Chapter 110 - CHAPTER 110: I AM DRAGONROAD


I thought he would be more than that but…

"Kevin, this is the high commander of the eternal army…"

The Dragonroad really seems weak. My father has suffered all this time because of someone like you? Shameful!!! I shall make you taste the pain he and I went through. No, I will show you who really deserves to be the DRAGONROAD. Ever since I received the tenth of my father's soul, I started using draconic energy. There is no way this kid could have a higher percentage of draconic soul than me, he looks too weak and there are almost no remnants of energy around him.


"Hm!" Ah, Farner was waiting for me to say something? Oh well, what to say to such a little shit.

"I heard you were able to break Farner's armor."

"Can't we just get to the part where you beat me up and then send me away?".

Oh, would you look at that? A cockroach who is trying to fly with the birds.

"We will reach that part soon enough. But first, I want to know: why did you attack the heroes?"

"I didn't."


I look at Farner and the others but they all flee from my gaze. Ah, I see what happened.

"Okay, I will see to Farner's punishment later."

"Eh?!!! Who said it was me?!!"

"You just said it."

"What?!!! No, I-"


"Y-yes, teach."

"But there must be a reason as to why she attacked you. She might be an id-impulsive girl but she is kind and respectful of others."

"I simply said that if you want something, you should seize it, not hope for somebody's help because most people are liars and betrayers."

"You also called us 'bandits'!! Don't forget to mention it!!"

"Yeah, and that as well."

"Oh…" You say some interesting things. If you want something, don't wait for help and seize it? You, because of who my father has been of Schamerin for centuries, suffering from people's abuses and unfair hatred. "I see. Let's test your theory, then."

Let's see if you are at least worthy of hearing my story.

"Girls, please give him a weapon."

I draw my sword and goes to the center of the plain. The kid follows me soon after with a raizen.

"You are using that trashy weapon?"


"I see." Well, trash will walk with trash, of course. What else was I hoping for? Raizens were failures of ancient weapons created by iollians. We still don't know what weapon it was, but one thing is for sure, they are not practical at all.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes. I am."

Even your stance is weird. Do you even know how to fight? You are barely covering your weak points like this. This kid is raising his weapon and pointing it at me while using his other hand as a support. This already greatly reduces the choices of attacks you can do while it increases my possibilities to completely defeat you in one strike.

"Okay, then."

I cover the five meters that separate us in one step and use a simple overhead strike. He won't have time to…Ah, surprising enough, he reacts and blocks the sword with the knob of his raizen. That's rough but effective, I suppose.

"You are fast." Hmph. You are just weak.

"Is that so."

I strike from the side but he barely blocks again. I thought it was luck but he can follow my movement. Sadly…

"You are a bit below Farner in terms of strength but for the rest, you don't even reach the level of the heroes, you are weak."

"So what? I can get stronger." Insolent little fool! Get stronger?!! Trash like you who caused innocent people to suffer will always be trash!!

"Let's see that then!!"

I make attacks rain on him. I can't use elemental Angas but draconic energy has always compensated for it more than enough. He blocks about seventy percent of my attacks but the rest wound him deep enough. Why is he not screaming?


Five minutes in, I have cut the fucking trash almost everywhere I could injure him with superficial wounds. I wouldn't want the heroes or anybody else to think I hate him or something. I am the high commander, after all, I must look dignified at all times.

Seriously though, does this guy not get tired? He has been on the defensive this whole time but he still isn't out of breath, nor does he seem to mind his wound. Is he on drugs, perhaps?

"Did you smoke some NIT before coming here?"


"Yes, it is a type of…No, it's nothing." It doesn't matter.

I have a better solution. Let's use OVERWHELMING. Nobody can resist it after all.

"Anyway, this will be the end."

"Hmph!! I haven't even started y-"

"OVERWHELMING." There is nothing for you to start.


"You monster!"

"Why did they even let him live?"

"You just bring calamity!"

"I hate you!"

All my youth, I have heard people say such things. All my youth, I have seen them tortured my father. But he never complained.

"I will give you some of my soul. I hope you will find him who can free me."

"But father, I can-"

"No, you can't do anything for me. My shackles have already been implanted. Now only the DRAGONROAD can free me."

Why? why was your fate like this? why?!!!



"Stop resisting." Does this kid really think he can withstand my Overwhelming?

I am surprised that his whole body didn't just fell to the ground. But if he stays crouched like that, he can't do anything. It's my win. Father, can you see? I am the one who can and will save you!!


"Overwhelming isn't based on your body's strength but on the strength of your spirit, of your resolve. Somebody like you won't ever defeat me."

"What are you…"

"You just look like a kid who got a little roughen up by life after his parents said he would be a successor or something. Now you are throwing a tantrum for everyone to see."

"Don't you dare! Argh!!"

I increase the strength of Overwhelming and finally, his face touches the ground. Yes, this is how you should be in front of me. For I am the one and only genuine Dragonroad.

"You are just trash that wishes it was gold. In fact, there is one thing I can say for sure: if anybody ever died because of you, then they deserved it. Because they were stupid enough to love you."

I don't think anybody did, but if there really are, they must have been stupid to sacrifice for such a weakl…


Suddenly, the kid starts standing up. Slowly but surely, his arms are pulling him up. How? My overwhelming is at his maximum. Even the heroes wouldn't be able to move.


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