Is she begging me now?!!! After everything, you are begging!!! I look at her with a disgusted and contorted face as if to say 'ARE YOU FOR REAL RIGHT NOW, BITCH?!' I want to scream at her and insult her so much, but words can't come out. She has done a fine job, breaking my jaw.

"Little shit, I said to finish me off! What are you looking at me for?!!" I remember what she told me when I asked her to kill me earlier.

'Killing you is no fun; watching you fall in the pit of despair is much more amusing' was it? I look at her with a smug and arrogant face. 'how do you feel now?' That the feeling, that despair, I want you to feel it in the deepest part of your body. She looks back silently for a moment, and then she starts laughing. She is laughing so hard blood springs out of her mouth.

"Ahahaha-Cough!! I see, I see. Cough!! cough!! Because I told you that watching you suffer was more fun, you want to do the same. So hilarious, you are really something else little dumb dragon shit." My eyebrows curve downwards at those words. "You think you can be like me! You think you have it in you to watch people suffer and enjoy it, and then you will sleep without feeling anything? Their screams will come back to your dreams every night to haunt you until you rot from the inside.. You are just pathetic!" She is now looking at me as if I am garbage.

I am not the garbage here!! You are!! You are the only one here who deserves to suffer!!

"You want to act all hurt and vengeful because you were roughed up a bit. Do you have any ideas about how other people lived? It is really no wonder you were left behind; you are just a chicken. No, that is a compliment, you just garbage, dead we-"

At those words, my body jumps on her before I even think of it and stab her neck with the knife.

"Hrr!! Hrr!! Hrr!!" I stab and stab and stab until I have no more strength left. Well, it was only three or four times anyway.

As I am trying to catch my breath, I look at her; her neck is a bloody mess now with blood everywhere. My face is also covered with blood. As for Tatiana, she is smiling. WAIT WAIT WAIT. Why is she smiling? Did I not stab hard enough? How can she smile? Her eyes are white and her face pale, so I think she is dead. But that smile.

I try to stand but I can't, my legs are shaking. That's when it hits me. I just killed somebody. I took a life, somebody died because of me, by my hands. I puke, but only transparent fluids come out. I did not eat for some time, so my stomach is empty. Only saliva and stomach fluids are flowing.

I fall on my back right next to Tatiana's body and stay there for a couple of minutes. I can't think of anything besides her face. I try to look at her, hoping that she will be looking back with a weird face and say something again like "you are pathetic." But I can't. My head doesn't obey; fear is in control of my body.

I start to remember all memories I had with Tatiana. The first time she consoled when I cried because I fell while trying to walk. The first time we went shopping in the village. When we collected eggs together. When we made chicken soup. When she was beating me because I pied on my bed. When she called me Kevin for the first time. When she called me young master times and again.

Tears were flowing out like a fountain. Everything is so messed up. Why!!!WHY!!!WHYYYY!!!! I want to scream but I can't, I want to move but I can't. I can only cry like a baby, powerless and weak against the world, protected by no one, loved by no one, discarded and useless: garbage indeed. So this is life, I wish it could simply end here and now. I wish it could…


"Leave him; he is dead weight to us!"

"Kevin! No!!!"

"They abandoned you because you are garbage!"

"My dear little dragon, you are our everything."

"Young master."


When I wake up, everything is black. It is the middle of the night. What was that voice which called me pathetic? I never heard it before. I can't see anything correctly; my vision is blurry, surely because of hunger and anemia. I look left, and Tatiana's body is still there. Her eyes opened, smiling, neck covered in blood. Even though I slept, my body is still sluggish, and I have problems moving.

With great efforts, I stand up and turn around as I was still facing the forest. There it is, a big tower. It is so tall that it reaches the clouds up in the sky. Who built this? Ah, that guy said it was a hero, I think. Well, the hero was not smart enough to make an entrance. I don't see any door or window. Maybe it is the other side of the tower.

I drag myself and walk around the tower to find the entrance. I am holding the dagger in one hand just in case. But, although it is curious, I pay no mind to the fact that there are at least 10 meters between the trees and the tower. Surely those trees were cut before they built the tower, and they did not grow back or something.

As I am walking, I see something shining in a distance. The more I advance, the more it's bright. It is a sword. Or a spear. Well, it is a long blade attached to an even longer handle, so I don't know. It is vividly shining, making it difficult to look at it for long. And behind it, the tower entrance. Two ten meters high metallic doors.

The weapon behind me is long but the doors… Wow! That's something else. Should I touch the weapon? Will it open the doors? I cannot see anything keyhole-like on the doors. Seeing as the weapon is shining, It's better to not even come near it. I go in front of the door. I want to scream and ask if there is anyone in here, but my jaw is still broken so that a no. should I knock? Well, let's try pushing it first. When I touch the heavy door:


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