thinking of the idol appearing in front of him so suddenly.

"Then you guys, I'll take my friend to the game area."

Gu Qingyuan patted Zhang Zhi on the shoulder and said lightly.


Zhang Zhi nodded.

They and Li Huzheng came to the game area with edamame. Several huge game models instantly attracted edamame.

"Wow, Gu Ge, are these models characters in the game?"

Edamame cautiously touched the face of a female game model, her ancient clothes made her love it.


Gu Qingyuan nodded lightly and introduced these game models:

"There are a few models of these game characters. There are four professions of man, demon, fairy, and ghost in the game. There are 30 kinds of rich game character models for players to choose. The game also contains plot tasks and various forms. The gameplay is presented to the players."

"So many."

Edamame was a little surprised, and smiled sweetly at Gu Qingyuan, "I want to play with you when you introduce it like this."

Li Huzheng had been following Gu Qingyuan stupidly, without a word of expression, he was still silent in the shock just now.

I'm a person who has seen Huazai. If I can take a group photo, I won't be able to go to heaven when I return to the village!

"Well, Qingyuan, let me take a picture with Huazai."

At this time, a game designer came to introduce the game, Li Huzheng suddenly asked such a sentence, he did not listen to the introduction of the game.

"Well, okay, you need to understand the game first. Huazai will also shoot commercials. When he is finished, I will take you over for a group photo."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile, and Li Huzheng was not angry like this, he was such a person, and Gu Qingyuan didn't mind whether he would change.


Li Huzheng widened his eyes, and asked again, looking like a child.

"Of course, you first understand the game."

After Gu Qingyuan smiled and said another sentence, he pulled Su Rong away from here and walked to his office.

In just a few short steps, as long as they meet Gu Qingyuan, people will call him the chairman respectfully.

Even Su Rong saw the noble woman on the cruise, Sun Yue!When I saw Gu Qingyuan, I called Dong Gu respectfully.

When he arrived at Gu Qingyuan's office, Su Rong sat quietly on her seat, clasping the skirt with her hands, and she looked worried.

Gu Qingyuan saw Su Rong's complicated feelings. The reason why he didn't say this before was because he was worried that it would put a lot of pressure on Su Rong.

But when it comes to the purpose of having to confess, these things appear sincere only when they are said by themselves.

"Um...Qingyuan, I suddenly felt that I was so ordinary, average-looking, average-family, and average grades. I think... I don't feel good enough for you."

After a moment of silence, Su Rong finally started talking, lowered her head, and did not look into Gu Qingyuan's eyes.

"Ha ha."

Gu Qingyuan chuckled lightly, hugged Su Rong directly into his arms, and then sat on the sofa.

"Don't do this, what if someone comes in?"

Su Rong struggled a few times and glanced at the office door in a panic.

"It doesn't matter, they wouldn't dare to come in without my permission."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said, picking up Su Rong's boneless little hand and touching it dozingly.

"If you want to say such silly things again, I will spank you."

Gu Qingyuan pinched Su Rong's nose again and inhaled her unique body fragrance.

"These things, I should have told you a long time ago, but I haven't had a chance until now.

Su Rong, I really love you. I am not sure when, but if you say that again, I will really be sad."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Su Rong with a deep expression, and spoke extremely earnestly.

Su Rong's eyes became ruddy, and she was moved by Gu Qingyuan's words.

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